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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351702 views, last view: 10/06/2024 13:25

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#9827: Re: How Do I Make A Custom Texture?

by JBridge on 01/06/2008 06:55, refers to #9826

/ambient 1? Sorry, but I'm kind of a newb here. I assume it's not a console command, as I tried that.

Also, what formats are supported by SLD_image?

Lastly, my custom maps don't have their own .cfgs; should I make them?


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#9828: Re: How Do I Make A Custom Texture?

by SheeEttin on 01/06/2008 07:26, refers to #9827

It is /ambient 1.
After you put that in, you need to recalculate lights. The command syntax is "/calclight Q", where Q is the quality from -2 to 3. (Basically, use -1 for previews, 3 for release quality.)

As for the CFGs, you don't need one unless you want to set the skybox, fog, load extra textures, etc.

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#9829: Re: fatal error

by evil_genius on 01/06/2008 10:07, refers to #9822

Yea, but where can I find that Eihrul?

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#9830: Re: How Do I Make A Custom Texture?

by JBridge on 01/06/2008 11:41, refers to #9828

D'oh! THAT'S why nothing was happening. Whoops.

And I DO want an extra texture, so what do I do? Do I simply create a .cfg with only
"setshader stdworld
texture 0 "path to texture""?

By the way, thank Hitaro for the code.

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#9831: Re: How Do I Make A Custom Texture?

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/06/2008 12:22, refers to #9830

And name that cfg as to have the exact same name as your map. (and put it in packages/base)

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#9832: Thanks a Lot!

by JBridge on 01/06/2008 19:38

The ambient lighting really did the trick! What I wanted was a transition from one area to another, and it worked perfectly.



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#9833: Thanks a Lot!

by JBridge on 01/06/2008 19:39

The ambient lighting really did the trick! What I wanted was a transition from one area to another, and it worked perfectly.



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#9834: Thanks a Lot!

by JBridge on 01/06/2008 19:39

The ambient lighting really did the trick! What I wanted was a transition from one area to another, and it worked perfectly.



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#9835: Re: fatal error

by JadeMatrix on 01/06/2008 21:17, refers to #9829

eihrul, being one of the creators of the game, is bound to be floating around here somewhere. You do not find eihrul, eihrul finds you. ;D

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#9836: complete perplexity

by Rabid_Chaos on 01/06/2008 21:41

I recently updated to linux Beforehand, Sauerbraten, Assault Cube, and Cube 1 all worked. Afterwards, none of those worked. Normally what I would do to start any of them is go to the folder, double-click sauerbraten_unix or assaultcube.sh and select 'run', but now nothing at all happens once I do that.

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#9837: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by LordVeXoR on 01/06/2008 21:50

I have a brand new Macbook with leopard.

I downloaded assassin edition and when I tried to load a map I had implanted, it would load then freeze my whole computer. It would also crash Sauer if I put my FSAA and Shaders up.

Then I brought over and older version of Sauer (Before summer edition) from my old computer and it does the exact same thing!

Help please! =(


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#9838: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by MovingTarget on 01/06/2008 22:06, refers to #9837

I think SanHolo may be able to help...

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#9839: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by LordVeXoR on 01/06/2008 23:44, refers to #9838

um, how can I get ahold of him?

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#9840: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by MovingTarget on 01/06/2008 23:46, refers to #9839

He should be browsing around the forum sometime...

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#9841: Re: Trouble with Sauer on Mac Leopard!

by SanHolo on 01/07/2008 00:52, refers to #9839

You can't =D =D

Do you have a MacBook or a MacBook Pro? Which version of Leopard? Does it only crash with that specific map?

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#9842: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/07/2008 02:23

Macbook, not pro and the most recent one I think.
( I got this computer 3rd of Jan 08)
Um no, I tried playing multiplayer and it crashed as well. I haven't really tried much more because I hate forcing my computer off =/.

Thank you so much man ^_^


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#9843: ..

by LordVeXoR on 01/07/2008 02:24

Macbook, not pro and the most recent one I think.
( I got this computer 3rd of Jan 08)
Um no, I tried playing multiplayer and it crashed as well. I haven't really tried much more because I hate forcing my computer off =/.

Thank you so much man ^_^


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#9844: Z-Buffer, Stencils and other odd settings...

by Visceral on 01/07/2008 05:38

I've been playing around with some of the more unusual settings and I have a few questions..

First off, does the engine actually do anything if I set my z-buffer or stencils to higher values? I\'m running the game on a 8800gts and I\'ve set the stencils to 32 and z buffer to 8 in the (possibly mistaken) belief that both share the same buffer and it has to be a max of 32 for both. Do shadows in the cube2 engine benefit from a higher stencil buffer or a higher z-buffer?

Bloom: The value I select stays the same, but I have to click on Bloom each time I play the game or enter multiplayer. Is this setting broken or am I doing something wrong?

Finally, blurms and blurskylight. Does these two things have any effect on post-processing that will be noticeable or should I just leave them alone?

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#9845: Re: Z-Buffer, Stencils and other odd settings...

by Hirato Kirata on 01/07/2008 08:34, refers to #9844

I can answer the last one. blurlms blurs the lightmaps, (make them look softer).
blurskylight blurs the shadows cast by /skylight. it makes it appear more soft and such.

By soft I mean the edges and blured and they don't looka s sharp.

~Hirato Kirata

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#9846: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/07/2008 09:09, refers to #9842

And it locks up your Mac or do you manually have to shut it down? What happens if you press CMD + Option + ESC twice? Should bring you back to the desktop.

After a crash, open up the Console (located in Applications/Utilities and let us know what's written there.

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