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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12349851 views, last view: 10/06/2024 01:15

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#9605: ..

by Julius on 11/27/2007 01:30


Some very interesting technical information for modelers over at my favorite messageboard ;) Basicly a must read (including those articles linked).

Back on topic... I might be dead wrong about this, but in the last post by CrazyButcher it actually sounds to me like md5s would be faster on Geforce3 and up (especially when dealing with complex meshes) than md3s (Eihrul please read). Wasn't speed issues the main reason why it wasn't considered?

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#9606: re:

by gabdab-26-11 on 11/27/2007 10:40

.."oh my god.." like Vicky from Little Britain says:)

The biggest HACK I so proud I almost puke :))

Well sorry about the mess and the size , but it is good stuff , try it !
(sounds like a pusher )
Jokes apart it has some problems with loader ,if anyone dled it and needs help please ask.

'so that your new code will "fit" '.
My line isn't perfect ok, Aardappel, thanks for remembering me..

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#9607: New freeware game using Sauerbraten

by Mihai on 11/27/2007 11:37

Hi everybody !

It's my pleasure to announce the release of version 1.3 of Marble Arena, a freeware game based on Sauerbraten.

The name probably suggests what it's about. We've insisted more on physics so you'll find different mechanisms, different types of surfaces and all kind of challenges.

We've kept the editing mode because we think it's just great, but made it more user friendly by adding a lot of menus, GUI and in game help.

Every week we're holding a map making contest, with prizes and all, so all those interested can submit their work to our website.

Check out all the details here : http://www.marble-arena.com

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#9608: ..

by Julius on 11/27/2007 15:48

Why not open-source ? :(

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#9609: Re: New freeware game using Sauerbraten

by SanHolo on 11/27/2007 16:40, refers to #9607

Hehe, looks nice. There are some glitches on OS X, however. I can't access any menu, and when prompted for my name after the first start, I can't see the mouse-pointer.

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#9610: Re: New freeware game using Sauerbraten

by Mihai on 11/27/2007 19:45, refers to #9609

Not open source because there are some security measures that we took to prevent cheating in order to keep our online hall of fame accurate.

As for the glitches, are you running on Leopard ? We've received similar reports from Leopard users. Try setting the shader detail to zero.

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#9611: Re: errors on startup

by Passa on 11/28/2007 10:28, refers to #9591

While you have fixed the problem, just thought it's worth noting that the Nvidia OmegaDrivers are so outdated you'd be insane to use them.

For Windows users I'd recommend the latest BETA drivers available for your card. Never had a problem with BETA drivers, and you virtually need them for new games since Nvidia throw out BETA releases to address performance issues with particular titles.

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#9612: Re: errors on startup

by ATIRULE on 11/28/2007 18:10, refers to #9611

yea the omega NV drivers are out dated

But the Ngo ones are very good

here is the link
they gave me a boost of 10-20 fps
on My Gf 6200

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#9613: Re: errors on startup

by MovingTarget on 11/28/2007 18:19, refers to #9612

They may be, but I wouldn't like to install something that has absolutely no tech support, as stated on their website.

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#9614: Grenades

by Q009 on 11/28/2007 18:22

Grenades are to bouncy! Not realistic...
Why don't modefed it? Anyone is don't comment about it?

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#9615: Grenades

by Q009 on 11/28/2007 18:23

Grenades are to bouncy! Not realistic...
Why don't modifed it? Anyone is don't comment about it?

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#9616: Re: Grenades

by SheeEttin on 11/28/2007 21:30, refers to #9615

Realism isn't a goal of Sauerbraten.
And please don't double-post...

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#9617: ..

by Q009 on 11/29/2007 14:43

Sorry i double clicked thye "submit" button >.<

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#9618: ..

by Juliz on 12/01/2007 15:43

I just want to know how I do the caustics more bigger and slower, like marble arena ^^

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#9619: Screenshot

by sfhdjksdconorjdhfjkshd on 12/01/2007 20:37

how about this screenshot for our screenshot page?


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#9620: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 12/01/2007 23:21, refers to #9618

you\'d want to use /casuticscale to set the size of them, the default value is 100.

To set their speed, the command is /causticmillis, higher values are slower, default is 75

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#9621: Re: Screenshot

by tentus_ on 12/02/2007 00:00, refers to #9619

Speaking of screenshots, we should probably update most of them, so are quite dated. If I start retaking the shots with the lasted release, will they be implemented, or is this a no-interest situation?

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#9622: Re: Screenshot

by SheeEttin on 12/02/2007 00:46, refers to #9621

Page 2 is quite old, but the others are a little more recent...

Some newer screenshots would be nice indeed. I'll take a few if some new ones would be useful.

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#9623: Re: Screenshot

by MovingTarget on 12/02/2007 01:06, refers to #9622

Count me in too! I'll be happy to take a couple if anyone wants them!

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#9624: Re: Screenshot

by w 400% on 12/02/2007 04:29, refers to #9621

someone use at least a 8800 on them, i believe all the current ones were taken with a 6600 but i could be wrong. (and i probably am)

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