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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351050 views, last view: 10/06/2024 11:13

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#9564: Um

by Cloud-w00t on 11/22/2007 06:58

Does Windows Vista work on Sauerbraten if so how do you get it to work?

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#9565: sauerbraten md5 test

by gabdab21-11 on 11/22/2007 09:23

yes , I am sorry there are some glitches with texture rendering I am trying to fix it, I guess it is due to glew version, not sure.
No problem with licence from my side , I am not Bill Gates :)

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#9566: re

by gabdab21-11 on 11/22/2007 09:25

An image with zfat md5 model from d3 walks in rpg_01 :)

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#9567: ..

by zheddo on 11/22/2007 12:23

I have a quick question. I stumbled across that apperantly you cannot edit the "items.png" in the "data" directory to be "semi-transparent". I have noticed tho that for example "newerchars.png" and "crosshair.png" are also in .png format and it is possible to create transparent and semi-transparent areas. Im really no programmer, but rather a grafic designer, so I wanted to ask if there's any way to be able to create transparent areas on the "items.png" file? Perhaps by changing some of the hard coding? (since its possible with other files too...)

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#9568: ..

by Passa on 11/22/2007 13:00

Strange tentus, with Nvidia cards the restricted driver manager has always worked for me (and so has Envy).

Tried simply installing the nvidia-glx package through Synaptic and then reconfiguring the xserver as SheeEttin suggested?

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#9569: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 11/22/2007 16:43, refers to #9568

Oh, I've tried every damn thing. Rather than doing anything productive yesterday, I had to format and reinstall the whole system.

I would think I had found a way to make it work, and then something strange would happen that was totally crippling (ie, it would just stop sending an image to the monitor). I dunno what the problem is, but it's frustrating as hell.

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#9570: Message censored by administrator

by biabia on 11/23/2007 09:32

#9571: Load new maps

by Dandee on 11/23/2007 15:31

I just dl some maps, but what is the right way to get them into AC?
I\'m no programmer, but just want to extend the amount of maps.

Thx in advance

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#9572: Re: Load new maps

by MovingTarget on 11/23/2007 15:33, refers to #9571

Move them into packages/base, which is in your AC home directory.

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#9573: Re: Load new maps

by Dandee on 11/23/2007 15:44, refers to #9572

OK, i'll sound like a NOOB, and in this case i am ;-) but then what? E.g.

folder names drenched:
folder packages
inside here:

Do i have to place the entire folder drenched into the packages/base?
Btw... that folder didn't excist in my packages folder in the AC folder???

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#9574: Re: Load new maps

by MovingTarget on 11/23/2007 16:04, refers to #9573

The drenched map won't work in AC. Only maps specifically tagged "Assault Cube" will work. Drenched is for Sauerbraten.

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#9575: Re: Load new maps

by tentus_ on 11/23/2007 16:35, refers to #9574

Idea: have a itty little bit of code that will look for an .ogz file by the same name when a map cgz is not found, and then if the ogz is found, pop up a nice, friendly, and educational message explaining that Sauer maps and Cube maps are different, and deserve separate attention. I've had friends ask me the same question in person, and people don't seem understand the cube map import command in Sauer very well.

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#9576: Re: Load new maps

by MovingTarget on 11/23/2007 16:43, refers to #9575

The only problem is, AC maps and Cube maps are very different. AC is based on a *heavily modified* cube engine, so neither Cube maps nor Sauerbraten maps will work in AC.

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#9577: Windows

by meatpuppet on 11/23/2007 18:31, refers to #9564

I don't know about other windows users, but my exception message and program exit or lock-up happens with rockets and grenades. Judging by the array of mapping twirling around like a tornado - my computer can't handle the graphics. I wonder if it's Windows or the fact that I'm on a laptop with an Intel 945GM Express Chipset

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#9578: Re: Windows

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/23/2007 18:47, refers to #9577

"the fact that I'm on a laptop with an Intel 945GM Express Chipset"

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#9579: 0

by Juliz on 11/24/2007 13:14

Hi everybody, I woul like to know what I have to do a BumpMap texture, I\'ve already got the normal view, but I need to know how I do the deep and the other blue.

Help plz!!!!!!!!

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#9580: Re: 0

by Eris on 11/24/2007 14:11, refers to #9579

You need the nvidia tool


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#9581: ..

by Julius on 11/24/2007 14:15

try crazybump:

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#9582: ..

by Juliz on 11/24/2007 14:38

I like more crazybump, thanks!

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#9583: ..

by Q009 on 11/24/2007 14:39

Lol, aard... You made maps for OpenArena?
It's true? xD

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