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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12349617 views, last view: 10/05/2024 23:50

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9625: Re: Screenshot

by MovingTarget on 12/02/2007 04:30, refers to #9624

As long as your card doesn't crash displaying at close to or at max settings, it doesn't matter, even if the FPS is 1.

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#9626: Re: Screenshot

by SheeEttin on 12/02/2007 05:06, refers to #9625

shaderdetail 3, soft shadows, alpha-blended water, and maybe just a hint of bloom... Beautiful.

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#9627: Open ports required for the MP to work

by Happy Camper on 12/02/2007 13:06

Hey guys! I\'d like to start by saying what a great job you\'ve done on the game. The graphics are really good (and they run on my rig :D) and the load times are phenominal. It\'s wonderful not actually having to wait a minute or two for a game to load. Keep it up!

Anyway, on to my main question. I\'m currently behind a tightly locked down university firewall. Luckily the admins have created a facility where you can create up to 10 holes in said firewall in order to allow certain things to run. I\'ve already unblocked UDP ports 28785 and 28786 but I\'m still not having any luck connecting to any of the master servers or any of the servers listed in the forums?

What have I missed,

Thanks in advance,

Happy Camper

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#9628: RPG status, patches

by Sascha on 12/02/2007 13:23

What's the status of the RPG part? The last change I've seen in CVS (apart from what looked like an adaptation to engine changes) is several months ago. Has development stalled or do you continue outside of official CVS?

For my own purposes (going to do a simple RPG map), I've made some changes to the RPG code (add r_dropaction, add parameter silent to r_take and r_give). Since this might be of interest to others, I'd like to share the code. What's the preferred way to do so? Somebody to send patches to?

On the legal issues: My current interpretation of the licenses is that, as long as the user already has Sauerbraten installed and I only provide files that are either done by me from scratch or are derived from the source code (which is ZLIB licensed), it's all right. In other words: I may change the engine and create new maps using (i.e. referencing) models contained in Sauerbraten, if I'm only distributing the changed engine and the maps, not the original media. Is that correct?

PS: Is there a mailing list or at least some kind of email notification for the forum? I don't have the time to poll the forum on a regular basis.

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#9629: Re: ..

by Juliz on 12/02/2007 18:26, refers to #9620

Where I have to put the causticscale? because I doesn't work
Note: the speed It work's

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#9630: New Level

by Titanic12ship on 12/02/2007 19:18

I am making a new level called TheTower. It's probably the tallest tower in Sauerbraten. Please comment on this level.

Here is the link to it's page:


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#9631: Better link

by Titanic12ship on 12/02/2007 19:20

Here's a real link to my new levels's page:


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#9632: Re: Better link

by w 400% on 12/02/2007 19:54, refers to #9631

i thought that page died like 3 months ago. Sadly the maps havnt gotten much better either. javascript:;

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#9633: Re: Better link

by thenewrandomcivilian [using safari for windoze!] on 12/02/2007 20:14, refers to #9631

Been there, done that. The map wasn't any good (but detailed) when I finished yet because of all the deathtraps. Not a very good DM map to play on however.

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#9634: ..

by WTM on 12/02/2007 22:13

movers (For doors and elevators. don't tell me the collision isn't designed around these in the engine. Make a second collision engine that only checks for these objects. A simple collision detection for this is nothing. Also people saying it would need a seperate editor are just being stupid. You could just do keyframes. Ex type /mover position 1, /mover position 2 speed 5, etc.)

Awesometastic physics (Ragdolls)

Selfshadowing and multi-directional shadows

hell, I can dream right?

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#9635: Re: ..

by WTM on 12/02/2007 22:15, refers to #9634

btw I put this in the general thread because I know no one would even pay attention to it in the requests thread

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#9636: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/02/2007 22:48, refers to #9634

Yeah, you can dream about that stuff, but that's about as far as you'll get. The idea of keyframes is great for video editing software, but not for an in-game level editor!!! *sighs* If you'd browse around the forum, physics has been asked for quite a few times, and guess what the answer has been? A very solid NO. Dream on...

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#9637: Re: Better link

by ATIRULE on 12/02/2007 23:27, refers to #9631

some one bad this guy for spaming his crap maps and crappy google page



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#9638: Re: Better link

by ATIRULE on 12/02/2007 23:27, refers to #9637

meh typos

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#9639: Re: Better link

by MovingTarget on 12/02/2007 23:44, refers to #9638

Maybe someone should ban you for trolling. And I am deadly serious.

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#9640: Re: Better link

by SheeEttin on 12/03/2007 01:35, refers to #9639

I'm all for it. >_>

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#9641: Thank you all

by Darkseid_JluTOX on 12/03/2007 04:36

Just wanted to say thank you to all developpers and contributers to cube, assault cube and sauerbraten games. You\'re all awesome. Great work. Thank you for releasing it as a free (like \"freedom\") software.

Have a nice day,


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#9642: ..

by park34562 on 12/03/2007 17:54

Aardappel (wvo - AT - gmx.net) wrote:

> Sorry, but the "policy" is pretty simple: no modified
> servers allowed. Sauerbraten, besides a cool engine, is
> also a game, and the masterserver fg is for the game. You
> have no right to modify our game directly, only to make a
> mod which is *seperate*.

I'm confused.

I went online and updated from the master server. There were
7 servers with people on them and 5 of them were modified. The Conquerors CoE SauerKraut House of Pain Quick Silver Clan

Why do some modified servers get banned from the master list
while so many modified servers are still listed?

park34562 - AT - excite.com

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#9643: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/03/2007 18:31, refers to #9642

The-Conquerors' mods are sanctioned, they're mostly play-testing some mods that may or may not be merged into the main source. I can't speak for the others.

I think the policy is actually "no modified servers that change gameplay", like the AutoReload server was doing, but I am not one to question the word of Aard. :)

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#9644: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/03/2007 19:36, refers to #9643

Actually, SheeEttin, you've hit the mark. I went on the AutoReload, and I personally did not see the point of infinite ammo, besides being completely boring. }TC{ has not modified gameplay in any way.

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