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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351741 views, last view: 10/06/2024 13:30

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9856: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/07/2008 22:49, refers to #9855

Don't mind me, I didn't see that there was more on the next page. >_>

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#9857: Re: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/08/2008 00:07, refers to #9846

Ok, SanHolo.

It froze up so I had to force the computer off.
I copied this from the console area, it may have some irrelavent stuff cause I copied like 5 minutes back.

1/7/08 4:55:33 PM org.ntp.ntpd[20] Error : nodename nor servname provided, or not known
1/7/08 4:55:41 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[97]) Exited: Terminated
1/7/08 4:56:41 PM com.apple.dyld[57] update_dyld_shared_cache[57] regenerated cache for arch=i386
1/7/08 4:56:41 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dyld) Throttling respawn: Will start in 60 seconds
1/7/08 4:57:42 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dyld) Throttling respawn: Will start in 60 seconds
1/7/08 4:58:42 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dyld) Throttling respawn: Will start in 60 seconds
1/7/08 4:59:42 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dyld) Throttling respawn: Will start in 60 seconds
1/7/08 5:00:42 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dyld) Throttling respawn: Will start in 60 seconds
1/7/08 5:01:54 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] fsck_hfs: Volume is journaled. No checking performed.
1/7/08 5:01:54 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] fsck_hfs: Use the -f option to force checking.
1/7/08 5:01:56 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist
1/7/08 5:01:56 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
1/7/08 5:01:56 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
1/7/08 5:02:22 PM org.ntp.ntpd[14] Error : nodename nor servname provided, or not known
1/7/08 5:02:24 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[67]) Exited: Terminated

*Whew* Thats alot.



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#9858: Re: Error

by B.A. on 01/08/2008 01:10, refers to #9758

hey, did you ever find the answer to your problem? I've got the exact same problem too!

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#9859: ..

by foureyes on 01/08/2008 01:18

ahh-hem, did anybody find the answer to:

sauerbraten fatal error
sauerraten win32 exception:oxc0000005 [0&8]

after seeing:

warning: no texture rectangular support....
warning: no framebuffer support....
warning: non-power-of-two textures not supported...

seen the questions asked. have I missed the answers?

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#9860: Re: error and fatal error

by foureyes on 01/08/2008 04:22, refers to #9859

did anybody find the answer yet..... haha(i must laught it off)...ha.... I did nothing on my day off but spend 10 hours straight trying to get a taste of Sauerbraten!! Thanks!

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#9861: Re: error and fatal error

by Quin on 01/08/2008 07:54, refers to #9860

Maybe if you provided a bit more information, someone might be able to help you out :) As with anyone, we don't know your specific hardware setup or anything, which makes helping you fairly impossible.

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#9862: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/08/2008 09:52, refers to #9857

LordVeXor, this doesn't help much, that's the log from the startup. ;-)

When sauer freezes, press Option + Command + ESC + ESC (will work after a couple of seconds, if not repeat hitting ESC while holding Option + Command), and sauerbraten will quit and you'll be back to your Desktop. THEN open your Console and tell us what's written there.

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#9863: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by baby rabbit on 01/08/2008 10:56, refers to #9862

LordVeXor, further to what SanHolo says - run Sauerbraten in windowed mode, with the console running in a window alongside - then even if it does freeze the entire machine, then you may be able to read the last few messages...

Also, your messages suggest that it 'sometimes' (as opposed to always) freezes, i.e. on specific maps, multiplayer, etc - can you clarify.

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#9864: Re: error and fatal error

by foureyes on 01/08/2008 17:15, refers to #9861

oops, my bad-- thanks Quin:
I\'m operating windows vista (I know, I know) with an intergrated x3100 graphics-- just like another cat who posted this same problem a few pages back.

when trying to run the program the following is seen:
\"warning: no texture rectangular support. (no full screen shaders)
warning: no framebuffer object support. (reflective water may be slow)
warning: non-power-of-two textured supported!\"
followed by:
\"sauerbraten fatal error sauerbraten win 32 exception: 0x0000005 [0x8]\"

um.... help? thanks!

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#9865: Re: error and fatal error

by Quin on 01/09/2008 04:13, refers to #9864

Have you installed the official drivers from ATI? http://ati.amd.com/

Realise that you won't get terribly good performance from Sauerbraten on an integrated graphics card, the gfx are almost on par with the last/current generation of games. If you have got the right drivers, you can always try tweaking some settings; http://cube.wikispaces.com/FAQ - http://cube.wikispaces.com/Performance+Guide

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#9866: CVS compile error:

by Q009 on 01/09/2008 17:03

I donloaded latest CVS and
while linking "sauerbraten-mingw.exe" Code::Blocks displayed this error:



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#9867: Re: error and fatal error

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/09/2008 17:44, refers to #9865

x3100 is an Intel integrated graphics chipset (so don't d/l ATi drivers)

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#9868: Re: CVS compile error:

by SheeEttin on 01/09/2008 19:00, refers to #9866

Methinks you're missing src/engine/decal.cpp. Probably isn't included in the Code::Blocks project file yet. If you edit src/mingw/sauerbraten.cbp and add the following text somewhere (preferably around line 284), it should work. (You could also edit the project with C::B's mechanism, but what fun is that?)

<Unit filename="..\engine\decal.cpp">
<Option compilerVar="CPP"/>
<Option target="default"/>

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#9869: help with graphics plz?

by macogene on 01/09/2008 20:58

when i start playing cube Nothing but grey and skybox appear i can also see the menu and shots i have an ati radeon 7000 series

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#9870: Re: help with graphics plz?

by SheeEttin on 01/10/2008 01:25, refers to #9869

Using latest drivers?

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#9871: Re: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/10/2008 01:41, refers to #9862

Ok, i have some interesting news San and baby rabbit.

Now i can load my map but as soon as i do something ( I dont know what it is but it happens sometimes
when I move my mouse in a quick motion.)
it will freeze.

i tried your hot keys and my computer was still frozen, It wouldn't do anything. =/

I also had my console open and nothing interesting popped up. =/

here are the last sauer related things it said-
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: sdl
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: enet
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: video: mode
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: video: misc
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: console
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: gl
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten Renderer: Intel GMA X3100 OpenGL Engine (Intel Inc.)
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten Driver: 1.2 APPLE-1.5.18
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten WARNING: No shader support! Using fixed function fallback. (no fancy visuals for you)
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: world
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: sound
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: cfg
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: localconnect
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten init: mainloop
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten read map packages/base/metl4.ogz (0.2 seconds)
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten Mining Station by metlslime
1/9/08 6:27:58 PM [0x0-0x27027].Sauerbraten 2game mode is ffa/default

Any other ideas are welcomed =)

thanks for sticking with me =D

Lord VeXoR

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#9872: windows vista home premium

by Kizran on 01/10/2008 12:56

hi i try and run the game and seem to always get this message

Sauerbrutan fatal Error
"Sauerbrutan Win32 Exception: 0xc0000000f (0x8)"

does anyone know what it means

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#9873: Re: CVS compile error:

by Q009 on 01/10/2008 14:01, refers to #9868

Thanks! It works now.

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#9874: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/10/2008 15:55, refers to #9871

There's nothing in your output which hints to the crash/freeze. I have no idea, but wait for baby rabbit, he's one of the Mac developers for sauerbraten.

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#9875: Re: CVS compile error:

by SheeEttin on 01/10/2008 21:47, refers to #9873

And there was also a change to the C::B project since I checked out last... Probably this being fixed. :)

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