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SauerMod: Bots and Gameplay Extensions

by Quin on 12/22/2006 13:03, 189 messages, last message: 11/26/2009 17:54, 145279 views, last view: 05/02/2024 10:57

This is the official thread for SauerMod, a continuation of SauerBot.

You can get it from: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/418

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#22: Re: ..

by Quin on 03/20/2007 03:10, refers to #21

Yes, the bots are written as an extension to the 3D FPS game module. The 2D SSP game module is just something else I'm tinkering with in SauerMod.

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#23: SourceForge Facilities

by Quin on 03/23/2007 09:34

I've created a project on SourceForge for SauerMod, for file hosting and CVS access, here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sauermod/

You can access the CVS version (which is typically kept to-date with the Sauerbraten CVS tree) by going here: http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=191686

Hopefully, this will spur more testing/feedback/etc. If you would like to submit binaries for your platform (other than Win32), please ask me for developer access to the CVS, this will reduce the workload for me.

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#24: ..

by Teddy on 03/24/2007 06:15

I just wanted to say I love this, and the ssp addition is very entertaining. I greatly appreciate the work that was put in by you and geartrooper. thanks guys

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#25: Next Steps

by Quin on 03/30/2007 15:22

Okay, so SauerMod has been going well, and you guys have been very receptive to it. I'd like to thank you all for your ongoing encouragement and praise. Now, interest in SauerMod has picked up considerably, and with more people contributing there should be alot more room for extra stuff to be done. As always, I take the most popular ideas and wishses, then implement them (barring of course, my personal side project, SSP).

There's been some talk about wanting Kart Racing for some time, I picked this up and added it to my ToDo quite a while ago. This topic has recently come back to the surface, and I've had offers/requests to pursue this idea further, this is where you guys come in:

* How should the gameplay/physics work? (examples: Mario Kart, Need for Speed, etc)
* What kind of weaponry/items should there be?
* How important is online multiplayer?
* Any other ideas/suggestions?

Unlike SSP, Kart Racing is quite a larger scale idea, which would take considerably more time and effort to implement, which make it all the more important to have a plan before we start.

(1 + 1 = wtf?!)

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#26: Re: Next Steps

by shadow,516 on 03/30/2007 17:14, refers to #25

as for physics, how about Mario Kart meets trackmania?

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#27: Re

by Geartrooper on 03/30/2007 18:13

I agree with shadow 516 as more of a mario kart feel. I think multiplayer is extremely important. As far as design of karts here are some of my ideas;

giant rally wheels
mad max meets mario kart art direction
no less than 8 different karts to choose from with karts for each monster

these of course are suggestions and not demands. Karts could reflect their driver i.e., rat could drive a car that has snakeskin bumpers

as far as track features I would like to see turbo boosts and destructible map models. bumpers would be cool as far as hitting one would send the driver and his/her kart scooting across the track.

I'd like weaponry to be pretty much the same as it is now in Sauer as far as pickups and changeability.

Keep me in mind as an avid participant in the development of models and ideas because I support this project.

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#28: ..

by Passa on 03/31/2007 06:38

I'd agree with shadow there and say that a Mario Kart cross Trackmania style of play would be completely and utterly awesome.

A combination like that would give you fun powerups and weapons (Mario Kart) as well as sharp pure skill racing physics with air control (Trackmania).

Online multiplayer would be more important than single player racing, only because of the added difficulty in programming racing bots.

I'm more than happy to help out with anything I can as well.

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#29: ..

by w4 on 04/03/2007 03:46

lets get some road rash 64 in there. There is nothing like traveling at 400mph while beating a crappy 3d charactor with a spiked bat.

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#30: SauerMod v0.16 Backport

by Quin on 04/09/2007 19:48

Hey all, I've been working non-stop getting the Side Scrolling Platformer into a semi-stable state, and have done up a backport of SauerMod v.016 to Sauerbraten GUI Edition (2006_12_04_gui_edition) for everyone to try. You can get it from:


This revision is completely compatible (and contains the same feature set, eg. no grass, etc) with the GUI edition of Sauerbraten. A neat little feature is that this will load CVS version levels for both FPS and SSP by ignoring the newer entities, so if you've been waiting to try out some of the new maps, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

And now, for the flood of changes:

* ssp: enemy bounding box now set from models
* ssp: particle effects tweaked
* ssp: complete fps enemy set imported, added a few rpg characters too
* ssp: enemy setup (name, model, weight, etc) now totally scriptable
* ssp: can now press down on offset entities to go back to a lower level
* ssp: offset entities now clamp above entire z axis until another offset changes it
* mod: check some entities for line of sight before rendering certain elements
* ssp: player clamp is adjusted to closest clamping entity when exiting editmode
* ssp: enemy timing fixes
* ssp: invincibility and effects
* ssp: entities now checked on level end (for neat end of level effects)
* ssp: powerup system tweaked to be more mario-like and less dangerous to the player
* ssp: start map in editmode fixed
* ssp: mapmodel yaw bug fixed
* fps: entities with directions now have visual indicator
* ssp: drop heights fixed
* mod: moved ssp rendering primitives to modengine and cleaned them up
* ssp: pickup particle effects
* fps: tweaked centerprint and made rank calculation aware of state changes
* fps: added repeatrank and centerrank
* ssp: enemy jumping/turning/direction fixed
* ssp: entities are fixed as they're edited/created
* ssp: fov forced to 60 when playing (as suggested by Nieb)
* ssp: entities with directions now have visual indicator
* ssp: realtime updates of entity editing, enemies now render
* mod: igameclient::gamepakdir() added to tell worldio.cpp:setnames() the package directory
* ssp: egypt level contributed by wurfel
* ssp: (possible) enemy entity crash bug fixed
* ssp: jump velocity tweaked (fixes the rocket into air on slopes bug)
* bot: removed inlos(), now using new engine command raycubelos()
* ssp: weapon origin fixes
* ssp: debugging cheats "C + MOUSEWHEEL" (cheatset) and "V + MOUSEWHEEL" (cheattoggle)
* ssp: all damage unified
* ssp: player weapons and shooting (grenades and rockets)
* ssp: music volume control and fading
* ssp: enemy/map init scripts delayed
* ssp: sounds moved to config
* mod: added coin model created for ssp by geartrooper
* mod: hijacked configuration loading for seperation by game modules
* mod: source/directory/mod structure cleaned up slightly
* mod: rendertext.cpp removed as required changes are now included in sauerbraten
* ssp: preliminary code for directional (both x and y) movement
* ssp: sspclient:sfx() for pickup sounds (highest volume) and directional sound (entities)
* ssp: enemy collision damage (to and from player)
* fps: fpsclient::gamestartmap() changed from metl4 to nmp8_d
* fps: fixed show_out_of_renderloop_progress() calls
* bot: bots attack again (but still needs tweaking)
* bot: hacked into fpsserver to enable entity respawning after bots pick up items
* fps: CAMERA extended entity added and integrated with spectator camera
* mod: igameclient::saveworld() and igameclient::loadworld() added for extended entities
* mod: worldio.cpp hijacked for extended entities
* fps: fpsclient::extentities created for mod-specific extended entity loading
* fps: hijacked all fpsgame files for future expansion
* ssp: enemy initial spawn works again, noting enemy entity in enemyent strcuture
* mod: tweaked batch scripts to centralise mod repository, all binaries sourced from mod/bin now
* fps: added newline aware centerprint; text will be shown centertime millis
* mod: removed physics.cpp changes as new physics doesn't require it
* ssp: cleanups, unified movement
* ssp: direction added to necessary entities, preliminary enemy scripting
* ssp: fixed up goal/nextmap stuff, added movement at end of level
* ssp: offset entity added for multi-platform goodness
* ssp: semi-transparent water texture added for better visibility
* ssp: map load names redirected to ../mod/data/ssp
* ssp: teleport radius fixed
* ssp: ememy damage on touch
* ssp: enemy framework and head-bounce detection (with extra bounce when holding jump)
* ssp: player powerups carry over from previous level
* ssp: pre-rendering required models on map start to reduce stutter
* ssp: velocity hacks for correct 'platformer feel' movement/falling in water
* ssp: items and logic created (powerup, invincible, lives, jumppad, teleport/teledest, goal)
* ssp: velocity hacks for jumping (jumpheight = four "gridsize 3" cubes)
* ssp: logic to keep camera in the level for aesthetic reasons
* ssp: when a menu is active or in editmode, allow the camera to move pitch/yaw so the menu is usable
* mod: menuactive() added to so the game module can tell a menu is active
* ssp: go to start map when respawning on game over
* ssp: lives tally, death on timelimit, game over on no lives
* mod: igameclient::gamestartmap() added to tell the engine the default map for the game module
* bot: preliminary capture game logic (doesn't really work)
* mod: igameclient::wantcrosshair() added to accomodate ssp not needing a crosshair
* ssp: camera hacks for 2d (mario) and 3d behindview (crash bandicoot) views
* ssp: lives, coins, power (health/ability) and timelimit added
* ssp: core framework added for new gameplay module SSP (Side Scrolling Platformer)
* mod: streamlined mod sources to reference unchanged engine code from sauerbraten's own src/
* mod: preliminary code written for mod-friendly master server cgi (non-working)
* fps: camera pitch/yaw tied to player pitch/yaw in thirdperson to allow independant view rotation
* bot: improved bot logic
* bot: tweaked waypoint dropping constants to reduce clutter and 'twirly circles'
* bot: improved waypoint navigating and enemy homing
* fps: streamlined mod/data/mod.cfg into mod/data/defaults.cfg and had it cover loading of all game/bot defaults
* mod: moved config.cfg to mod/data/config.cfg so pure sauerbraten config isn't overwritten/changed
* fps: streamlined 'bot' modifications into general 'mod' modifications, allowing broader (and heirarchial) access
* fps: hud improved for scoreshud and cameradir integration
* fps: cameradir for camera switching, cameracycle for timed auto cycle
* fps: preliminary camera support
* bot: fixed spectator/editmode bug in botstate::botspawn()
* fps: scoreshud for team hud addons
* bot: better server emulation, meaning the timelimit works and map rotation!
* bot: #define BOTDEBUG, and botview, botdebug for debugging
* bot: circle around enemies at close range
* bot: home in on targets via waypoints (less suicides)
* bot: botwaydrop added for forcing a waypoint to be dropped
* mod: moved mousemove() to igameclient::mousemove() to accomodate igameclient::recomputecamera()
* mod: moved recomputecamera() to igameclient::recomputecamera() so the game module controls the camera

Yeah, I've been a busy little boy. Enjoy.

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#31: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 04/09/2007 20:54


map egypt is not in menu, eh

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#32: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/09/2007 21:12, refers to #31

The menu isn't really for accessing maps directly, 'demo' being there is just a side effect from when I created 'menus.cfg'. You'll also notice you can't create SSP specific entities either, so it should be obvious SSPGame has a fair way to go.

If you really want to know, one day there will be a 'start' map from where you can load saved games, and choose which 'episode' you'd like to play (assuming someone goes and creates a whole set of maps to constitute one).

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#33: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 04/10/2007 10:16

Like the warp zone of Super Mario Bros. 1 ? :D

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#34: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/10/2007 16:09, refers to #33

Well, I was thinking like the Load/Save screen from Super Mario Sunshine, but yeah, same concept.

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#35: Requests and/or Bugs

by Quin on 04/14/2007 14:34

So, any requests or bugs that need squishing before I make the Spring Edition release for SauerMod? I may not backport new stuff again like I did before.

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#36: Bot Waypoints

by Quin on 04/16/2007 02:16

SauerMod v0.2 for Spring Edition draws ever closer, so here's a sneak peek:


Bot waypoints will be entities, and totally controllable within editmode, can anyone say "yay"? :P

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#37: ..

by randomcivilian [just found linux] on 04/16/2007 04:12

YAY!!!! :D

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#38: ..

by Acord on 04/16/2007 19:11

Rock on!

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#39: ..

by Hiato on 04/16/2007 19:48

YAY :)

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#40: ..

by Drakas on 04/16/2007 22:10


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#41: Yay!

by Morosoph on 04/17/2007 00:20

See subject line.

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