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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353054 views, last view: 10/06/2024 21:21

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#9936: Re: autoexec execution?

by demosthenes on 01/17/2008 22:31, refers to #9935

I have tried playing the portaltest maps, though I didn't use the binds (because I customized them and bound them differently). That is where I got the idea to rebind mouse keys from inside the map - I am planning on using a modified version of the binds to create a portal puzzle in the SP map I'm working on.

However, I wanted to rebind the mouse keys to precisely what they were beforehand, and I figured that executing config and autoexec would set them back to what they were, but I didn't know if that could cause problems for people. I figured that executing config.cfg would catch anything they bound in-game and autoexec.cfg would restore anything else.

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#9937: Re: autoexec execution?

by steve_e on 01/18/2008 01:50, refers to #9936

You may be able to bind a key using the console, but put the binding in a map's .cfg and the message returned is:
'cannot override bind "E"'

however, a mouse bind in a map's .cfg does not return that message and the binding is performed.

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#9938: Re: HELP!!

by Passa on 01/18/2008 02:57, refers to #9916

Wow, hadn't seen that before (I desperately searched for a way to get my Wireless Xbox 360 controller adaptor working). Shame it's still 'experimental' though and has a rather complex install process :/

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#9939: Re: autoexec execution?

by tentus_ on 01/18/2008 05:29, refers to #9937

Oh, I see the problem. Put it behind a guibutton, something along these lines:

guibutton "ok" "bind e [whatever]"

I didn't realize you were just jumping straight in on mapload. That would cause problems, Sauer doesn't like that. Odd that it lets you do so with the mouse buttons.

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#9940: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/18/2008 11:33, refers to #9934

Doesn't work, no matter what values I enter, it defaults to full resolution on my main monitor.

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#9941: Re: ..

by Quin on 01/18/2008 13:53, refers to #9940

Try this:

sauerbraten -t -wWIDTH -hHEIGHT

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#9942: Regarding making working ladders and bouncers

by Pato2747 on 01/18/2008 23:55

How do I make in editing mode bouncers and ladders? Help\'s appreciated.

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#9943: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 00:15

Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for.

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#9944: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by JadeMatrix on 01/19/2008 00:16, refers to #9943


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#9945: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by yoopers on 01/19/2008 04:11, refers to #9943

As an avid ET player (when I'm not playing Sauer ;) I hardily endorse the notion of a free version based on Cube 2. Having said that, I have no idea if it would be technically feasible and several comments about the impossibility of vehicles in Sauer would seem to preclude that notion...

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#9946: RPG Help

by Titanic12ship on 01/19/2008 04:16

I need some help with the RPG on Sauerbraten. I can't switch weapons. Any help? I am using a Macbook computer.

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#9947: Help Creating New Version

by Titanic12ship on 01/19/2008 04:23

Is there something I can do to help create the new version of Sauerbraten, maybe start adding maps from a list to the menus, or coming up with ideas for new gamemodes and features? I am eager in helping in the development of this great game.

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#9948: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 05:53, refers to #9945

Well, yes some coding would have to be done of course. But that would be the second half.

We would need scripted movers (they are not actually vehicles), constructables/destructables, and of course the classes.

I thought a good start would simply be to make the six stock maps (with new stuff added perhaps) in Sauerbraten. That would also be a good feasibility study.

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#9949: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by SheeEttin on 01/19/2008 06:54, refers to #9948

Hmm. Sounds interesting.
I guess the best way would be to just start making things, as you say... Anything necessary can be implemented as you go.

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#9950: It crashes... New to linux = trouble...

by comingbackdown on 01/19/2008 13:50

I downloaded AssaultCube to my fresh install of Ubuntu 7.10. I went into the menus, and figured out how to start a 1 player vs. bot match. I did so. I killed the bot (I set the skill to \"bad\", and it was. He hit me once, and I hit him enough to leave him on the ground) and soon after, the game went from full screen to a normal window... Then it stopped... nothing... no response... I was seeing part of my desktop, and a window containing the game.

I was left with no option but to reboot.
I did. I tried again. This time, after I set up the options more thoroughly (picked a weapon from the weapons menu, selected a team and a skin, set my name, set my crosshair and mouse sensitivity) it froze again, after I accessed the menu by hitting esc. This time, I could move the mouse, and the player would move, but I couldn\'t do anything even though the menu was up. I scrolled with the mouse wheel, and it would only scroll up, not down to \"quit\" which I was desperately seeking. I tried the virtual console \"ctrl+alt+F2\", but the resolution was far to large to even allow me to read all of the text. I pressed the power button, and it brought up an options screen. I managed to get it to logout. I logged back in, found out how to kill a process, and went to the terminal to test it with Firefox as my victim. the terminal is still non readable as half of it is off screen, and when I hit the key combo that a tutorial told me to use to return to desktop, the characters scrambled and it didn\'t do anything. I have no idea what\'s going on, and I need some assistance... Now I know what it really feels like to be a noob...

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#9951: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by makkE on 01/19/2008 14:09, refers to #9943

That´s the strangest idea I heard in a while.


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#9952: New Version of Sauerbraten

by Titanic12ship on 01/19/2008 15:01

Is there something I can do to help create the new version of Sauerbraten, maybe start adding maps from a list to the menus, or coming up with ideas for new gamemodes and features? I am eager in helping in the development of this great game.

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#9953: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by JadeMatrix on 01/19/2008 15:16, refers to #9948

There are platforms, though they only go in one direction until they bump into something. Dustructables = barrels. Constructables = doors?

What exactly are the plans, anyway? Are you combining the Cube 2 and ET code, or modding Cube 2 to act like ET?

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#9954: Re: Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by SheeEttin on 01/19/2008 15:51, refers to #9951

Because you can. :)

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by Lioyd_Irving on 01/19/2008 16:14

I've installed Sauerbraten and i got both OpenGL and DirectX. But i don't know why, the games uses the software renderer, causing itself to be unplayable. How do i fix that ?

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