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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12357346 views, last view: 10/07/2024 15:43

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#9723: Re: ..

by Quin on 12/16/2007 05:12, refers to #9689

sensitivity 10
sensitivityscale 1

Not saying you "need" it that high (in fact, it's that high from my old quake days), just that it is possible to turn that fast if one wished (contradictory to real life).

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#9724: ..

by JadeMatrix on 12/17/2007 01:20

O.o the posts on the AI-scripts is making me dizzy...


My take. It uses f_life (a read-only variable) from my hud.cfg concept.

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#9725: Re: Scriptable monsters

by Quin on 12/17/2007 03:52, refers to #9718

You guys may find the SSP module in SauerMod useful. It contains some of the stuff I experimented with while doing the enemy logic, including script controls and events. I addressed the issue of controlling single monsters by assigning them an index on load, and having the script use that to reference them.

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#9726: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by hicks on 12/17/2007 04:35

Been getting tired of Codeblocks and have wanting to try out Visual Express 2008 which btw is looking really nice and although I'm heavy on the open source I make some exceptions (windows xp for my games.)
Anyway I've compiled sauerbraten.exe with the afxres.h taken from the Codeblocks include directory and everything has compiled nicely without any real warnings, but sauerbaten.exe fails to start with an "application error" and I get one of those pesky dialog boxes.
It's not a big deal as there is nothing wrong with Codeblocks other than the 2dgui not working for me.

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#9727: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by Luolamies on 12/17/2007 10:37, refers to #9726

I'm using VC express 2005, but you might want to try this: In your project directory there is a file called sauerbraten.rc. In this file, edit "afxres.h" into "windows.h".

Works for me.

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#9728: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by hicks on 12/17/2007 21:49, refers to #9727

No luck even with the platform sdk, it still refuses to function. I\'m not gonna waste more than 5 minutes on a Microsoft product. Although I\'m really against using cvs/svn builds, I\'ll grab the lastest nightly build of Codeblocks. Thanks for the advice though.

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#9729: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by SheeEttin on 12/17/2007 22:18, refers to #9728

> I'm really against using cvs/svn builds

You, sir, are missing out on a lot... For example, Sauer's CVS just got the assasin mode.

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#9730: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by yoopers on 12/17/2007 23:41, refers to #9729

So, somewhat off-topic, but related to CVS installs: I've had an easy time compiling from CVS, but every time I try to browse for servers I get told that I'm running a more recent version than the server supports. Is there some way to play on a Summer Edition server with a CVS-compiled client, or are my expectations out-of-whack?


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#9731: Help

by Rev on 12/17/2007 23:46

i have recently downloaded Assault Cube. But, everytime i click the icon on my desktop, it just sends me to the installation window. I want to play the game. What am I doing wrong?

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#9732: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by c0rdawg on 12/18/2007 00:07, refers to #9730

Nope the CVS network code is slightly different so you can only play on CVS servers. But don't worry the CVS will become official any day now...

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#9733: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by MovingTarget on 12/18/2007 00:08, refers to #9732

December 21, I think.

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#9734: Re: Visual Express 2008 any success?

by yoopers on 12/18/2007 00:11, refers to #9733

Kewl. :] Thanks for the update.

*grins in anticipation of a new Sauer release*

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#9735: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/18/2007 00:13

I checked about half an hour ago, and there were two CVS servers up, neither of which had players on them.

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#9736: Re: Help

by JadeMatrix on 12/18/2007 14:02, refers to #9731

Installation window, or launcher window? If it\'s the latter, just choose your prefs, and hit play.

If it\'s the former, I\'m guessing you\'re running windoze, and cube games have an installer (for win) just like any other pc game does. So run the installer to get all your files in place, then run the launcher exe.

That\'s from a Mac guy, so if you try it, it may not work. Won\'t fry your computer, though.

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#9737: Message censored by administrator

by qpantom on 12/18/2007 19:13

#9738: Message censored by administrator

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/18/2007 20:28, refers to #9737

#9739: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/19/2007 17:46

Who is updating the Code::Blocks CVS project?

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#9740: Re: ..

by Quin on 12/19/2007 17:56, refers to #9739

That would be me, why?

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#9741: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/19/2007 19:39, refers to #9740

Because I just checked out the latest CVS Sauerbraten, the c::b project was from a much older version, and assassin.h wasn't even included in the project. Could you please use a nightly build?

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#9742: Error

by Ace on 12/19/2007 22:35

My friend is trying to get his Sauerbraten up and running so we can play it, but he gets a runtime error whenever he tries to start it up. Any idea how to fix this?

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