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WordlWar2 Mod

by Osbios on 06/20/2007 11:40, 78 messages, last message: 09/22/2007 05:14, 13941 views, last view: 05/18/2024 21:16

OK, a friend and me are big fans of Day of Defeat (http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/). But this game is death right now :/

Most servers are with bots.
And the last human palyers feel IMAO like LAG LAG LAG.

So why not creat a "new" dod/WW2-game with the sauerbraten engine?

I already started to play with the source. And I think I can do the programmer stuff. But my skills are zero in creating models sounds and textures. :(
And as far as I read in this forum the creators of the Sauerbraten content dont like it if we reuse there stuff...

So I like to ask who can help a bit with thinks like this?

We need

models: WW2 Guns like riffles, grenades, pistols and later some models for the players

sounds: for weapons

textures: something to creat city ruins

The first goal for this mod is very small:
- startpoints for allys and axis
- one or two weapons like riffle and grenade
- one map

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#39: ..

by daMfr0^ on 07/10/2007 09:01

Osbios, what's your email, i could send you some models, and usseful links/contacts ;)

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#40: old md2

by Osbios on 07/10/2007 13:36

@makkE: Yes, and md2/md3 the only supportet formats for sauerbraten right now... :(

(Ss far as I know md3 is just md2 with 3 separate parts for playermodels)

Do you know a lib/free source to implement another format?

I hope potato will change the model format in the future.

@daMfr0^: You can just klick on my name in this forum and *pling* there it is -> osbios [AT] web [DOT] de

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#41: ..

by slider on 07/20/2007 20:04

has this mod died ?

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#42: Re: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 07/22/2007 01:46, refers to #41

I do believe it never even started

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#43: I didnt die!

by Osbios on 07/22/2007 13:40

Its still alive!!! Just now I work an a new map with a frient... but the most time was used by searching a way to use blender to creat md2/md3 T_T

gulaschkanone will be out "when it's done." ;)

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#44: ..

by makkE on 07/22/2007 15:24

Check the wiki, there´s 2 excellent tutorials. And don´t use md2, it´s outdated.

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#45: outdated

by Osbios on 07/22/2007 17:51


md3 is not outdated? :/

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#46: Is it dead

by ATIRULE on 09/08/2007 09:38

Is it dead ?


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#47: Re: Is it dead

by Drakas on 09/08/2007 10:47, refers to #46

Asking questions like that is just stupid. Asking something like "Is the mod still active?" would be much more appropriate.

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#48: Re: Is it dead

by ThomasX on 09/08/2007 12:44, refers to #47

But he's right no?
Many mods for many games usually die after 3-7 Months passed and no work has been done onto it, So yes I agree with ATIRULE This mod is probably dead.

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#49: Re: Is it dead

by Drakas on 09/09/2007 12:42, refers to #48

it was a question, not a statement.

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#50: ..

by Acord on 09/09/2007 19:31

Meh, maybe it is and maybe it isn't. A lot of times when people see the sheer amount of work involved in a mod they simply get that hopeless "It's never going to be done!" feeling.

And no lie - a lot of work is involved. And as you progress, you learn, and you improve, so there are parts that you look at and go "man, that sucks. I can do better."

In Blood Frontier, every weapon model has been replaced. Twice. Same with the model for the main character. I'm pretty happy with the turrets(since they were done later) and amazingly I still love my first zombie. I guess I got that one right the first time.

The real trick though is to work on iterations. That way, you are making measurable progress towards a goal, and you aren't going to get disheartened. The first iteration for BF is simple: Replace all the content, create 5 levels, and change the gameplay to bring it in line with the rest of the game. I'm also focusing on multiplayer only for the first release, so I'll be able to get feedback quickly and adjust from there without changing everything I've done up to that point.

The larger a project is, the longer it takes. And a mod is a very, very large project.

Also, at some point you have to understand that something is good enough, and that you can improve on it if people don't like it. I got feedback on the first batch of weapons right away, as well as the character, so they've been changed.

Another thing you have to do is realize your limitations. I'm not a very good coder, so I've gotten a *lot* of help from Quin and we'll eventually be using Sauermod for the basis of BF. Same with music - I'm okay, but not anywhere near as good as I need to be. So I'm using a lot of Art Libre/Creative Commons music. No reason not to, and as I get better at making music I'll be happier with including my own in the project.

As I'm almost done with the first iteration, the spark to finish the project has been rekindled. Any modder has to learn to keep that spark alive when they take on a huge project, and it's hard to do.

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#51: ..

by Acord on 09/09/2007 19:34

Also, it helps to work on something very small and completely different every once in awhile. Like the Sauerhog for Sauermod. And maybe a level or two. I'm honestly looking forward to bringing this thing in under the aegis of Sauermod, because I've *never* been a great coder.

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#52: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 09/09/2007 21:39, refers to #50

Acord's points on keeping yourself interested are right on the money. A big part of why I stopped work on CL was because I had bitten off more than I could chew- I had over a dozen untextured and unlit maps sitting in my folder, new spec drawings for replacing every item and weapon, an enormous list of edits I wanted to my playermodel, and a set of 32 textures intended for a feature I simply wasn't up to coding. If I had focused myself on one thing systematically and made regular updates to get feedback for, I probably would still be working on the project today.

It's also important not to make copyright mistakes at the beginning, but that's whole other thread.

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#53: ..

by Acord on 09/09/2007 22:09

Yeah - better not to mess with copyrights at all. Unless you've got an army of lawyers.

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#54: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/10/2007 05:54, refers to #52

This all couldn't have been said better.

The reason I'm still churning along with SauerMod is that I've always followed my imagination, and have mixed in alot of different ideas to keep things interesting and moving forward (there's nothing worse than 'coders block').

In the end, it comes down to this; it is a hobby, you should enjoy doing it otherwise then it is work, and your creativity suffers. I have alot of fun toying with the engine, and trying new things that aren't necessarily useful, but are invaluable to me because of the experience I had making it.

There's also a price for being a lone person with a vision. You almost always end up doing most, if not all, of the work yourself. That is something you need to be prepared for and adjust your development accordingly. Projects need to build *alot* of momentum before any serious contributions get made to it, and even Sauerbraten itself doesn't have enough.

Remember, SauerMod started out as a small set of bots in response to the masterserver being down and nobody being able to play any MP. See a need, imagine the possibilities, create. :)

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#55: ruins city

by donutchugger on 09/13/2007 01:22

if you need a city you should choose stalingrad

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#56: Re: ruins city

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 09/13/2007 02:56, refers to #55

But that battle has been made 100s of times in games. Why cant anyone do the battle for the aleutian islands or the Battle of Leyte Gulf or the Battle of Moscow or the battle of Battle of Smolensk.

Or maybe even make a ww1 or Russo-Japanese War game instead.

WW2 has been made to many times and just doing a plain generic infanrty mod is not a good idea.

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#57: Re: ruins city

by SheeEttin on 09/13/2007 04:02, refers to #56

> infanrty

I dare you to pronounce that.

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#58: Re: ruins city

by demosthenes on 09/13/2007 04:09, refers to #57

Similar to insanity? Amusing nonetheless.

I'm interested in seeing whether this mod will come up with results. :)

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