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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351072 views, last view: 10/06/2024 11:21

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#9836: complete perplexity

by Rabid_Chaos on 01/06/2008 21:41

I recently updated to linux Beforehand, Sauerbraten, Assault Cube, and Cube 1 all worked. Afterwards, none of those worked. Normally what I would do to start any of them is go to the folder, double-click sauerbraten_unix or assaultcube.sh and select 'run', but now nothing at all happens once I do that.

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#9837: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by LordVeXoR on 01/06/2008 21:50

I have a brand new Macbook with leopard.

I downloaded assassin edition and when I tried to load a map I had implanted, it would load then freeze my whole computer. It would also crash Sauer if I put my FSAA and Shaders up.

Then I brought over and older version of Sauer (Before summer edition) from my old computer and it does the exact same thing!

Help please! =(


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#9838: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by MovingTarget on 01/06/2008 22:06, refers to #9837

I think SanHolo may be able to help...

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#9839: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by LordVeXoR on 01/06/2008 23:44, refers to #9838

um, how can I get ahold of him?

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#9840: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by MovingTarget on 01/06/2008 23:46, refers to #9839

He should be browsing around the forum sometime...

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#9841: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by SanHolo on 01/07/2008 00:52, refers to #9839

You can't =D =D

Do you have a MacBook or a MacBook Pro? Which version of Leopard? Does it only crash with that specific map?

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#9842: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/07/2008 02:23

Macbook, not pro and the most recent one I think.
( I got this computer 3rd of Jan 08)
Um no, I tried playing multiplayer and it crashed as well. I haven't really tried much more because I hate forcing my computer off =/.

Thank you so much man ^_^


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#9843: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/07/2008 02:24

Macbook, not pro and the most recent one I think.
( I got this computer 3rd of Jan 08)
Um no, I tried playing multiplayer and it crashed as well. I haven't really tried much more because I hate forcing my computer off =/.

Thank you so much man ^_^


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#9844: Z-Buffer, Stencils and other odd settings...

by Visceral on 01/07/2008 05:38

I've been playing around with some of the more unusual settings and I have a few questions..

First off, does the engine actually do anything if I set my z-buffer or stencils to higher values? I\'m running the game on a 8800gts and I\'ve set the stencils to 32 and z buffer to 8 in the (possibly mistaken) belief that both share the same buffer and it has to be a max of 32 for both. Do shadows in the cube2 engine benefit from a higher stencil buffer or a higher z-buffer?

Bloom: The value I select stays the same, but I have to click on Bloom each time I play the game or enter multiplayer. Is this setting broken or am I doing something wrong?

Finally, blurms and blurskylight. Does these two things have any effect on post-processing that will be noticeable or should I just leave them alone?

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#9845: Re: Z-Buffer, Stencils and other odd settings...

by Hirato Kirata on 01/07/2008 08:34, refers to #9844

I can answer the last one. blurlms blurs the lightmaps, (make them look softer).
blurskylight blurs the shadows cast by /skylight. it makes it appear more soft and such.

By soft I mean the edges and blured and they don't looka s sharp.

~Hirato Kirata

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#9846: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/07/2008 09:09, refers to #9842

And it locks up your Mac or do you manually have to shut it down? What happens if you press CMD + Option + ESC twice? Should bring you back to the desktop.

After a crash, open up the Console (located in Applications/Utilities and let us know what's written there.

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#9847: Re: Z-Buffer, Stencils and other odd settings...

by Quin on 01/07/2008 14:42, refers to #9844

1. You don't need to adjust stencil or z-buffer unless you're having problems with the defaults.

2. Add "setfullscreenshader bloom <amount>" to your "autoexec.cfg", creating this file if necessary.

3. I hate to have to say it, but read the fine manual;


General rule of thumb, if it isn't documented, then regular users should not be messing with it. If it is documented, then please read it before asking us to repeat information already available.

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#9848: ..

by Visceral on 01/07/2008 19:56

Thanks for the info. And for the record, I didn't just ask a stupid question without looking first, I must have just missed it.

And I'd like to comment on something. I know full well that having people look for information on their own is the best way to do things, and I agree. However, I've noticed a distinct unfriendleness here when it comes to people who are new to the game and ask questions that some deem to "well covered" or "well documented". Really, no one is asking you to write a dissertation as a response to every question that comes across the forum, but jumping all over new commers to the game isn't a great way to get people involved in the community. Then again, maybe that's the problem, some here might not want a lot of new people involved. I've seen plenty of unfriendly comments directed towards new commers who dare to offer a suggestion but can't do the work themselves or in one case someone who offered a new sound file but, *gasp*, didn't replace ALL the sound files.

Seriously, a great game but bad attitude around here sometimes.

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#9849: Re: ..

by rock.n.rol_ on 01/07/2008 20:08, refers to #9848

Hm, usually everyone here will get help.

But it may happen that some ppl ask the same questions over and over again, or want to contribute "stuff" which is either not needed, not finished enough or not sure where it is from (copyright), that's why they should 1. read the manual before asking, 2. submit maps and other Sauerbraten-related content to www.quadropolis.us or try to use the search function in this forum.

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#9850: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 01/07/2008 20:13, refers to #9848

I haven't seen one person here go away without getting some form of help or answer.

And in response to the last part of your post, I didn't criticize the fact that he only had one sound file, I suggested that he make more sounds, i.e. a 'sound pack', to make it more attractive for downloading.

If you have content that has been contributed from a lot of different people, they may not have the same 'theme' and might not go together that well.

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#9851: Really, Visceral ?? #9886: ..

by steve_e on 01/07/2008 20:30

"However, I've noticed a distinct unfriendleness here when it comes to people who are new to the game and ask questions that some deem to "well covered" or "well documented".

How odd, in the past month since participating on this forum I have found the complete opposite to what you describe when asking questions that are not "well documented".

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#9852: ..

by Visceral on 01/07/2008 20:36

Well, I hope no one take it too personally, it's just an observation from someone who is new to the community and game. It's possible I'm just seeing day to day banter and confusing it for something it's not, in which case I'm in error.

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#9853: .. "I hate to have to say it, but" ..

by Quin on 01/07/2008 20:49, refers to #9848

I answered your questions in quite a verbose manner while sticking to the point, I think, without a condescending attitude. Heck, I even said please. I'm all for treating newcomers fairly, and I attempt to help steer the community toward that end - search the forums a bit and read some earlier stuff to see what I mean there.

You seem to have taken alot of stuff that's been said out of context, especially regarding that 'sound file' issue. There's lots of people out there creating their own stuff, but not much of it is of publishable quality. As an example, track down a list of attempted cube/sauerbraten mods, then count how many of them actually get anywhere, and then of those tally up how many are actually successful.

You need to realise that you will not get the same level of support from a volunteer project as you will a commercial one. People who waste our time leave less time for those who have legitimate and intelligent questions, and I try to field every single one despite that fact, due to my experience working with the engine.

To be honest, with the thankless effort put in here we could be alot less tolerant.

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#9854: ..

by Visceral on 01/07/2008 22:02

Fair enough, I think it boils down to a difference of perception, but that's my problem and not anyone elses. Thank you for the help.

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#9855: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/07/2008 22:48, refers to #9848

We're not trying to be offensive or anything, it's just that when you get asked the same question many times, you end up just saying "RTFM, it's covered".
Rule of thumb: Documentation first, support second (or third or fourth).

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