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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

The Untitled Sauer Mod

by Acord on 05/25/2007 01:52, 94 messages, last message: 09/08/2007 00:57, 93455 views, last view: 04/28/2024 07:05

Very early screens from a Sauerbraten mod I've been working on. Comments, crits and questions welcome.


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#92: Re: ..

by Drakas on 09/07/2007 16:20, refers to #91

Hello Acord,

If you need any testers you could talk to the woop clan: http://drakas.woop.us/irc-tutorial/ on how to talk to us.

We have people from different geographical locations with different systems so don't be upset if nobody replies to you :P

For masterserver or as such, I could help you out.

Mail me: drakas dot tralas at googlemail dot com

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#93: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/07/2007 16:46, refers to #92

Yay, Drakas to the rescue! :)

Anywho, if you need any help Acord with anything to get you back on track, just hit me up on my email.

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#94: ..

by randomcivilian [just found linux] on 09/08/2007 00:57

i can keep backups too if you wantme to.

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