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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12352205 views, last view: 10/06/2024 17:29

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#9873: Re: CVS compile error:

by Q009 on 01/10/2008 14:01, refers to #9868

Thanks! It works now.

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#9874: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/10/2008 15:55, refers to #9871

There's nothing in your output which hints to the crash/freeze. I have no idea, but wait for baby rabbit, he's one of the Mac developers for sauerbraten.

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#9875: Re: CVS compile error:

by SheeEttin on 01/10/2008 21:47, refers to #9873

And there was also a change to the C::B project since I checked out last... Probably this being fixed. :)

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#9876: Re: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/10/2008 23:16, refers to #9874

ok thx for all the help =)


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#9877: Re: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/10/2008 23:16, refers to #9874

ok thx for all the help =)


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#9878: Re: CVS compile error:

by Q009 on 01/11/2008 14:40, refers to #9875

Yup, i see... Thanks agin!

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#9879: Compile

by moltenice on 01/11/2008 18:22

Hey guys!!

I was wondering if the compiling thing that was shown in the wiki... can the people who i give the .exe to press 'e' and edit stuff on the map??

Or is there another way to make a proper 'non-editable' copy of the game i create??

Thanks in advance!

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#9880: Re: Compile

by SheeEttin on 01/11/2008 21:25, refers to #9879

What are you trying to do, make it so that they can't edit the source or the maps?

Without editing the source, it it not possible to prevent editing maps.

It is not possible to prevent people from editing the source unless you do not distribute the source. (Even so, one may still decompile the binary.)

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#9881: lots'a'pigs level

by Poroc on 01/12/2008 04:54

Will someone please advise me on how to finish the level with 100 pigs and the secret imps hideout for Cube 1.

I have been stuck for days and there must be a hidden switch or something that opens a secret passageway.

I must get past this.

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#9882: Re: lots'a'pigs level

by demosthenes on 01/12/2008 05:26, refers to #9881

You can't. It's unfinished. There's a whole thread about it.

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#9883: Re: lots'a'pigs level

by Poroc on 01/12/2008 08:05, refers to #9882

Yea. Thanks i just found the thread.

I could not believe its not finished.
Thanks for confirming this.

I read something about a switch near a wall?

So what happens now?

Do i start the game on next map or delete this map.

Oh, you dont mean thats the end?

If i delete this map and restart will i go too the map after this one?

Is there an ending for this game anywhere beside here?

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#9884: cube autoexec.cfg file

by Poroc on 01/12/2008 09:23

Does anyone know how to open the cube .cfg files ?

I need to open the autoexec.cfg and the config.cfg specifically.

Also i would like to start creating my own maps for cube.
Will someone give a few pointers like how too get started.


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#9885: Re: cube autoexec.cfg file

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/12/2008 11:02, refers to #9884

Open them with your favourite text editor. Notepad or equivalent will do just fine.

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#9886: Eisestern

by Roxas on 01/12/2008 11:25

When this will be ready !!!!!!!!!!!

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#9887: Re: Eisestern

by JadeMatrix on 01/12/2008 15:07, refers to #9886

When the developers finish.

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#9888: Why all the Leopard issues?

by LordVeXoR on 01/12/2008 19:13

I have been searching the forums for help with my sauer issues and it looks like Leopard users are the ones having the most trouble.

Why is this?



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#9889: The game engine

by Rtivy on 01/12/2008 20:33

I haven\'t downloaded the game yet but is there a way to use the game engine the game uses to make your own game with out deleting the game itself?

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#9890: Linker issues

by AzraelUK on 01/12/2008 21:34

(I'm on Windows here, and it's not really designed for this kind of thing.)

I'm trying to compile Sauer in VS2005, using the appropriate .sln file that comes with the install.. Well, I can COMPILE it, but the linker dies with errors about unresolved external symbols. Read the full log at http://azrael.ismywebsite.com/errors.html

Has anybody managed to successfully compile the most recent version of Sauerbraten under Windows? Does anybody know why it's dying on the trivial functions that should be in kernel32 anyway?

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#9891: Re: Why all the Leopard issues?

by baby rabbit on 01/12/2008 21:54, refers to #9888

Providing Mac Leopard users are running the latest Assassin version of Saue then there are no issues that I am aware of.

LordVeXoR - sadly you seem to be the exception, I'm sorry that your MacBook seems to freeze when running Sauer - I cant see how to debug the issue without physically having an equivalent machine to test on. However I do track other Mac devs problems, and if I spot something relevant then I will submit the fix to Sauer too...

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#9892: Re: Why all the Leopard issues?

by LordVeXoR on 01/12/2008 22:17, refers to #9891

ok ill redownload it and see if it works.
(i just updated to 10.5.1 lepoard.)

Thank you so very much baby rabbit and sanholo for spending so much time on my issue =)


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