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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

New hud progress

by JadeMatrix on 11/13/2007 00:01, 102 messages, last message: 06/02/2008 23:22, 40295 views, last view: 09/28/2024 21:33

The topic for all discussion on my hud concept, loosely based on geartrooper's hudguns.

Version 1:

Version 2:

As you can see, this is entirely useless as is. Aside from any æsthetic problems, it doesn't currently work with Sauerbraten at all. Thus, I need someone who can either
1. edit the code/shader that defines the HUD characteristics or
2. tell me what code/shader defines the HUD characteristics so that I can figure it out myself.

The hud will be optimized for resolutions 800x600 and up. This means that it will just fit at full resolution for 800x600, and be shrunk for anything smaller.
But, you may say, it's a ridiculous size for widescreen displays! No problem (for you): the hud will expand only horizontally at the bare point between the last big blue part (how scientific) and the fps.

Any questions, comments go here.

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#100: Re: hmm

by MovingTarget on 06/02/2008 22:15, refers to #96

Which 2D gui? The one from Cube, or the one that's in Sauer now?

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#101: Re: hmm

by JadeMatrix on 06/02/2008 22:17, refers to #100

The one now. Though I don't know how they're different.

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#102: Re: hmm

by MovingTarget on 06/02/2008 23:22, refers to #101

The one now looks just like the usual 3D interface, but is 2D. The one in Cube looked a lot different, but I don't have a screeny.

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