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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351693 views, last view: 10/06/2024 13:24

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#9634: ..

by WTM on 12/02/2007 22:13

movers (For doors and elevators. don't tell me the collision isn't designed around these in the engine. Make a second collision engine that only checks for these objects. A simple collision detection for this is nothing. Also people saying it would need a seperate editor are just being stupid. You could just do keyframes. Ex type /mover position 1, /mover position 2 speed 5, etc.)

Awesometastic physics (Ragdolls)

Selfshadowing and multi-directional shadows

hell, I can dream right?

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#9635: Re: ..

by WTM on 12/02/2007 22:15, refers to #9634

btw I put this in the general thread because I know no one would even pay attention to it in the requests thread

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#9636: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/02/2007 22:48, refers to #9634

Yeah, you can dream about that stuff, but that's about as far as you'll get. The idea of keyframes is great for video editing software, but not for an in-game level editor!!! *sighs* If you'd browse around the forum, physics has been asked for quite a few times, and guess what the answer has been? A very solid NO. Dream on...

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#9637: Re: Better link

by ATIRULE on 12/02/2007 23:27, refers to #9631

some one bad this guy for spaming his crap maps and crappy google page



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#9638: Re: Better link

by ATIRULE on 12/02/2007 23:27, refers to #9637

meh typos

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#9639: Re: Better link

by MovingTarget on 12/02/2007 23:44, refers to #9638

Maybe someone should ban you for trolling. And I am deadly serious.

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#9640: Re: Better link

by SheeEttin on 12/03/2007 01:35, refers to #9639

I'm all for it. >_>

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#9641: Thank you all

by Darkseid_JluTOX on 12/03/2007 04:36

Just wanted to say thank you to all developpers and contributers to cube, assault cube and sauerbraten games. You\'re all awesome. Great work. Thank you for releasing it as a free (like \"freedom\") software.

Have a nice day,


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#9642: ..

by park34562 on 12/03/2007 17:54

Aardappel (wvo - AT - gmx.net) wrote:

> Sorry, but the "policy" is pretty simple: no modified
> servers allowed. Sauerbraten, besides a cool engine, is
> also a game, and the masterserver fg is for the game. You
> have no right to modify our game directly, only to make a
> mod which is *seperate*.

I'm confused.

I went online and updated from the master server. There were
7 servers with people on them and 5 of them were modified. The Conquerors CoE SauerKraut House of Pain Quick Silver Clan

Why do some modified servers get banned from the master list
while so many modified servers are still listed?

park34562 - AT - excite.com

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#9643: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/03/2007 18:31, refers to #9642

The-Conquerors' mods are sanctioned, they're mostly play-testing some mods that may or may not be merged into the main source. I can't speak for the others.

I think the policy is actually "no modified servers that change gameplay", like the AutoReload server was doing, but I am not one to question the word of Aard. :)

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#9644: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/03/2007 19:36, refers to #9643

Actually, SheeEttin, you've hit the mark. I went on the AutoReload, and I personally did not see the point of infinite ammo, besides being completely boring. }TC{ has not modified gameplay in any way.

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#9645: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by Vega$ on 12/06/2007 03:55



As you can see, 7 fps. I get around 30fps if i run the game at 800x600. However, all this is with all of the effects on. I haven't test it at 1024x768 with most hardcore effects off. My guess, i will get 50fps maybe more.

My computer:

Windows98se/600MHZ/512Megs of Ram/PIII/Soundblaster Card/
60GB/Geforce 5500 256MB PCI Card.

Cool game , and btw 7fps may seem terrible, but even at 7fps the game moves alright. But of course, i didnt add bots yet lol.


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#9646: Re: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by SheeEttin on 12/06/2007 05:11, refers to #9645

Shouldn't be too bad... You may want to read http://cube.wikispaces.com/Performance+Guide .

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#9647: Re: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by Vega$ on 12/06/2007 07:13, refers to #9646

Thanks, i will do some testing later :)

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#9648: Re: Works on Windows98se, YAY!

by Vega$ on 12/06/2007 08:56, refers to #9646

Alright i can run this game between 30-45 fps at 1024x768, FX= OFF, Shaders = OFF , Settings under the Shader Tab = ALL ON, EXPECT FOR SHADOWS.

I get over 100fps when playing online, but in single player mode with those same settings and when its like 10 people/bots/enemies on the screen, the framerate drops to 45, sometimes 30.

So thats pretty good. Once i get my Geforce 6200 tho, it should go up to 50 or 60fps.

Lovely game tho, crazy too. I was fighting like 10 freakin enemies at once lol. Oh and the levels looks amzing.

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#9649: ..

by Julius on 12/06/2007 17:21

What is the current state of the hitboxes in Sauerbraten btw?

Are there individual hitboxes corresponding to the three .md3 parts (legs, torso, head) now that we have a playermodel using that?

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#9650: Re: ..

by Q009 on 12/06/2007 17:40, refers to #9649

Yeah. You had very good question.
Anyone known about hitboxes?

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#9651: Re: model hitboxes

by MeatROme on 12/06/2007 17:59, refers to #9649

explain it? (not available on sauerbraten.org - check your installation folder!)

I'm no modeler so I can't give firsthand information on this ... but from what I see in the docs with "linking models" etc. you should be able to define them seperately.

But if your question is targeting some form of hit-zone implementation I seriously doubt that'll happen any time soon - also, don't forget there's a persistent rumour about aard giving Eisenstern a model-format of his own which will - for example - include some form of skelleton.

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#9652: ..

by Julius on 12/06/2007 18:30

Well this is what it says:
"mdlbb R H [E]
Sets the model's bounding box to radius R and height H. If this is not set, or R and H are 0, a bounding box is automatically generated from the model's geometry. E is fraction of the model's height to be used as the eyeheight (Default: 0.9)."

But AFAIK the bounding box is used for collision detection and not hit calculation, and besides in the ironsnout md3.cfg no parameter for it is defined and I doubt hits are calculated from an automaticly generated BB (andhow is the "eyeheight" then set btw?).

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#9653: ..

by Julius on 12/07/2007 00:34

Btw the new weapons geartrooper made are in cvs

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