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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353849 views, last view: 10/07/2024 01:22

for questions, announcements etc.

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#10005: Re: Freezes

by Megagun on 01/23/2008 13:40, refers to #10002

Have you installed the December 27th patch?
If so, do; this fixed a lot of crashes and freezes for me.

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#10006: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 07:36

Sorry for asking this question, I know this has been answered, but I just cant find it any more... How do I rebind the TAB key to the materials menu again? (since its kinda been replaced by the score menu :/ )

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#10007: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 01/24/2008 08:30, refers to #10006


editbind TAB [ cleargui; showentgui ]

...ought to do the trick. I think.

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#10008: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 08:33

perfect thank you! :)

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#10009: Texture Sizes

by Dagur on 01/24/2008 09:51

What is the maximum and minimum of what a texture can be?

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#10010: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 12:22

I seem to experience a problem with the colour-code, when I enter the following colour to be applied to the water:

watercolour 9712550
waterfog 50

it changes the colour to a bright glowing red... This altho the colour R(97) G(125) B(50) makes up a perfect olive green...

any solutions to why that might be? I also tried changing the cariables around, since there might have been something changed in order with the RGB but it stays red :/

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#10011: Re: ..

by Megagun on 01/24/2008 14:03, refers to #10010

Colours are specified in colourcode, not in RGB.
Note that you can also specify colourcodes in HEX

watercolour 0xFF0000
would be bright-red water.

Use Google calculator to easilly convert between HEX and decimal:
9712550 in hex => 0x9433A6
0xFF0000 in decimal => 16711680

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#10012: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 17:45

Hmmm I tried that...

my coding now looks like this:

watercolour 0x9433A6
waterfog 15

however the colour of the water stays the same :/


that's what it looks like... I remember having changed the colour of the water before and it worked really easily copying the numbers of from photoshop...

I do vaguely remember having done that without any problems, did that change with assassin edition by any change?

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#10013: Logo/icon license

by SheeEttin on 01/24/2008 18:41

Hey guys, what's the license on the Sauer logo/cube icon?
It's currently being considered for deletion on Wikipedia because of a lack of a fair use rationale, and I thought it might be better to find out if one was actually necessary.

Oh, and I'm making a userbox for players of Sauerbraten, and fair use images aren't allowed in user space.

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#10014: Re: colour codes

by MeatROme on 01/24/2008 19:52, refers to #10010

Check out http://www.quadropolis.us/node/908 ... it contains a very simple wrapper function for your editing pleasure.
Enter colours with R G B values :)

// :: -- colour wrappers --
// :: MeatROme : 2007-10-25
// :: ergb : ent RGB - values 0..15 - usage e.g. in "/newent 4 280 30 (ergb 12 12 4)"
// :: frgb : fog RGB - values 0..255 - usage e.g. in "/fogcolour (frgb 128 250 128)"

_exl = [1 16 256 _ 65536]
_exq = [(at $_exl $arg1)]
ergb = [ (+ (+ (* $arg1 (_exq 2)) (* $arg2 (_exq 1))) $arg3) ]
frgb = [ (+ (+ (* $arg1 (_exq 4)) (* $arg2 (_exq 2))) $arg3) ]

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#10015: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 01/25/2008 01:03, refers to #10012

no, that would've existed back in the day's of yore. watercolour takes three arguments. you'll need to specify each colour channel indidually

eg /watercolour 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF <-- should be a blinding white with some bloom

you can also enter it in Octal values eg 010 010 010 <-- That should be really really dark

And even as decimals, eg /watercolour 15 25 15 <-- should be a rather sickly green

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#10016: ..

by zheddo on 01/25/2008 09:02

Dammn it was such a little mistake... And i fiddled around for hours :/ all it needed was some spaces between the numbers *bangheadagainstwall* Thanks for all your help, I finally got it working just simply writing it out

watercolour 97 125 50

I just wanted to repeat that this forum is absolutely great :)

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#10017: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/25/2008 14:07, refers to #10016

Yes, of course there need to be spaces. you can't distinguish rgb 221144, could be 221 14 4 or 22 11 44 or 221 1 44 or... well, you get the idea. ;)

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#10018: Re: Team Request

by LinearMagnitude(1) on 01/25/2008 21:07, refers to #10001

Demosthenes I apologize for my unnecessary comments/sarcasm. I thank you for answer and will continue my search. Also if any of you are in search of a 3d modeler, please visit my website>linearmagnitude.com<

Thank you, and will let the cube community know of any major releases!

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#10019: ..

by ezombie on 01/25/2008 21:54


I like your style, very bleak and militaristic, without being scifi. It would go well with our 'World at War' concept of a new ET.

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#10020: Re: Team Request

by demosthenes on 01/26/2008 02:05, refers to #10018

Apology accepted. I apologize for not noticing that you were talking quite seriously about a paying project, and having missed that, made assumptions about your project and acted upon those assumptions.

Wow! We have like three or four big projects starting up or going on around here. Exciting times. :)

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#10021: Re: Team Request

by SheeEttin on 01/26/2008 02:39, refers to #10020

I'm working on one too...
Ever play Nethack? :)

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#10022: System Requirements

by Lazarus on 01/26/2008 02:40

Does anyone know what the sys reqs are for Sauerbraten?

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#10023: Re: Team Request

by MovingTarget on 01/26/2008 03:54, refers to #10021

I've never played it, but from the description, the random-number map generator thingy sounds like Hellgate London. Havent't played that, either.

Right now I'm not working on an actual mod, I'm more working on smaller utilities that will help newbies be able to replace content easily, and things like that. As a warmup, I posted this little thingy to make life easier for people packaging maps on Quadropolis:


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#10024: Re: System Requirements

by SanHolo on 01/26/2008 13:03, refers to #10022

You can configure Sauerbraten to run smoothly on a 1GHz G4 with a Radeon 9000M, or enable enough features to make your Core 2 Duo machine cry out in pain. ;)

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