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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353880 views, last view: 10/07/2024 01:30

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9982: Re: Monster in Multiplayer

by MovingTarget on 01/21/2008 18:52, refers to #9981

You can't.

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#9983: Funny sparklies on ATI Mobility X1400

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 01/22/2008 01:57

Someone's been poking holes in the walls.


Any idea what could be causing this?
What additional information would you like?

Running under Vista, my laptop has a Mobility X1400 from ATI.

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#9984: Team Request

by Linearmagnitude on 01/22/2008 06:54

I am looking for a team of experienced Cube2 users as I myself am not.

There are three positions available.
1.Experienced Cube2/Sauer Modders.
This person would need to have successfully utilized extreme source modifications at least one time prior to this. Ability to implement features such as physics: Dynamic entities may slide, fall over, move, when acted against by an opposing force. Many other modifications to be covered later.

2.Small Time Scripter.
Ability to intercalate effects such as; allowing for, not the decal artwork, but the engines ability to place muzzleflash effects approximate the end of players weapon.

3. One of the previous positions.
Willing to work with other member via chat. Or I.M. to complete the project.

If you feel that any of these positions apply to you then please email me @ Skywalker84095@hotmail.com. Payment and split will be later discussed. I can assure anyone interested money dividends will be safely handled for all.

*This is not a ten and twelve year old project* there will be deadlines as the purpose of this game is to add to my own profile, aside from making a little doe.

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#9985: Re: Team Request

by demosthenes on 01/22/2008 07:45, refers to #9984



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#9986: Re: Funny sparklies on ATI Mobility X1400

by ATIRULE on 01/22/2008 10:41, refers to #9983

its a issue with ati cards not much that can be done try /sparklyfix 1 if that don\'t work then try adding some FSAA other then that there is no fix

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#9987: Re: Funny sparklies on ATI Mobility X1400

by Quin on 01/22/2008 20:20, refers to #9983

Also, placing this in your autoexec.cfg *might* help (ymmv): /ati_skybox_bug 1

Antialiasing may help to, as ATIRULE pointed out (to whom I must say; well done on what may be your first helpful post).

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#9988: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/22/2008 20:46, refers to #9978

Yes, we would need to beef up the entities a bit. This would be *after* we had player /weapon models, player physics adjustments, a decent base mapmodel/texture set... then we start on entities and classes.

The good news is that it would be playable before the enhanced entities are in place. I would personally suggest putting off the 'deep engine' stuff as long as possible just in case some of it gets into Sauer by itself (pipe dream I suppose, but who knows)

BTW, we have a separate thread now for this.

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#9989: HELP

by Matty-:08 on 01/22/2008 20:48

Look, i have a mega problem and i need help! I saw the screenshots for Sauerbraten and was like "WOW, neat". I downloaded the engine..tried to install it and it said the file was incomplete or corrupt, i tried several times! i dont know an awful lot about computers and computer jargon. can someone please help me in PLAIN english? thanks.

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#9990: Re: HELP

by MeatROme on 01/22/2008 21:01, refers to #9989

if it's says "incomplete or corrupt" you will need to download again ... preferrably choosing a different mirror ... until it's complete and unZIPable :)

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#9991: Re: HELP

by JadeMatrix on 01/22/2008 21:02, refers to #9989

Copied from #10013, for everyone's future reference:

System name
System version
Graphics card
Saurbraten version
Any console/terminal output related to Sauerbraten

You've provided us (okay, _them_) with part of the last one, but more info is needed.

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#9992: Re: Enemy Territory

by ezombie on 01/22/2008 21:03, refers to #9957


Indeed, very true. It's not a 'help me with this idea' thing, it's a 'how appropriate would Cube 2 be for our idea, since you guys are the experts in cubification'

It's a feasibility study at this point. There has been some importing of ET assets, to test how easy it is to import/enhance Q3/RTCW content (lot's of pre-existing content to potentially use is 'a good thing'), and some partial mapping of ETish levels to see if it can capture the 'feel' of ET.

There would have to be a plan-of-attack before it actually begins, no generating random C++ bits and hoping it comes together at some point. Coding (well) requires commitment, and we are a picky lot. The assets can be contributed/bought/adapted, but we got the programming resources already covered.

We are just trying to find a platform that gives us the maximum benefit for a given amount of work. I'm thinking this is Cube 2.

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#9993: Re: HELP

by JadeMatrix on 01/22/2008 21:04, refers to #9991

...or you can just do as MeatROme says.

It could be a browser problem... please don't be using IE.

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#9994: Re: HELP

by Matty-:08 on 01/22/2008 21:08, refers to #9993

nope...firefox. oh and another thing...patches? i know i'll sound dumb but: what are they and do i need one?

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#9995: Re: HELP

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/22/2008 21:40, refers to #9994

If you are using the win32 or linux releases, yes. Install them to the same directory as the base game. (After the base game)

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#9996: ..

by Matty-:08 on 01/22/2008 21:47

okay i installed game and patch...no probs. Tried to start the game: catastrophy: the loading screen started...its loading....ooh...cool music..ooh its finished loading!....oh.a messed up screen with blackness and stars....its knocked itself off! then it said sumthing about runtime error? im so confused!

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#9997: Team Request

by Linear Magnitude on 01/23/2008 00:08

I read your entire article on, \"how+not+to+start+a+mod\" demosthenes. You may be contumelious towards me for some reason possibly due to your brobdingnagian skill level or the fact that you better me at everything. I am however a freelance modeler, currently looking to better my application. Successfully creating and selling a game would help immensely. As the article you posted states so clearly that the majority of the work should be done by me, I feel that you should know all maps, characters, guns, terrain, etc. will be created, UVW mapped, and textured with proper normals and specular maps etc. Please still contact me regardless of the untrue bum rap.


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#9998: Re: Team Request

by JadeMatrix on 01/23/2008 00:59, refers to #9997

Whenever the guys around here hear "mod", that link immediately gets posted. It's almost automatic, so don't worry too much... even the Cube:ET idea got hownottostartamod'ed ;)

It was quite apparent from your original post that this was a serious idea, unlike most, real money being involved, etc.

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#9999: Memory leak with ATI 8.28.8 on Linux?

by arkadi_t on 01/23/2008 01:49

Anyone running Sauerbraten on Linux with ATI drivers (fglrx) version 8.28.8 (Radeon 8500)? It leaks like 100MB/sec for me. DRI drivers are fine.

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#10000: Re: Memory leak with ATI 8.28.8 on Linux?

by SheeEttin on 01/23/2008 02:05, refers to #9999

Try turning off soft shadows, etc. If that version leaks, the soft shadows will be a big contributor.

If you can, use some newer ones. There don't appear to be any more memory leaks in the Catalyst-series drivers.
If you use Ubuntu, I wrote a nice installer which you can get here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3082777.0 . It's worked like a charm for me so far. Only thing it doesn't do is configure your xorg.conf...
Hmm, maybe I should implement some aticonfig stuff. :)

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#10001: Re: Team Request

by demosthenes on 01/23/2008 02:44, refers to #9997

Sarcasm and Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophilia are not appreciated or necessary.

JadeMatrix is right, hownottostartamod is just reflex now for a lot of us, especially when significant help is asked for. I didn't notice any mention of payment, and I think you might have more luck searching for an experienced programmer elsewhere, as the people with the most experience with the engine here are already involved in creating a mod or are part of the engine team...

Eh, good luck with the mod.

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