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SauerMod: Bots and Gameplay Extensions

by Quin on 12/22/2006 13:03, 189 messages, last message: 11/26/2009 17:54, 146218 views, last view: 05/17/2024 03:18

This is the official thread for SauerMod, a continuation of SauerBot.

You can get it from: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/418

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#42: Yay

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 04/17/2007 19:25

and yay again.
Happy ? ;)

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#43: ,,,

by Hiato on 04/19/2007 19:03


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#44: ..

by Destroyer] on 04/19/2007 19:33

Can you make A sauermod version with only bots, and nothing more ?

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#45: Re: ..

by Drakas on 04/19/2007 22:09, refers to #44

Anobody can.

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#46: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/19/2007 23:53, refers to #44

Yes, but that'd take more effort than necessary. As SauerMod progresses, the Bots becomes more dependant on the Mod aspects (like extended entities for waypoints, and engine extensions).

I found out the hard way that backporting things is a terribly inefficient waste of time, which is better spent writing actual code.

As SauerMod is released under the same license as Sauerbraten, anyone is able to use the code in their own mods and projects. It's relatively simple to use certain parts (modified) as alot of the code is modularised similar to the Sauerbraten structure.

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#47: A Problem

by wierd00m on 04/29/2007 18:48

Sauermod doesent work for me...
Whenever i run the mod the screen gies black for a second, then exits.
Can somebody help me?

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#48: Re: A Problem

by Lex-Luthor on 04/29/2007 19:21, refers to #47

What did you click?
Click the .bat file not .exe

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#49: Re: A Problem

by Quin on 04/30/2007 03:39, refers to #47

Better still, which release are you using and with which version of Sauerbraten installed?

Please be aware that there is no release yet compatible with Sauerbraten Spring Edition, but I am in the final phase of bugfixing and tweaking, readying for one (and anyone wanting to test, etc. can grab it from the sourceforge cvs).

So, if you're using spring edition, just hang in a little longer, else you're gonna need to use GUI edition to use any of the packaged downloads, but the next release of SauerMod will rock your socks :P

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#50: Re: A Problem

by gab on 04/30/2007 09:44, refers to #49

Where can I download the gui edition src of Sauerbraten without packages ( on sourceforge only tar.gz with packages ~130 Mb)?
I was having no luck with Spring edition and SauerMod last days, should I try again ?


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#51: Re: A Problem

by Passa on 04/30/2007 11:48, refers to #50

As Quin said, grab the latest version of SauerMod via CVS if you want it for the Spring Edition (or just wait a couple of days for the final release version..)

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#52: ok, thanks

by gab on 04/30/2007 15:37

ok, seems I am being too impatient.
I tested the cvs but it lacks something in main.cpp and compiler report error missing material.o or such..
I'm giving a look to gui edition ( back to the roots).


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#53: Re: A Problem

by wierd00m on 04/30/2007 16:17, refers to #51

What does "CVS" mean?

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#54: Re: A Problem

by Drakas on 04/30/2007 17:58, refers to #53


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#55: New suggestion:

by Acord on 05/19/2007 20:02

Since you're thinking about doing a racing mode anyways, why not a multiplayer footrace?

Fragged players would restart at the last checkpoint, the courses would be circular, and there would be plenty of weapons etc. strewn about the course. The better stuff could be placed in such a way that it's a bit out of the way and harder to get to.

And lots of obstacles and jumping of course.

This way, you could start implementing some of the racing code while creating something that We've never seen in an FPS game.

Just a suggestion, and thanks for all the hard work!

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#56: Mac OS X

by Conor Kirkpatrick on 05/21/2007 05:53

Mac OS X build please.

It would also be nice to have the Xcode project files in the src directory like every other sauerbraten version.

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#57: Re: Mac OS X

by Quin on 05/21/2007 08:28, refers to #56

I don't have access to, nor know anyone with the ability to maintain MacOS X project files.

If someone would like to do so, they are more than welcome to, but I can't help you when it comes to compiling and other stuff for a Mac.

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#58: SauerMod v0.20 Release

by Quin on 05/24/2007 11:23

Due to the significant divergence between Sauerbraten Spring Edition and CVS (which is what SauerMod is always based on, making use of the latest engine features), doing a release soon is no longer a viable option without alot of work backporting. The other option was to make a very unstable Spring Edition release when it came out, which I didn't want to do.

I may look into making a patch release for Spring Edition in the future, but as it stands now, you will have to wait until the next Sauerbraten release for the next installment of SauerMod (which will probably be alot further along than v0.20).

For those game enough, you can try out the CVS version now (this requires the CVS release of Sauerbraten, in case you didn't already know), which features the near-complete Side Scrolling Platformer module (most of what is needed are just tweaks and the train platforms).

I'd be very interested to see some maps for SSP to include in the release (whole worlds consisting of eight maps would be a double bonus). Feel free to contact me for help regarding this, but keep in mind I'm not a very skilled mapper (which is why it'd be better with other more skilled mappers), but I know SSP semantics inside and out.

Anyway, my apologies to those who've been awaiting v0.20. I understand how patient you have been, but this limitation is unavoidable with the current project structure.

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#59: Where is Sauermod v0.20???

by Q009 on 07/18/2007 13:28

I trying to find Sauerbraten v0.20.
I cant download CVS and final version...
Sauermod CVS is now ONLY for incoming Sauerbraten...

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#60: Re: Where is Sauermod v0.20???

by Quin on 07/19/2007 08:18, refers to #59

SauerMod CVS is here: http://sauermod.cvs.sourceforge.net/sauermod/mod

To check this out you would use the server 'sauermod.cvs.sourceforge.net' module name is 'mod'.

You will also need the CVS version of Sauerbraten, although not for the source code but for the packages. I can only help you with problems directly related to SauerMod though, not Sauerbraten.

This may change in the future as I have permission for quite a number of packages, as well as some extra futuristic stuff.

Hope this helps.

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#61: Is not sauermod v.20!!!!!!!

by Q009 on 07/19/2007 12:39

That is for INCOMING Sauerbraten version!!!

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