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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353077 views, last view: 10/06/2024 21:28

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9886: Eisestern

by Roxas on 01/12/2008 11:25

When this will be ready !!!!!!!!!!!

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#9887: Re: Eisestern

by JadeMatrix on 01/12/2008 15:07, refers to #9886

When the developers finish.

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#9888: Why all the Leopard issues?

by LordVeXoR on 01/12/2008 19:13

I have been searching the forums for help with my sauer issues and it looks like Leopard users are the ones having the most trouble.

Why is this?



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#9889: The game engine

by Rtivy on 01/12/2008 20:33

I haven\'t downloaded the game yet but is there a way to use the game engine the game uses to make your own game with out deleting the game itself?

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#9890: Linker issues

by AzraelUK on 01/12/2008 21:34

(I'm on Windows here, and it's not really designed for this kind of thing.)

I'm trying to compile Sauer in VS2005, using the appropriate .sln file that comes with the install.. Well, I can COMPILE it, but the linker dies with errors about unresolved external symbols. Read the full log at http://azrael.ismywebsite.com/errors.html

Has anybody managed to successfully compile the most recent version of Sauerbraten under Windows? Does anybody know why it's dying on the trivial functions that should be in kernel32 anyway?

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#9891: Re: Why all the Leopard issues?

by baby rabbit on 01/12/2008 21:54, refers to #9888

Providing Mac Leopard users are running the latest Assassin version of Saue then there are no issues that I am aware of.

LordVeXoR - sadly you seem to be the exception, I'm sorry that your MacBook seems to freeze when running Sauer - I cant see how to debug the issue without physically having an equivalent machine to test on. However I do track other Mac devs problems, and if I spot something relevant then I will submit the fix to Sauer too...

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#9892: Re: Why all the Leopard issues?

by LordVeXoR on 01/12/2008 22:17, refers to #9891

ok ill redownload it and see if it works.
(i just updated to 10.5.1 lepoard.)

Thank you so very much baby rabbit and sanholo for spending so much time on my issue =)


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#9893: patch for mac?

by LordVeXoR on 01/12/2008 23:30

I just redownloaded Assassin edition for mac, and it still has the same issue of freezing =/

But i was looking though the patches on sourceforge and there doesn't appear to be one for mac, am I wrong?



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#9894: Re: Linker issues

by MovingTarget on 01/13/2008 00:08, refers to #9890

I've compiled it successfully... I a Code::Blocks nightly build with MinGW 5.1.3. It compiles pretty much "out of the box".

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#9895: Sauerbraten Localization

by arthur86 on 01/13/2008 12:37

I want to translate sauerbraten to russian. I've already created new chars file named `ruschars.png`.
To font.cfg I added these lines:
font default "data/ruschars.png" 32 64 0 -1 5 6
//Can you describe, what means this numbers? (32 64 0 -1 5 6)
//syntax: x.start, y.start, width
fontchar 0 0 46 //á
fontchar 46 0 42 //â
fontchar 88 0 44 //÷
fontchar 132 0 38 //ç
fontchar 170 0 50 //ä
fontchar 221 0 40 //å
fontchar 261 0 39 //³
fontchar 300 0 70 //ö
fontchar 370 0 41 //ú
fontchar 411 0 43 //é
fontchar 460 0 52 //ê

fontchar 0 76 44 //ë
fontchar 45 76 44 //ì
fontchar 93 76 51 //í
fontchar 147 76 48 //î
fontchar 195 76 54 //ï
fontchar 246 76 46 //ð
fontchar 294 76 39 //ò
fontchar 332 76 44 //ó
fontchar 376 76 44 //ô
fontchar 417 76 42 //õ
fontchar 457 76 56 //æ

fontchar 0 145 45 //è
fontchar 45 145 47 //ã
fontchar 94 145 42 //þ
fontchar 138 145 61 //û
fontchar 206 145 69 //ý
fontchar 275 145 52 //ÿ
fontchar 331 145 42 //ù
fontchar 189 423 49 //ø
fontchar 232 423 67 //ü
fontchar 385 145 41 //à
fontchar 455 145 33 //ñ

fontchar 0 213 38 //Á
fontchar 37 213 41 //Â
fontchar 78 213 40 //×
fontchar 117 213 35 //Ç
fontchar 150 213 44 //Ä
fontchar 195 213 41 //Å
fontchar 235 213 41 //£
fontchar 272 213 58 //Ö
fontchar 331 213 33 //Ú
fontchar 365 213 39 //É
fontchar 407 213 42 //Ê
fontchar 448 213 37 //Ë

fontchar 0 284 38 //Ì
fontchar 41 284 42 //Í
fontchar 88 284 40 //Î
fontchar 130 284 39 //Ï
fontchar 172 284 41 //Ð
fontchar 212 284 40 //Ò
fontchar 253 284 36 //Ó
fontchar 287 284 39 //Ô
fontchar 325 284 39 //Õ
fontchar 362 284 54 //Æ
fontchar 418 284 41 //È
fontchar 456 284 42 //Ã

fontchar 0 358 36 //Þ
fontchar 36 358 57 //Û
fontchar 96 358 58 //Ý
fontchar 156 358 45 //ß
fontchar 202 358 46 //Ù
fontchar 255 358 36 //Ø
fontchar 291 358 36 //Ü
fontchar 329 358 53 //À
fontchar 380 358 54 //Ñ
fontchar 417 358 44 //€
fontchar 461 358 40 //¥

fontchar 0 423 64 //æ
fontchar 64 423 36 //¶
fontchar 105 423 45 //±
fontchar 156 423 28 //œ
But it doesnt work!
When I entering command `/font russian` I only can see a message: `couldn't load texture`.
Command `/font default` may cause game crash or clearing all chars (I cant see what I typing/messages/menus etc.)

Tell me please, what I did incorrect, how to fix this problem and what means numbers "32 64 0 -1 5 6" :)

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#9896: Commercial Use of Cube 2

by D1Hazel on 01/13/2008 19:12

I think this is how it goes (correct me if I\'m wrong):
1. Download the game
2. The game is Disc 1
3. Delete everyone\'s Maps/Textures/Models/Ect
4. Make my own stuff
5. Delete all the files except my own resources and the new .exe
6. That is now Disk 2

7. In the manual, state that you have to install Disk A, then Disk B
8. Be sure to give credit to the maker\'s of Cube 2

Is that basicly it?

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#9897: Re: Commercial Use of Cube 2

by JadeMatrix on 01/13/2008 20:20, refers to #9896

Well, that would be considered an expansion mod of Sauerbraten, seeing as it 'keeps' (uses) a ton of/all the content from the original.

This is how I understand it:

Delete everything but the source code. Mod the code, compile, add your resources. When distributing, say what engine it's built on (Cube 2) and give credits to the original creators (and any assistance you had on your project.

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#9898: Re: Commercial Use of Cube 2

by D2Hazel on 01/13/2008 20:36, refers to #9897

But I thought I had to make it so that they had Cube 2 installed before they installed my game. Can I really just have it say that they need to go online and download Cube 2 first? If so, could I have an app that downloads the latest version of Cube 2 automaticly? How did Proper Games do it?

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#9899: Re: patch for mac?

by SanHolo on 01/13/2008 23:18, refers to #9893

No, there is no patch for the Mac version since the changes fixed with the patch are already built-in to the Mac version. ;)

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#9900: How do you open ports on Mac

by matador>> on 01/14/2008 18:47

I want to host a server on my MacbookPro, using OSX 10.5. I have searched the forums, and found out that I need to open ports. I can't figure out how to do this. I looked through the forums for three days, so don't tell me to just read the forums. If there is an article already on this that I have missed, just give me a link to it.

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#9901: Re: How do you open ports on Mac

by Megagun on 01/14/2008 18:57, refers to #9900

Opening ports is most often done by either configuring your router, or configuring your firewall..

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_forwarding
google: port forwarding

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#9902: An idea on cheating...

by Praxibetel_cradle on 01/14/2008 19:43

Instead of trying to stop everyone cheating on sauerbraten, why not just give every player an option of various cheats from a menu?

this is kinda similar to my idea to stop terrorism on planes:

instead of making sure nobody has a gun, give every passenger on board a gun, so if a terrorist came, he would be outnumbered.

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#9903: Re: An idea on cheating...

by JadeMatrix on 01/14/2008 19:49, refers to #9902

This isn't an airplane.

That wouldn't help at all. The reason people mod the code to cheat is to have something other players don't, usually more damage or special weapons or abilities.

1 + 1 ?

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#9904: Re: An idea on cheating...

by iggy on 01/14/2008 20:42, refers to #9902

That plane idea is colossally stupid.

Anyway, can someone tell me where screenshots end up in the Sauerbraten folder? I\\\'m using Ubuntu.

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#9905: Re: An idea on cheating...

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/14/2008 22:35, refers to #9904

In windows, they appear in the root sauerbraten folder.

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