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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12352180 views, last view: 10/06/2024 17:24

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#9667: Re: Stuck

by oldflame on 12/09/2007 14:16, refers to #9666

tried that, didnt work
older versions of sauer and cube work fine though `oO

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#9668: rifle skin HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Entrakan on 12/09/2007 17:01

i have a rifle skin i would like to use, but i cannot accsess the rifle folder to replace the current skin with mine because it says i do not have the priviledges. what do i do? i am on a mac

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#9669: ..

by Julius on 12/09/2007 17:32

Hmm several things I recently noticed:

1. I tried to play to play Sauerbraten on a lanparty yesterday with the CVS version, but the windows and the linux version arn't netcode compatible right now it seems. Yet I can play on Internet servers without any problems using the CVS linux version.
Any reason why these differ?

2. The performance on WindowsXP seems to be a lot worse. On Linux most maps runs at about 100fps with all effects enabled and 4x AA, yet on Windows the same maps and without AA only have about 50-70fps.
Seems a bit strange, and can not be explained with "well linux ist just better" I think.

3. The new weapons look a lot better with /hudgunfov 60 instead of the default (?) 70. Did geartrooper work at 60 by any chance?

4. The nice water blending in CVS effect can not be enabled in the Linux version, it works fine in Windows though (no that isn't the reason for the speed difference from 2.).

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#9670: Re: rifle skin HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by a--baby--rabbit on 12/09/2007 19:59, refers to #9668

This is a generic mac question, but... either get-info on the folder and authenticate to change permissions to give you write access, or get the person who installed sauer to do the change.

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#9671: Weird Things

by xsucux on 12/09/2007 21:43

So something weird is happening to the original Cube game... I\'ll boot it up, my guy cant move. So I shoot a few rounds and
as soon as I shoot, this will pop up:
unnamed :)
Im thinking maybe its a virus because its weird a smiley face pops up RIGHT when I shoot. Anyone else had this happen.

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#9672: Re: Weird Things

by Hirato Kirata on 12/09/2007 22:09, refers to #9671

Quite obviously you did something funny to the binds. As there are so many binds, your best bet is probably to delete/move/rename config.cfg and let it recreate.

~Hirato Kirata

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#9673: Re: rifle skin HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by JadeMatrix on 12/09/2007 22:24, refers to #9668

Right click on your highest Sauerbraten folder (the one that contains the bins, dirs, etc.). Choose Get Info. At the bottom, you'll see a tab "Ownership & Permissions;" click the arrow. Under "Details," make sure the owner is set to your computer account's name, and access is Read & Write. You may need to click the lock to unlock the field; if so, you'll need your password. Finally, click "Apply to enclosed items..." at the very bottom. Sounds complex, but I tend to do that.

Upload your config.cfg file somewhere so we can take a look at it. That sounds like some messed up binds to me.

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#9674: Re: rifle skin HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by JadeMatrix on 12/09/2007 22:25, refers to #9673

Yeah, like he said. Don't listen to me ;P

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#9675: bad lag!!!

by ryan_lee606 on 12/10/2007 06:04

ok so ive been playing this game for a while and created a great map, but for some reason i had a virus on my P.C. and had to get it wiped clean. everything got deleated and now i cant run assault cube smoothly anymore (even on single player). it lags so much that i cant move or shoot. does any1 have any way of fixing this...i really wanna play again.
thx ~Ryan~

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#9676: Re: bad lag!!!

by MovingTarget on 12/10/2007 15:02, refers to #9675

Well, if you had to wipe clean and reinstall, it seems that you may not have the latest drivers for your card. See if updating them works.

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#9677: Sauerbraten screenshot in a PC mag ad

by LigH on 12/11/2007 10:36

I just recognised a screenshot of a Sauerbraten map in a full-page ad of a dedicated server offer by OVH (www.ovh.de) in the german "c't" computer magazine; they are probably in other magazines too. The screenshot looks similar to the "nmp10" map, according to the used textures and architecture.

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#9678: Key bindings.

by rawhunger on 12/11/2007 15:57


I'm new to this game, so I would like to ask a question. How do you bind the left and right direction keys so that you TURN left or right instead of MOVE left or right?


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#9679: Models = OK! | Sounds = NOT OK!

by Q009 on 12/11/2007 16:38

Hi! New models for Sauerbraten are cool.
Great work Geartrooper! But sounds... ehhh... Not so great so why dont create new?

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#9680: Re: Models = OK! | Sounds = NOT OK!

by geartrooper2 on 12/11/2007 17:58, refers to #9679

Thanks man. I worked very hard on them for about a year. I attempted to work on sounds but eihrul in his infinite wisdom ordered me back into my cage to work on more models. On the bright side I can have water today. ;P

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#9681: Re: Key bindings.

by tentus_ on 12/11/2007 18:23, refers to #9678

Aard has stated that he's not in support of keyboard-only control schemes... his logic is that people should go ahead and learn to play with keyboard and mouse, if I recall correctly.

However, I believe dbox's joystick mod allows you to do so. Try here:

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#9682: Re: Key bindings.

by JadeMatrix on 12/11/2007 22:39, refers to #9681

Of course you should learn to use a mouse. It\'s infinitely superior (ok, just superior) to kb-only, js, gp or (God forbid) touchpad for fps\'s. Only reason you should use anything else is if you\'re stuck on a console, which sauerbraten ain\'t.

Or if you\'re playing, say, Doom 1. But that doesn\'t count.

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#9683: ..

by Passa on 12/12/2007 01:09

Damn straight. Even if you COULD get a keyboard only scheme working, you must realise that Sauerbraten isn't designed to work with such a scheme - for example, in Doom it had a degree of autoaim so you could shoot things above or below you. Sauerbraten has no such feature. Not to mention how badly you'll be destroyed while playing online.

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#9684: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/12/2007 05:48, refers to #9683

Maybe he's making a machinima film and just wants some better camera control...
I know I would.

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#9685: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by Hirato Kirata on 12/12/2007 13:58

I've been trying to make a GUI that'll list skyboxes exactly in the way that the loadmap gui does for maps. And is equally easy to update.

I ended up with the following code, and there's apparently a huge flaw in the genskyitems alias. what the flaw is, and how to fix it, I don't know. Regardless of the menu entries it creates, they all only have one command associated with them, /loadsky ratboy/skyboxes/coward. Strangely enough, the showskyshot alias works completely fine. so, anyone know what the problem is?

genskyitems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
add-skybox1 = (at $arg1 $i)
title = $add-skybox1
path = $arg2
guibutton $title [loadsky (format "%1/%2" $path $title)] "sauer"

alias showskyshot [ guibar; guiimage (concatword (format "packages/%1/" $arg1) (at $guirollovername 0) "_ft.jpg") $guirolloveraction 4 1 ]]

skyboxes = "black evilsky morning" //genskyitems1
socksky = "desert emerald frozen frozendusk mars nightball valley" //genskyitems2
staffy = "staffy" //genskyitems3
dash = "moon" //genskyitems4
blindabuser = "blindasky" //genskyitems5
aftas = "orbe" //genskyitems6
ik2k = "iklake" //genskyitems7
ratboy = "coward" //genskyitems8

newgui set-skybox [
guitext "you know the drill, just guide your cursor over the tabs"
guitext "if you see one you like, just click it, and it'll load"
guitext "a preview of the _ft image will display in the bottom left"
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitext ""
guitab skyboxes
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $skyboxes skyboxes
showskyshot skyboxes
guitab socksky
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $socksky socksky
showskyshot socksky
guitab staffy
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $staffy staffy
showskyshot staffy
guitab dash
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $dash dash
showskyshot dash
guitab blindabuser
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $blindabuser blindabuser
showskyshot blindabuser
guitab aftas
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $aftas aftas/sky
showskyshot aftas/sky
guitab ik2k
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $ik2k ik2k/env
showskyshot ik2k/env
guitab ratboy
guilist [
guilist [
genskyitems $ratboy ratboy/skyboxes
showskyshot ratboy/skyboxes

~Hirato Kirata

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#9686: Re: CUBESCRIPT help needed!

by Hirato Kirata on 12/12/2007 14:43, refers to #9685

NVM, I found the answer. seems concat was needed. heh. anyways, the code changed from

genskyitems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
add-skybox1 = (at $arg1 $i)
title = $add-skybox1
path = $arg2
guibutton $title [loadsky (format "%1/%2" $path $title)] "sauer"


genskyitems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
add-skybox = (at $arg1 $i)
title = $add-skybox
path = $arg2
guibutton $title (concatword "loadsky " (format "%1/%2" $path $add-skybox)) "sauer"

if anyone is interested

~Hirato Kirata

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