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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12357281 views, last view: 10/07/2024 15:36

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#9998: Re: Team Request

by JadeMatrix on 01/23/2008 00:59, refers to #9997

Whenever the guys around here hear "mod", that link immediately gets posted. It's almost automatic, so don't worry too much... even the Cube:ET idea got hownottostartamod'ed ;)

It was quite apparent from your original post that this was a serious idea, unlike most, real money being involved, etc.

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#9999: Memory leak with ATI 8.28.8 on Linux?

by arkadi_t on 01/23/2008 01:49

Anyone running Sauerbraten on Linux with ATI drivers (fglrx) version 8.28.8 (Radeon 8500)? It leaks like 100MB/sec for me. DRI drivers are fine.

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#10000: Re: Memory leak with ATI 8.28.8 on Linux?

by SheeEttin on 01/23/2008 02:05, refers to #9999

Try turning off soft shadows, etc. If that version leaks, the soft shadows will be a big contributor.

If you can, use some newer ones. There don't appear to be any more memory leaks in the Catalyst-series drivers.
If you use Ubuntu, I wrote a nice installer which you can get here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3082777.0 . It's worked like a charm for me so far. Only thing it doesn't do is configure your xorg.conf...
Hmm, maybe I should implement some aticonfig stuff. :)

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#10001: Re: Team Request

by demosthenes on 01/23/2008 02:44, refers to #9997

Sarcasm and Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophilia are not appreciated or necessary.

JadeMatrix is right, hownottostartamod is just reflex now for a lot of us, especially when significant help is asked for. I didn't notice any mention of payment, and I think you might have more luck searching for an experienced programmer elsewhere, as the people with the most experience with the engine here are already involved in creating a mod or are part of the engine team...

Eh, good luck with the mod.

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#10002: Freezes

by Lonescourge on 01/23/2008 03:58

I've been playing Sauer for over a year now, and have never had any problems with the game before. It has always ran nicely on my aging machine which is one of the reasons why I play it.
I recently installed the Assassin edition and the game plays fine for a few minutes, but inevitably freezes up. If I leave it for anywhere from 1-5 minutes, it eventually resumes game play but freezes up more frequently than before. I have reinstalled the game a few times and re downloaded the installer. I've searched through the forum and wiki, and found nothign that helps. Nothing seems to help, and I have never had any problems with any of the other releases. Anybody have any ideas as to whats wrong?
thanks, Scourge

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#10003: Re: Freezes

by MovingTarget on 01/23/2008 04:29, refers to #10002

OS? Console output? Machine specs? Whatever else you can give us?

We'd love to help around here, but we need a lot more info to actually be of service.

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#10004: Re: Team Request

by rancor on 01/23/2008 07:14, refers to #9997

Actually, if the money is large enough or the project is small enough, these guys: http://dot3labs.com/ might be willing to do some work...

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#10005: Re: Freezes

by Megagun on 01/23/2008 13:40, refers to #10002

Have you installed the December 27th patch?
If so, do; this fixed a lot of crashes and freezes for me.

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#10006: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 07:36

Sorry for asking this question, I know this has been answered, but I just cant find it any more... How do I rebind the TAB key to the materials menu again? (since its kinda been replaced by the score menu :/ )

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#10007: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 01/24/2008 08:30, refers to #10006


editbind TAB [ cleargui; showentgui ]

...ought to do the trick. I think.

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#10008: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 08:33

perfect thank you! :)

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#10009: Texture Sizes

by Dagur on 01/24/2008 09:51

What is the maximum and minimum of what a texture can be?

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#10010: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 12:22

I seem to experience a problem with the colour-code, when I enter the following colour to be applied to the water:

watercolour 9712550
waterfog 50

it changes the colour to a bright glowing red... This altho the colour R(97) G(125) B(50) makes up a perfect olive green...

any solutions to why that might be? I also tried changing the cariables around, since there might have been something changed in order with the RGB but it stays red :/

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#10011: Re: ..

by Megagun on 01/24/2008 14:03, refers to #10010

Colours are specified in colourcode, not in RGB.
Note that you can also specify colourcodes in HEX

watercolour 0xFF0000
would be bright-red water.

Use Google calculator to easilly convert between HEX and decimal:
9712550 in hex => 0x9433A6
0xFF0000 in decimal => 16711680

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#10012: ..

by zheddo on 01/24/2008 17:45

Hmmm I tried that...

my coding now looks like this:

watercolour 0x9433A6
waterfog 15

however the colour of the water stays the same :/


that's what it looks like... I remember having changed the colour of the water before and it worked really easily copying the numbers of from photoshop...

I do vaguely remember having done that without any problems, did that change with assassin edition by any change?

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#10013: Logo/icon license

by SheeEttin on 01/24/2008 18:41

Hey guys, what's the license on the Sauer logo/cube icon?
It's currently being considered for deletion on Wikipedia because of a lack of a fair use rationale, and I thought it might be better to find out if one was actually necessary.

Oh, and I'm making a userbox for players of Sauerbraten, and fair use images aren't allowed in user space.

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#10014: Re: colour codes

by MeatROme on 01/24/2008 19:52, refers to #10010

Check out http://www.quadropolis.us/node/908 ... it contains a very simple wrapper function for your editing pleasure.
Enter colours with R G B values :)

// :: -- colour wrappers --
// :: MeatROme : 2007-10-25
// :: ergb : ent RGB - values 0..15 - usage e.g. in "/newent 4 280 30 (ergb 12 12 4)"
// :: frgb : fog RGB - values 0..255 - usage e.g. in "/fogcolour (frgb 128 250 128)"

_exl = [1 16 256 _ 65536]
_exq = [(at $_exl $arg1)]
ergb = [ (+ (+ (* $arg1 (_exq 2)) (* $arg2 (_exq 1))) $arg3) ]
frgb = [ (+ (+ (* $arg1 (_exq 4)) (* $arg2 (_exq 2))) $arg3) ]

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#10015: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 01/25/2008 01:03, refers to #10012

no, that would've existed back in the day's of yore. watercolour takes three arguments. you'll need to specify each colour channel indidually

eg /watercolour 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF <-- should be a blinding white with some bloom

you can also enter it in Octal values eg 010 010 010 <-- That should be really really dark

And even as decimals, eg /watercolour 15 25 15 <-- should be a rather sickly green

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#10016: ..

by zheddo on 01/25/2008 09:02

Dammn it was such a little mistake... And i fiddled around for hours :/ all it needed was some spaces between the numbers *bangheadagainstwall* Thanks for all your help, I finally got it working just simply writing it out

watercolour 97 125 50

I just wanted to repeat that this forum is absolutely great :)

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#10017: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/25/2008 14:07, refers to #10016

Yes, of course there need to be spaces. you can't distinguish rgb 221144, could be 221 14 4 or 22 11 44 or 221 1 44 or... well, you get the idea. ;)

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