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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Loading screen/HUD design contest

by eihrul on 12/27/2008 21:23, 109 messages, last message: 02/01/2009 00:20, 43414 views, last view: 10/06/2024 09:32

So, something I'd like to try for the next release is to make the loading screens less ugly, and for extra credit, maybe the HUD too - although that seems unlikely.

I'd appreciate if anyone with actual graphics design skills - since this excludes me - would like to take a stab at this and submit it here. The winner, of course, gets the thing included in the next release. Losers, well, there is no consolation prize. :)

A note: I would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten" (which most people find too weird a name) to just "Cube 2", so if any new logos are made and such, having "Cube 2" would be preferrable over "Sauerbraten".

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#99: Re: BUMP!

by eihrul on 01/20/2009 12:11, refers to #98

Okay, so the question is, do we want to put this to a vote now, or are there still people working on submitting some more designs?

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#100: Re: BUMP!

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 01/24/2009 18:05, refers to #99


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#101: Message censored by administrator

by lucky on 01/24/2009 23:16

#102: Not to be heartless, but...

by tentus_ on 01/24/2009 23:52

Stay on topic.


My vote goes to http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/870/cube2wp1024jx2.jpg with some qualifications/requests. I like this one because it's simple and fits the grit of Sauer the best of all the above. At the same time (seemingly in contradiction), I feel that needs a bit more information crammed into it. My suggestion would be using "Cube 2: Sauerbraten" as a mask for a progress bar; have the tint progress from a yellowish-orange to a blood red, from left to right.

Similarly, I would prefer the "You kill stuff" to me a message that changes on each loading screen. We've seen in countless games that having tips during the loading screen at least provides a couple of seconds of distraction. The stamp could serve that purpose, though that would probably mean straightening it out and (probably) centering.

You know what, I'll make a mockup. ... http://tsholden.com/demo.gif (Apologies for ugliness, no disrespect intended).

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#103: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/25/2009 03:17

Yeah, I still haven't gotten around to making one. RL and IL stuff got in the way.

Maybe I'll get one in the next few weeks, 'unofficially.'

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#104: Re: Not to be heartless, but...

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 01/31/2009 09:23, refers to #102

Voting for the same thing as Tentus, sinchttp://img213.imageshack.us/img213/870/cube2wp1024jx2.jpge it's obviously the best one :D

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#105: ..

by eihrul on 01/31/2009 09:24

Just so everyone knows, I have selected Blindabuser to do the final logo. He has made some modifications from the entry he posted here, so it will look similar but different.

If he wants to post his final entry here for people to see, I will leave that up to him, but eventually when I get around to it I will be integrating it into Sauerbraten soon.

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#106: ..

by Geartrooper on 01/31/2009 09:52

'grats blind.

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#107: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 01/31/2009 15:04, refers to #105


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#108: Thanks! :)

by Blindabuser on 01/31/2009 22:44

Many thanks to eihrul, Aard and all of you, for your support and appreciation: I'm flattered and honored for this chance to contribute to my favorite game, and share it with such a great community! :)

As eihrul said, the logo now looks slightly different, and definitely more in line with the classic design we all know. The "You kill stuff. The end." stamp has been dumped under eihrul's request. Here are a few screenshots of the final release, including some work in progress, just for fun (beware of browser's automatic resizing).


As I'll be out for a month, most probably I couldn't read the forums, and, worst of all, I couldn't see how the new splash-screen looks like on SVN, but well... I'll have all the time, then. :)

Last remarks: with the many, cool features added to Sauerbraten lately, such as ragdoll physics, texture painting and the new Ironsnout to name a few (I call myself out, obviously) this game is really getting one step ahead, and if we consider that most contributions come from the community, here's a bright demonstration that a game doesn't need to wheight 4Gb and to cost 50€, to be good.

See ya in one month! :)

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#109: ..

by JadeMatrix on 02/01/2009 00:20

Good work, Blindabuser, looks real professional. Kinda reminds me of the Doom logo, but nvm.

I sorry I wasn't able to participate, but I had too much other *important and otherwise ;)* stuff on my plate.

lol @ 50€ — most big games I know cost $40-50 in the US (half? as much).
Currency's a funny thing.

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