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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353510 views, last view: 10/06/2024 23:31

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#9906: Quick question...

by Kira on 01/14/2008 23:22

On Linux, where do saved map files live? I'm trying to find out where my "savemap" results went from coopedit...

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#9907: Linux files

by MeatROme on 01/15/2008 00:41

since two releases sauerbraten creates
I find this VERY sensible;
e.g. modified/additional content - for me - now lives only in this folder ... made switching to the "assasin" release so wonderfully easy :)

So for
#9944 : iggy
#9946 : Kira
try looking in that folder!

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#9908: Re: An idea on cheating...

by rock.n.rol_ on 01/15/2008 00:51, refers to #9902


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#9909: help with gray screen

by imadoofus123 on 01/15/2008 03:22

I hope this is an ok place to post this.
sauerbraten was working yesterday, but now it just loads and gives me a gray screen. I can still shoot and the music is playing, just that the screen is blank. the odd thing is that when I log in as a different user it works fine. I'm using ubuntu gusty with an integrated intel gpu. cube 1 also works fine, although it crashes fairly regularly. also the image that goes below the loading bar thing is gone so I'm thinking it might be something with mesa. it gives no errors.
if this isn't an ok place is there any sort of help forum for these sorts of things?

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#9910: HELP!!

by NiCKxG on 01/15/2008 21:41

i cannot use these controls that they have set up.. can i use my xbox 360 controller and if i can how can i set it up?

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#9911: Re: HELP!!

by SheeEttin on 01/15/2008 22:00, refers to #9910


If you get it working, feel free to post on that node with how you did it.

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#9912: Re: HELP!!

by Passa on 01/16/2008 00:52, refers to #9910

The Xbox 360 controller doesn't have any Linux drivers (yet) so I'm assuming you're on Windows.. no need to mod Sauerbraten, or any other games. Just download and configure 'Xpadder'. Lets you bind your controller buttons to mouse movements and keyboard presses.

So obviously you just bind the right thumbstick to mouse up, down, left, right and the left thumbstick to WASD (and then all your other buttons).. works for me. But there's no point since a mouse and keyboard is superior to a controller any day of the week.

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#9913: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 01/16/2008 01:41

it might be cool to be able to run in one direction while looking in a different direction. [ not simple strafing either ]

hmmmmmm...player as a tank with a seperate, movable turret?

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#9914: Re: HELP!!

by Quin on 01/16/2008 03:07, refers to #9910

Another alternative is PPJoy, which has a fair number of applications. I use it in conjunction with GlovePIE to use my Wiimote and Classic Controller.


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#9915: Re: HELP!!

by SheeEttin on 01/16/2008 04:55, refers to #9914

I envy you.

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#9916: Re: HELP!!

by rancor on 01/16/2008 08:47, refers to #9912

Not true: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xbox_360_controller_on_Linux

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#9917: copyright laws editing cube textures

by Poroc on 01/16/2008 12:30

I seek advice on copyright law.

Am i able lawfully, to edit cube 1 Jpeg images (with paint), to use in a map im creating (for cube1)?

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#9918: Re: copyright laws editing cube textures

by corop on 01/16/2008 14:27, refers to #9917

Read the readme's.

They're not application extensions.

I should have asked the first time i edited stuff and nearly got sued by the legal counsel.

Whoa, nearly wound up in court, its always best to take heed and bear caution.

If in doubt just ask, its one way of doing things or you can just dive in head first.

Dont feel too bad matey, if i got drunk and said you could have my missus for the night, then woke up in the morning on the ground to find you in bed with my missus, that doesnt mean
i wanted you to shag my missus does it.

I think you need another coffee or a good night sleep.
Which ever comes first.

Cause your missing alot of stuff you already have (in cube folder) that you are asking questions about.

Yep. You must read it all. All of it.

No offence i used to be the same.
Never did read the books for english class in second form.
Just looked them up on the net.
Piece of cake.

Say, perhaps you need a new pair of reading glasses?

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#9919: Re: copyright laws editing cube textures

by corpo on 01/16/2008 14:32, refers to #9918

Santa. Is that you?

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#9920: Re: copyright laws editing cube textures

by Megagun on 01/16/2008 16:36, refers to #9919

Why, exactly, are you replying to yourself, corpo/poroc/corop?

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#9921: Re: copyright laws editing cube textures

by tentus_ on 01/16/2008 17:04, refers to #9920

As if the manner of speech wasn't a dead giveaway, then the names, then the IP address... you really want to start laughing, but it makes you sad too.

Poroc: textures are licensed individiually, or as relatively small sets. Read the readmes on each set before making any edits, and be aware than any edit to a resource will affect the entire game.

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#9922: multi-threaded?

by GreatBunzinni on 01/16/2008 19:15

Is sauerbraten multi-threaded? If so, how many threads does sauerbratten use?

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#9923: Need help in Sauerbraten

by tyros on 01/17/2008 02:15

I\'m working on a map and I want to delete some extra stuff. I mean when you start a new map it\'s always square shape. But if you look at the map metl4 or some others from the above, they all have different shapes (just the map itself and nothing more). How do I completely delete the extra cubes I don\'t need?

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#9924: Re: Need help in Sauerbraten

by tentus_ on 01/17/2008 02:20, refers to #9923

One common way is to turn the outskirts of the map to be kybox textured, or just push cubes away until you just have what you need. Hoever, I'm fairly sure that the best thing to do is to level out the outskirts of your map, so that there are as few polys as possible. If the player can't see it, it doesn't really matter what it looks like, just so long as it's simple as possible. This is why indoor maps have often been "filled in" so to speak, sp that there's no extra polys that the player can't see above them.

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#9925: broken mod

by slick on 01/17/2008 03:59

aight so when i had summer edition of sauerbraten, a guy on quadrapolis named marvin2k submitted some m2k futuristic weapons. they worked great, and i liked em. but when i switched to assassin edition, and got the mod again, the new gun animations included with the mod quit working. any1 know wat i modify in the md3 files to get the mod's custom animations to work again? thx

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