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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351730 views, last view: 10/06/2024 13:28

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#9646: Re: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by SheeEttin on 12/06/2007 05:11, refers to #9645

Shouldn't be too bad... You may want to read http://cube.wikispaces.com/Performance+Guide .

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#9647: Re: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by Vega$ on 12/06/2007 07:13, refers to #9646

Thanks, i will do some testing later :)

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#9648: Re: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by Vega$ on 12/06/2007 08:56, refers to #9646

Alright i can run this game between 30-45 fps at 1024x768, FX= OFF, Shaders = OFF , Settings under the Shader Tab = ALL ON, EXPECT FOR SHADOWS.

I get over 100fps when playing online, but in single player mode with those same settings and when its like 10 people/bots/enemies on the screen, the framerate drops to 45, sometimes 30.

So thats pretty good. Once i get my Geforce 6200 tho, it should go up to 50 or 60fps.

Lovely game tho, crazy too. I was fighting like 10 freakin enemies at once lol. Oh and the levels looks amzing.

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#9649: ..

by Julius on 12/06/2007 17:21

What is the current state of the hitboxes in Sauerbraten btw?

Are there individual hitboxes corresponding to the three .md3 parts (legs, torso, head) now that we have a playermodel using that?

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#9650: Re: ..

by Q009 on 12/06/2007 17:40, refers to #9649

Yeah. You had very good question.
Anyone known about hitboxes?

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#9651: Re: model hitboxes

by MeatROme on 12/06/2007 17:59, refers to #9649

explain it? (not available on sauerbraten.org - check your installation folder!)

I'm no modeler so I can't give firsthand information on this ... but from what I see in the docs with "linking models" etc. you should be able to define them seperately.

But if your question is targeting some form of hit-zone implementation I seriously doubt that'll happen any time soon - also, don't forget there's a persistent rumour about aard giving Eisenstern a model-format of his own which will - for example - include some form of skelleton.

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#9652: ..

by Julius on 12/06/2007 18:30

Well this is what it says:
"mdlbb R H [E]
Sets the model's bounding box to radius R and height H. If this is not set, or R and H are 0, a bounding box is automatically generated from the model's geometry. E is fraction of the model's height to be used as the eyeheight (Default: 0.9)."

But AFAIK the bounding box is used for collision detection and not hit calculation, and besides in the ironsnout md3.cfg no parameter for it is defined and I doubt hits are calculated from an automaticly generated BB (andhow is the "eyeheight" then set btw?).

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#9653: ..

by Julius on 12/07/2007 00:34

Btw the new weapons geartrooper made are in cvs

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#9654: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 12/07/2007 01:20, refers to #9649

Hit detection is done as one lump.

AFAIK, Aard has said that the model format has been moved to one of the backburners so far back that we should just forget he said that for now.

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#9655: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/07/2007 05:07, refers to #9652

You can use /showboundingbox to, well, show the bounding/hit box. (Make sure you turn on thirdperson.)

That's what's used for monsters, too... Eye height is shown by a gray ring.

As for the new weapons, spiffy... Though I do have two complaints: the GL is too colorful and the CG doesn't do anything. :(

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#9656: ..

by Julius on 12/07/2007 09:39

Actually I think the GL is the only one colorful enough, as it really sticks out as a vwep in game :)
But yeah it thus looks a bit out of place.

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#9657: Why does Sauerbraten in practice not look like screenshots?

by Anonymo on 12/07/2007 13:12

Why is it that when I play Sauerbraten that it looks bland and low-res graphics (textures, etc), without any beautiful water or reflections as is contained in the screenshots. What do I do to see it? Why does it look crappy and bad?

I tried editing the in-game graphics setting and strangely turning on more advanced things such as bloom is problematic and the window closes strangely. Turning on anti-aliasing also seems to produce no effect.

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#9658: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/07/2007 15:47, refers to #9656

I like all of them except the rifle, and that one I dislike a lot. The RL is my favorite.

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#9659: Re: Why does Sauerbraten in practice not look like screensho

by tentus_ on 12/07/2007 17:20, refers to #9657

What is your OS, hardware, and drivers? The more information you give us, the more we can help you.

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#9660: Re: Why does Sauerbraten in practice not look like screensho

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/07/2007 17:23, refers to #9659

What does sauer output to the console during startup also?

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#9661: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 12/07/2007 18:42, refers to #9653

Thanks for the hint. IMHO they fit the sauerbraten-look damn good, espacially the texturing. I hope ironsnout himself finally receives proper texturing similiar to those, I still play with the ogro since ironsnout looks so weird.

Only thing with the weapons - the aiming seems to be odd with the machinegun and the grenade launcher. It seems to be right on screenshots, but it somehow feels like they point too much to the left.

The new "rifle" is odd, but I guess when we get new sounds that should change. :)
And I never realized that rockets have shadows, but they indeed do in the summer version. haha, great. =D

Check out ironsnout with the rocketlauncher in 3rd person. Hahaha!

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#9662: connection problems

by Kelloid on 12/09/2007 01:39

Greetz to ...whoeverreadsthis

I got the actual version of "sauerbraten", but my problem is, that i can't find any server. I got the message "master server is not replying", i waited upto 15 minutes but the server list is still empty.

I already checked the internet-connection, uploaded the setup a second time, reinstalled several times, followed instructions in the "readme"-doc, shut off the firewall, opened the UPD-Ports in my router, but nothing works. I hope, someone can help me.

WinXP, DSL2000, version: sauerbraten_2007_08_29_summer_edition,

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#9663: to #9694

by Kelloid on 12/09/2007 01:43

ah, what also may be important:

I tried to get a cconnection via direct-ip, but that also failed.
And I am located in germany (what also explains my horrible english :] ).

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#9664: Stuck

by oldflame on 12/09/2007 11:26

Hey guys this has probably been mentioned before...
but when i start sauer, i cant move at all, i can only type into the commandline, and the only button that works is esc for the menu.

does anyone know what is going on ?

im on ubuntu gutsy with the latest sauerbraten and that random patch.

thx in advance

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#9665: Re: connection problems

by SanHolo on 12/09/2007 13:00, refers to #9662

Kelloid: Try again, maybe the masterserver was indeed not reachable when you tried it. Should not happen too often, though.

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