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Master-mode abuse

by eihrul on 08/28/2007 10:06, 63 messages, last message: 11/26/2007 18:33, 13551 views, last view: 05/05/2024 11:11

Argh, there seems a lot of people around lately abusing master-mode, just taking it to kick people on a whim or randomly change maps against what the players actually want to play.

So, I was thinking a way to solve this might be that when you petition for master, you must have 1, just 1, other player approve your petition. Wouldn't curb all abuse, but would still keep unknown people from getting master in most circumstances, while still giving the master executive power to deal with problems like abusive/cheating players or managing the maps/gamemode responsibility (because players never bother to vote on maps).

I like this idea better than limiting the master's ability to do stuff, or requiring voting for things like kicking people (because players never bother to vote at all... ever).


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#44: Re: ..

by Drakas on 11/19/2007 15:00, refers to #41

Yep, creates more problems than solves.

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#45: ..

by __gibs on 11/19/2007 23:16

I disagree with those who think it's not a good thing. Sure, cheaters can always ask a friend to join and approve them, but there's a lot of other cheaters who it would stop successfully. It stops the unnameds from joining and immediately taking master.

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#46: ..

by ZuurKool on 11/19/2007 23:20

I have always found the mastermode abuse worse than the cheaters. Cheaters are annoying, ok, and they should be kicked, i agree. But they dont affect gameplay as much as mastermode abusers. Usually its the same old cheats anyway - flying, speed, invisibility...
Randomly kicking people or suddenly changing maps affects every player and is far more annoying than those cheaters.
On a crowded server like TC people come and go, so also masters come and go. Its just impossible to keep track of whats happening all the time. Even when a trusted player has master, he could disconnect unexpectedly, an abuser would quickly take master and start kicking. I have seen this dozens of times and i would really not like to see this return. The old mastermode is just too easy to abuse.
Voting may not be the ideal solution, but in my opinion a big improvement to how it was before.

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#47: ..

by Julius on 11/19/2007 23:29

So you propose it is better to have no master at all (like it is 90% of the time on the TC servers)?

[sarcasm]Well in that case lets scrap the master model all together. [/sarcasm]

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#48: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/19/2007 23:32

Instead of having people type out commands, why not just add a binding so that one just have to hit, e.g., F2 and approve?

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#49: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/20/2007 00:38, refers to #48

I wonder if anyone read my suggestion. :grinrolleyes:

Maybe also an automatic vote message whenever the master kicks someone, asking to kick him just in case. That would take care of rando-kickers.

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#50: ...

by Jake77777 on 11/20/2007 02:52

Well something needs to be done because some nights I cant play insta because I get kicked from a server and its the only insta game on that night. My situation was that i was kicked for noticing that someone was cheating named Konen. At the end of the game i said gg if there wasnt a cheater. Other people noticed it also but i was kicked. It pisses me off especially when you are winning. People must not understand what mastermode is for. Ive just about had it with this game. I like the game but when i connect everyone treats me like an ass and it happens almost everytime i play it. I like the idea of the bind key to approve master. I think it would help most of the time, but of course it wouldnt help everything.

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#51: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/20/2007 04:23

"So you propose it is better to have no master at all (like it is 90% of the time on the TC servers)?" -Julius

master on that server is useless anyway, I've witnessed a TC member cheating and take master when people objected.

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#52: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/20/2007 04:38, refers to #51

What member?

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#53: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/20/2007 10:23

I don't remember and I didn't record the event in my logs.

It was about 6 months ago, I told 2 other TC people and they didn't care at the time.

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#54: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 11/20/2007 11:37, refers to #53

I've never seen a TC member cheat, and I doubt one of them did. Was it obvious cheating like machinegun-rifles or was he just very good?

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#55: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/20/2007 12:21

I swear on my life. It was obvious cheating. I was so annoyed that a TC member was cheating and then took master.

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#56: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/20/2007 12:23

no one is infallible.

i forgive them for having a corrupt sense of morals or lack of conscience.

some people are just a PITA.

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#57: Ident

by Morosoph on 11/20/2007 12:54, refers to #55

Perhaps it was just some <clint>punk</clint> who used the }TC{ ident?

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#58: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/20/2007 14:03

some punk who knew the master password?

yeah right.

I had master before they took it.

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#59: Re: Ident

by MovingTarget on 11/20/2007 15:34, refers to #57

lol you can't do that. If you have }TC{ before your name and you try to connect, and you're not one of the members, you'll get kicked by the server.

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#60: Re: ..

by ZuurKool on 11/20/2007 16:19, refers to #53

So you come in here spreading wild accusations of something which might have happened 6 months ago, without ANY proof???

"i forgive them for having a corrupt sense of morals or lack of conscience. " - yvfc_cebtenzzre

How very noble of you!


"So you propose it is better to have no master at all (like it is 90% of the time on the TC servers)? " - Julius

I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I am not at all against master, I'm only argueing the new mastermode system is an improvement to the old.

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#61: ..

by Julius on 11/20/2007 17:17

@ZuurKool: Yeah I got what you were trying to say.
But the reality is different in my experience:
On non TC servers there is at least sometimes a master, or you can take it if you want to.
But on TC servers the only time I have seen a master was someone from the TC clan who probably got it by typing in the master password. Thus this basicly means on TC servers (with the current voting system) the master mode is disabled for all practical means.

So instead of saying "the new mastermode system is an improvement to the old" you could basicly also say:
"to prevent master mode abuse it would be best to disable the master mode all together".

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#62: ..

by Julius on 11/20/2007 17:19

Just to clarify my stance on this issue:
I think neither the new or the old system is particulary good, but right now the old system works a bit better.

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#63: Re: ..

by yoopers on 11/26/2007 18:33, refers to #61


I was on TC server just the other day and witnessed a cheater using a speed cheat. After bargaining with him unsuccessfully to turn his cheat off, I requested master, was approved, and managed to convince him to turn the cheat off by spec'ing him for a bit.

My experience has been that if people know you, and you have a reason to get master, then you tend to get it, so it doesn't seem accurate to me to say that approvemaster is the same as disabling master. Now, whether you like the old way or the new way better is definitely a matter on which reasonable folks can (continue to) disagree. ;]

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