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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351667 views, last view: 10/06/2024 13:17

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#9806: a few issues

by Rufe0 on 01/02/2008 13:55

I have just installed the game with the patch on ubuntu. It has a few issues, I cannot move 360 degrees with the mouse. It will go about 180degre hoizontaly, about 45degree verticaly but thats about it... The other thing is connecting to a server, I have got the list from the server, left it several mins etc and it just will not connect to any servers.
Ok thnx for any help cheers

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#9807: Re: Many maps not working under Gutsy Gibbon 7.10

by SheeEttin on 01/03/2008 01:00, refers to #9799

Yeah, you're probably using the ati/radeon driver... You want the proprietary fglrx driver.

I wrote a nice little installer, which you can get here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3082777.0
When that's done, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the fglrx driver.

Or, there's Envy (http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html)... more complicated, but it seems to work for everyone. (I've never used it.)

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#9808: Windows error

by dadnoz on 01/03/2008 02:57

I am getting a \"side by side configuration not setup properly\" or some message like that at game startup on Windows Vista 64-bit - any ideas?

mike king

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#9809: Re: Windows error

by steve_e on 01/03/2008 03:29, refers to #9808

Do a search on the forum - there is was something posted up not too long ago...

Or click here instead:

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#9810: Server

by Chris-German on 01/03/2008 20:37

how can i open a server?
i need help, because i doesn't go, like a friend tell it me.


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#9811: Re: Server

by MovingTarget on 01/03/2008 22:54, refers to #9810

Double click on server.bat, for a start. Look in the docs for more details on command line parameters.

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#9812: The nice Visual C++ runtime error.

by Aaron on 01/04/2008 20:34

So yeah i get to playin and all, and within the first five seconds of playing i get the runtime error. Heres what it says in the console:
C:\\Program Files\\Sauerbraten>bin\\sauerbraten.exe -r
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU/AGP/SSE/3DNOW! (NVIDIA Corporation)
Driver: 1.4.0
WARNING: No vertex_buffer_object extension! (geometry heavy maps will be SLOW)
WARNING: No occlusion query support! (large maps may be SLOW)
WARNING: No shader support! Using fixed function fallback. (no fancy visuals for
WARNING: Using NVIDIA texgen bug workaround. (use \"/nvidia_texgen_bug 0\" to disa
ble if unnecessary)
WARNING: No framebuffer object support. (reflective water may be slow)
WARNING: Non-power-of-two textures not supported!
init: console
init: gl: effects
init: world
init: sound
init: cfg
init: localconnect
init: mainloop
read map packages\\base\\metl4.ogz (0.2 seconds)
Mining Station by metlslime
game mode is ffa/default

And then occasionally, i get en endless win32 exception error.

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#9813: ..

by Flame on 01/04/2008 20:55

I am from germany.

I don\'t know how to install new maps...
I copyed the CGZ-file into the folder \"...packages/maps\" but nothing happened...
I don\'t know what to do, I used google, but I coudn\'d found any help.

So can you help me please???

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#9814: ..

by Flame on 01/04/2008 21:08

ok I found it...

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#9815: ..

by Flame on 01/04/2008 21:08

ok I found it...

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#9816: Cannot Connect to master server

by draeded7 on 01/04/2008 23:04

Unblocked the Assault cube on my PC, have fast connection, what am i doing wrong?

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#9817: Re: Cannot Connect to master server

by Drakas on 01/04/2008 23:12, refers to #9816

draeded7: http://assault.cubers.net/forum/

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#9818: Re: The nice Visual C++ runtime error.

by Aaron on 01/05/2008 16:53, refers to #9812

Never mind. By updating my drivers, i seem to have fixed the problem.

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#9819: fatal error

by sauerfreak on 01/05/2008 19:24

I can run Sauerbraten Assassin Edition fine, but when I try to map, the game closes and this message pops up:

sauerbraten fatal error

And inside the box is this:

Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0x6c]
I've installed the thing that that came with the .exe installer, so I know that that's not the problem.
I was told on Quadropolis by SheeEttin that Eihrul is 'magical with this kind of thing'. Any help would be much appreciated. Send help to my email at sauerfreak@yahoo.com. Thanks!

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#9820: Fatal Error

by evil_genius on 01/05/2008 20:56

When I try to launch Sauerbraten after a second the following error appears:
Sauerbraten Win32 Exception:
0xc0000005 [0x34]

My computer is a Windows XP Home Edition with Service pack 2, 512 mb RAM and for graphics an ATI Radeon 9550 Series.
Can someone help me?

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#9821: Fatal Error

by evil_genius on 01/05/2008 20:56

When I try to launch Sauerbraten Assassin Edition (patched) after a second the following error appears:
Sauerbraten Win32 Exception:
0xc0000005 [0x34]

My computer is a Windows XP Home Edition with Service pack 2, 512 mb RAM and for graphics an ATI Radeon 9550 Series.
Can someone help me?

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#9822: Re: fatal error

by SheeEttin on 01/05/2008 22:12, refers to #9819

>Eihrul is 'magical with this kind of thing'

It wasn't necessary to quote me on that... >_>

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#9823: Re: fatal error

by tentus_ on 01/06/2008 00:46, refers to #9819

I ran across the 0xc0000005 error too, when trying to load "island"... but was then entirely unable to replicate the bug a few seconds later. Weird. I've been doing a ton of mapping recently, and nothing has cropped up during those hours of fiddling around.

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#9824: Sound issue.

by dusty on 01/06/2008 03:45

Running Fedora 8. Audio seems to work for everything but Sauerbraten. From a terminal it errors out saying:

(SDL_mixer): Fragment size must be a power of two

Anyone have any pointers? Thanks!

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#9825: How Do I Make A Custom Texture?

by JBridge on 01/06/2008 03:52

I simply need a black texture to make areas appear dark. Doom 3 dark. Can anyone help me?

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