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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353480 views, last view: 10/06/2024 23:23

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#9963: New Version of Sauerbraten

by Titanic12ship on 01/19/2008 21:41

Is there something I can do to help create the new version of Sauerbraten, maybe start adding maps from a list to the menus, or coming up with ideas for new gamemodes and features? I am eager in helping in the development of this great game.

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#9964: New Version of Sauerbraten

by Titanic12ship on 01/19/2008 21:41

Is there something I can do to help create the new version of Sauerbraten, maybe start adding maps from a list to the menus, or coming up with ideas for new gamemodes and features? I am eager in helping in the development of this great game.

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#9965: ..

by iggy on 01/19/2008 21:54

Okay, so I've got Assassin edition with the latest patch on my Ubuntu installation, and the new weapons are all messing up. They all flash different colors. Screenshots:


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#9966: ..

by iggy on 01/19/2008 23:43

Whadya know, errors.


This same fglrx setup has worked with previous versions of Sauer just fine.

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#9967: ..

by Titanic12ship on 01/20/2008 04:00

Version 1.1 of TheTower is out. You can download it from the following two locations:



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#9968: Re: ..

by iggy on 01/20/2008 04:18, refers to #9967

I'm in Ubuntu.

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#9969: Crash on Startup

by pythonusr on 01/20/2008 15:10

Whenever I try to run Sauerbraten from the Applications/Games menu, it crashes after going to a black screen, back to the desktop.
And from a terminal, running \\\"sauerbraten\\\", it crashes from the same black screen, and sends me to a terminal that has a very messed up prompt.

Any ideas? 128MB graphics should suffice.

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by pythonusr on 01/20/2008 15:52, refers to #9955

I have this same issue, which I can't get to work out.

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#9971: Re: Crash on Startup

by JadeMatrix on 01/20/2008 16:24, refers to #9969

Should we have a special form to fill out if you need tech help?

Here's one:

System name
System version
Graphics card
Saurbraten version
Any console/terminal output related to Sauerbraten

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#9972: Nvidia 7600 w/Twinview help

by Evil Wayz on 01/20/2008 18:28

I have dual monitors set up in an extended desktop. Now, when fire up Sauerbraten, It appears on my primary monitor, but cut in half, the left half specifically. At this point my mouse actions are limited, and i have to do a fair amount of maneuvering to exit. I can't access ANYTHING past the middle of any menu. Once I close the game I get my mouse control back and my desktop is normal. Anyone have any idea why the computer thinks my primary monitor is bigger than it is?

It used to work, and my secondary screen would power off until I exted the game.

I really enjhoyed playing my FPS games but now none of them work, and since the Ubuntu Forums are hit and miss as to helpfullness I thought I'd try here.

My email is evilevilwayz@aol.com if you want to contact me directly.

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#9973: Re: Nvidia 7600 w/Twinview help

by rancor on 01/20/2008 20:14, refers to #9972

Have you tried using windowed mode? It works for me that way.

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#9974: Whoa 10,000+ letters

by poroc on 01/21/2008 03:25

Hi cube 1 + 2 guys,
its ye faithfull Poroc here,
just would like to say whoa 10,000 + letters, thats so cool.
Well done, you guys are ace !!!

Am getting along well with map editing and i nearly have the first one finished, ( with original cube based textures supplied with download ) thanks a load for the directions,
any way i would like to upload it for ratings but i cant seem to create an account for quadropolis ( or whatever its called, i cant remember now), cause it says too much spam probs, and not only that i cant read the tiny text for verification.

Oh yeah, surely (sorry, cant remember) must be exaderating when (sorry, cant remember) says Sauerbraten is rated 'worst' fps.
Sure it may be rated 7/7 but that doesnt meen its tha worst, surely.

Ahoy and peace out.


The boy from down in the boondocks.

Wha ha ha. RAFPMLOL.

Just kidding dudes.
I just wanted too mention boondocks.

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#9975: minimum reqs

by vapollov on 01/21/2008 03:56

what are they min requirements to play this game?

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#9976: Re: Whoa 10,000+ letters

by poroc on 01/21/2008 06:40, refers to #9974

And i quote!

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#9977: ..

by poroc on 01/21/2008 07:54

Number ONE!

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#9978: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by AzraelUK on 01/21/2008 08:04, refers to #9956

If you ask me, you'd need to expand Cube 2's entity system before you start making fancy mods. If anybody's worked with the Source engine (Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, etc.) then they'll know that each entity is its own class, which can inherit some functions from a 'base' class which it specifies. The entities can be given custom 'touch' functions, or 'use' functions, etc., and I think that's the level of sophistication that would have to be added to Cube 2 for C:ET to be possible, IMO.

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#9979: I want to help with RPG development

by ProzacR on 01/21/2008 12:09

What can I do? Where i can contact someone?

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#9980: Re: I want to help with RPG development

by tentus_ on 01/21/2008 16:28, refers to #9979

To help with the RPG you need to ask yourself a few questions first. "What am I good at?" "How much time am I willing to put into this?" and "Will I get upset if what I make isn't included?"

Eisenstern could use more mappers, scripters, modelers, textures, sound artists, and so on- there's no shortage of content wanted. However, if it's crap, it won't be used; this is common and natural. The best fix for this is time: spending more and more time on your content will usually make it better and better, so naturally the people who have a lot of time to devote to the project end up with more of their content in it.

The best thing to do is to make some content, refine it several times (and I cannot stress enough just how important refinement is), and then put it up on http://quadropolis.us so the community can look at it and decide whether it's good or not. Quadropolis is a great place to get positive feedback, and also build up a bit of a rep- if you have a lot of quality content up, people will (usually) respect you for it.


On an entirely unrelated note, I found this blag entry very interesting: http://blag.xkcd.com/2008/01/14/robot9000-and-xkcd-signal-attacking-noise-in-chat/
I know that a lot of you guys in the community have to deal with issues like this frequently (heh, we have similar problems here on this site), so it's fun to look at this unique solution.

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#9981: Monster in Multiplayer

by gizmo on 01/21/2008 17:25

How can i use monster in multiplayer?

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#9982: Re: Monster in Multiplayer

by MovingTarget on 01/21/2008 18:52, refers to #9981

You can't.

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