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Unreal Tornament

by Chainfist on 06/10/2007 10:55, 53 messages, last message: 06/21/2007 00:14, 18257 views, last view: 05/18/2024 00:16

What is with Suerbraten and Unreal Tournament (mostly ut2004) maps? Serpentine is an example. I think it is just strange. I was playng in Ut2004, then I started playing Sauerbraten. I looked through the maps and I saw the map I had been playing 5 minutes ago in a completely different game. That just blew me away...

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#14: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/11/2007 12:15, refers to #13

Aaaand quite a lot of coding :)

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#15: ..

by Drakas on 06/11/2007 13:06

Deck-17, that'd be very nice, IMO!

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#16: Re: ..

by absinth on 06/11/2007 14:35, refers to #8

>"The Longest Yard" in Sauerbraten would be amazing.
i don't think cloning the longest yard would be difficult for anyone with a bit of experience.

(not that i have a clue about mapping, i tried replicating Q3TOURNEY6 and failed ;-)

personally i'd really like to see The Camping Grounds.

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#17: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/11/2007 16:27, refers to #12

See the funny thing is, we hadn't mentioned Unreal 3 until he came along. We were talking about maps we have played in UT2004 and UT2003.

It's like randomly saying in the Eisenstern thread that we're nowhere near having the WoW servers. "Well, yeah, but that's fine for now..."

I'm just tired of w4 being a pest. I know I should ignore trolls like him, but he's really good at getting on my nerves.

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#18: Re: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 06/11/2007 20:20, refers to #10

Lets all think about which one uses Havok physics/game engine elements for a second. Stop claiming this engine, that is great for being free, rivals an engine that costs like 3 million dollars to license.

Lets see, can sauerbraten handle a 2 million triangle mesh?

Or what about physics? Can sauerbraten do cloth simulation?

Or just the 1000s of other item the unreal 3 engine can do that sauerbraten cant

Just because it looks the same doesnt mean they are the same.

USE YOUR HEAD! Sauebreaten isnt god you know

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#19: ..

by absinth on 06/11/2007 20:46

i find it entertaining somehow

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#20: Re: ..

by Julius on 06/11/2007 22:49, refers to #18

Lol, you realize that that mesh you posted a screen of is just used as a base for a normal map?
Sauerbraten could do *that* just as fine as UT3 can!

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#21: ..

by makkE on 06/11/2007 23:06

It even says "source" in the screenshot :P

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#22: Re: ..

by rancor on 06/11/2007 23:20, refers to #16

I don't think it'd be much trouble either, but my mapping experience is limited at best. The Camping Grounds would be really sweet Sauerbraten map too, I only thought of The Longest Yard because Sauerbraten instagib is arguably the best in any game I've played, and The Longest Yard is amazing in instagib.

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#23: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 06/12/2007 04:00

Yea, i cant even load a 100,000 triangle mesh in sauerbraten. Please tell me how i could do this.

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#24: Re: ..

by Acord on 06/12/2007 04:33, refers to #23

Oh jeeze.

Okay - The actualy models used during play in Unreal are actually low poly models.

Here - check this link out in this forum: http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php/t-481174.html

The highly detailed models are used to create normal maps, which can make a low poly model look very detailed when applied to it. Regular normal maps consist of a 4 channel image(Jpeg? Seeya!) - One red, one green, one blue and one alpha channel.

A standard normal map contains all the light normals info in the RGB channels, and contains a heightmap in the alpha channel.

Sauerbraten does this differently by using two images, which is fine because it allows for more flexibility and better resource usage.

Saurbraten does not yet support normal maps on character models, but it's a good idea.

The long and short of it: Unreal can not support millions of polys in character meshes, and neither does any other game engine. Now please stop this pointless arguing and do some research if you're interested in how things really work.

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#25: W4

by George HarrisRS on 06/12/2007 06:37

Hey, W4, maybe they were going to use some normalmapping?


then compare it to


Same character, they aren't that retarded.

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#26: W4

by George HarrisRS on 06/12/2007 06:37

Sorry, I forgot, and here is the final product


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#27: ..

by Chainfist on 06/12/2007 07:29

Vehicles do not need to be that detailed! Most of it comes in the texture (like in UT2004, the hellbender has "licenced to frag" written under the back licence plate). Yes, coding would be a pain... but if it works, WE GET VEHICLES IN SAUERBRATEN!!!!!!! GO KICK SOME ASS!

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#28: Re: ..

by Julius on 06/12/2007 15:44, refers to #24

Sauerbraten does not support normalmaps on playermodels? I was under the impression that the models simply didn't have one.

But since it is supported on level textures it surly wouldn't be much work at all to get them work on playermodels right?

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#29: Re: ..

by Acord on 06/12/2007 16:46, refers to #28

As far as I can tell it's just specular and glow. I don't know how much work it'd be to do normal maps and parallax maps. And of course if I'm totally wrong, I'd be more than happy to hear it.

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#30: "the real problem" or "where are my vweaps!"

by Gilt on 06/12/2007 19:14

if a feature is written but no one makes content for it, is it actually implemented?

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#31: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 06/12/2007 19:34

No vehicals please. It will only enter us into a whole new world of glitches

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#32: Re: ..

by Drakas on 06/12/2007 23:39, refers to #31

don't worry, the people ar eonly suggesting the ideas. Aardappel wouldn't consider putting vehicles from what I heard; the game doesn't even have basic physics - just enough to support an FPS!

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#33: ..

by Zorro_hates_cookies2 on 06/13/2007 04:39

When I think of river_c, and I think of having a warthog on it (I never played UT :/), I drool (and I won't mention other body functions that take place.) It just seems like it would be a great fit,

It's not necessary by any means, but an interesting thing to consider, Aditionally, imagine planes on firstevermap :D

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