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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11844222 views, last view: 07/02/2024 21:03

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#9685: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by Hirato Kirata on 12/12/2007 13:58

I've been trying to make a GUI that'll list skyboxes exactly in the way that the loadmap gui does for maps. And is equally easy to update.

I ended up with the following code, and there's apparently a huge flaw in the genskyitems alias. what the flaw is, and how to fix it, I don't know. Regardless of the menu entries it creates, they all only have one command associated with them, /loadsky ratboy/skyboxes/coward. Strangely enough, the showskyshot alias works completely fine. so, anyone know what the problem is?

genskyitems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
add-skybox1 = (at $arg1 $i)
title = $add-skybox1
path = $arg2
guibutton $title [loadsky (format "%1/%2" $path $title)] "sauer"

alias showskyshot [ guibar; guiimage (concatword (format "packages/%1/" $arg1) (at $guirollovername 0) "_ft.jpg") $guirolloveraction 4 1 ]]

skyboxes = "black evilsky morning" //genskyitems1
socksky = "desert emerald frozen frozendusk mars nightball valley" //genskyitems2
staffy = "staffy" //genskyitems3
dash = "moon" //genskyitems4
blindabuser = "blindasky" //genskyitems5
aftas = "orbe" //genskyitems6
ik2k = "iklake" //genskyitems7
ratboy = "coward" //genskyitems8

newgui set-skybox [
guitext "you know the drill, just guide your cursor over the tabs"
guitext "if you see one you like, just click it, and it'll load"
guitext "a preview of the _ft image will display in the bottom left"
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitab skyboxes
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $skyboxes skyboxes
showskyshot skyboxes
guitab socksky
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $socksky socksky
showskyshot socksky
guitab staffy
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $staffy staffy
showskyshot staffy
guitab dash
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $dash dash
showskyshot dash
guitab blindabuser
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $blindabuser blindabuser
showskyshot blindabuser
guitab aftas
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $aftas aftas/sky
showskyshot aftas/sky
guitab ik2k
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $ik2k ik2k/env
showskyshot ik2k/env
guitab ratboy
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $ratboy ratboy/skyboxes
showskyshot ratboy/skyboxes

~Hirato Kirata

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#9686: Re: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by Hirato Kirata on 12/12/2007 14:43, refers to #9685

NVM, I found the answer. seems concat was needed. heh. anyways, the code changed from

genskyitems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
add-skybox1 = (at $arg1 $i)
title = $add-skybox1
path = $arg2
guibutton $title [loadsky (format "%1/%2" $path $title)] "sauer"


genskyitems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
add-skybox = (at $arg1 $i)
title = $add-skybox
path = $arg2
guibutton $title (concatword "loadsky " (format "%1/%2" $path $add-skybox)) "sauer"

if anyone is interested

~Hirato Kirata

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#9687: ..

by Julius on 12/12/2007 16:41

Sounds like a good addition to the edit menu.

Now we just need a automatic map.cfg write option :)

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#9688: Re: ..

by Quin on 12/12/2007 17:08, refers to #9683

Not to mention the fact that there's no limit to the amount you can turn. You can do a 360 in 0.00001 secs in Sauerbraten, with a simple flick of the wrist.

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#9689: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/12/2007 17:27, refers to #9688

What's your sensitivity set at???

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#9690: Graphics cards etc.

by Developer on 12/12/2007 18:58


I am thinking of developing using the Cube 2 engine, and I was wondering:
What sort of graphical support is available for advanced graphics cards? I am thinking advanced dynamic lighting, textures, shaders etc. on a Geforce 8800. How can I use the engine to make the most of this?

Is there any sort of compatibility with other modelling programs such as Autodesks 3ds max? Am I able to make something in this and put it in the game?


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#9691: Re: Graphics cards etc.

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/12/2007 20:13, refers to #9690

Sauer has support for normal, parallax (bump), glow, environment and some others that I can't remember; mapping, and new shaders for the game can be written in glsl (i think).

Any 3d program can be used to create models for sauer, so long as it has support for exporting the quake3 or 2 (md3/md2) format.

One of the devs might be able to help you out more than me here.

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#9692: Re: Graphics cards etc.

by SheeEttin on 12/12/2007 21:16, refers to #9691

More detailed information on the shaders here: http://sauerbraten.org/docs/editref.html#shader

There is also possible support for the MD5 model format sometime in the future.

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#9693: Re: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by SheeEttin on 12/12/2007 21:38, refers to #9686

Uh, wouldn't it be easier to have a list of skyboxen on the left and a skyshot on the right, like with the maps?

Also, instead of the way you've got it there, perhaps a list like
would be better, both easier to read and change and easier to make a list from.

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#9694: Latency/Delay Problem

by dax on 12/12/2007 22:34

I\'ve been having a strange delay problem while playing Sauerbraten ever since I installed Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. Can someone please help me?

When I play, the timing gets all screwed up. I\'ve been accused of cheating because I spawn too early, but from my end everything looks normal! I can hit someone with a rocket, and they don\'t die until up to 10 seconds later. When I pick up an item, it takes between 3 and 10 seconds for it to appear in my inventory (ammo, armor, etc.).

What could be causing this? I\'ve tried connecting to my network via three different network adapters and that doesn\'t change anything.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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#9695: Re: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by Hirato Kirata on 12/12/2007 22:37, refers to #9693

relax mate, my cubescript is excellent. I'd dare call myself one of the best there currently is.
Anyways, there was an alias named skyboxes, which looked like this

skyboxes = "morning black evilsky"

Now here's the beauty of it, if another skybox was added, and placed in /packages/skyboxes/ I can just like change it to, exactly like they do with the maps. Which is where I derived the code from btw.

skyboxes = "morning black evilsky new-addition"

now on the positioning

guilist [ //goes right now
guilist [ //er... now it's going down
genskyitems $skyboxes skyboxes
] //closed the list, so it's going right again.
]//Closed the first list, so the preview should appear on the right

The comments will help. This is exactly like the map list generation code. (only I derived it and modified them considerably)

The best I can do in ascii is to say it'll look like this (fixed font for this)

|[ ] Morning | /......\ |
|[ ] Black | |MM....| |
|[ ] Evilsky | |MMM...| |
|[ ] New-addition | \MMM.../ |

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#9696: Re: Graphics cards etc.

by Developer on 12/12/2007 23:44, refers to #9692

Thanks heaps, I'll check out some Quake-compatible programs... I'll see if I can make some announcements on this site when the game is in it's Beta edition.
This could be a while though!

Thanks again!

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#9697: a little help please

by Devoil on 12/13/2007 05:18

Hi all,
Has anyone had any problems getting sauerbaten/cube 2 working on windows vista? and if you have, are there any fixes that anyone know of

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#9698: Re: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by MeatROme on 12/13/2007 06:35, refers to #9695

I hacked this up once http://pastebin.ca/814341

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#9699: try this :

by rock.n.rol_ on 12/13/2007 06:47


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#9700: Re: try this :

by rock.n.rol_ on 12/13/2007 06:49, refers to #9699

Dammit, my post #9733 was meant as repy to #9731, sry for confusing ;)

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#9701: Re: try this - or 'a little help please' :

by steve_e on 12/13/2007 10:25, refers to #9700

Which is this link here:

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#9702: Re: try this - or 'a little help please' :

by rock.n.rol_ on 12/13/2007 19:41, refers to #9701

Vista showed a side-by-side configuration error with sauerbraten, when sauer didn't run on vista. In this thread, eihrul explained what to do to make it run.

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#9703: adding dynlights

by hicks on 12/13/2007 22:16

I've been trying to add a dynamic light around the player, but I can't find the vector that stores the player's coordinates.

Sorry to be a burden :(
It's probably in the most obvious place...

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#9704: Re: adding dynlights

by MovingTarget on 12/13/2007 22:26, refers to #9703

There is no cubescript variable that stores the player's position, at least not that I know of.

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