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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12350445 views, last view: 10/06/2024 05:22

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#9554: Re: Rendering Type

by Steven on 11/21/2007 08:15, refers to #9517

coz' im doin research on this engine..
i wanna know wat's rendering type that this engine use..
its pretty nice and eat less memory n process..

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#9555: drivers

by geartrooper2 on 11/21/2007 15:47

Don't use restricted drivers. go to this link, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=f9e763941030293c318e63d1ce21380c&t=72490
and follow the instructions. In my personal experience I have found this method to be unfailing. Nvidia has excellent support for linux drivers.

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#9556: Re: drivers

by SheeEttin on 11/21/2007 16:10, refers to #9555

Is it just me, or is that installing the proprietary driver?
The proprietary driver and restricted driver are the same, are they not?

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#9557: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 11/21/2007 20:12, refers to #9553

Ok, I highly recommend _not_ using Envy. I may have to completely reinstall Ubuntu, which means I'll have to reinstall Apache and vsftpd, a process I thoroughly hate. Whatever Envy did, it's making it impossible to get the system back as it was- the setup that used to work for me is now severely broken. Grah.

Stoopid video drivers, making my life difficult... >:|

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#9558: Re: Rendering Type

by demosthenes on 11/21/2007 20:32, refers to #9554

Well, check out the source code if you want to know more technical details, but...

The engine uses a 6-directional deformable octree. Maps are constructed from "cubes" of various sizes, some of which are deformed from their original plain cube shape by the map maker. Textures are placed on these cubes without need for special alignment work, which can lead to textures being stretched (the face of a cube it is assigned to might be longer than normal due to it being slanted instead of straight) or other visual oddities.

The engine renders this octree faster and uses less memory than the normal "mesh" style maps that you'd find in many other games, but the octree has its limitations, such as the amount of fine detail it can contain.

Sauerbraten uses animated md2 and md3 models for characters, monsters, and some map objects. Sauerbraten has a particle system which is still being expanded.

The models for players and monsters get moved around according to inputs and AI, and the whole thing gets re-rendered as many times per second as your hardware/settings allow.

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#9559: skeletal model md5 impl. for S.

by gabdab21-11 on 11/21/2007 23:19

I have uploaded here:
an implementation of Sauerbraten and an md5 skeletal model loader.
Since I am on Ubuntu Linux I managed to compile with autotools( \'auto\' folder in code ).
If you get to compile it on windows and Mac please share the stuff ( md5 loader should work there too by itself).
I hope this to drive attention to the lack of alternative model exporters from Blender to Sauerbraten.
Md5 has a working exporter from Blender.

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#9560: ..

by Julius on 11/21/2007 23:46

That is really cool and definitly something that should go into the main code-base if possible (you definitly would have to relicense somehow as Sauerbraten is zlib based). Or is it based on other code that you didn code that is gplv2 only?

I know Eithrul will disagree, since scelletal animations can not be hardware acellerated on GPUs without geometry shader support (e.g. DX10), but it could be just an *additional* format to use for modders, mkay?

Normalmaps on models in next version, now md5... boy the next version could really be a big step (at least technical wise...needs content though).

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#9561: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/22/2007 00:03, refers to #9560

Says src/md5/LICENCE: "Source code is free!"

So, with a little tweaking, I'd suppose it's heading straight for the main code.

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#9562: ..

by Julius on 11/22/2007 00:18

Ahh well on the google website it says gplv2.

But it seems like the original source it is based on is MIT licensed if I am not completely mistaken, so that would be compatible with the zlib AFAIK.

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#9563: ..

by Julius on 11/22/2007 00:24

He said on irc that is is based on code from this site (just for reference):

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#9564: Um

by Cloud-w00t on 11/22/2007 06:58

Does Windows Vista work on Sauerbraten if so how do you get it to work?

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#9565: sauerbraten md5 test

by gabdab21-11 on 11/22/2007 09:23

yes , I am sorry there are some glitches with texture rendering I am trying to fix it, I guess it is due to glew version, not sure.
No problem with licence from my side , I am not Bill Gates :)

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#9566: re

by gabdab21-11 on 11/22/2007 09:25

An image with zfat md5 model from d3 walks in rpg_01 :)

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#9567: ..

by zheddo on 11/22/2007 12:23

I have a quick question. I stumbled across that apperantly you cannot edit the "items.png" in the "data" directory to be "semi-transparent". I have noticed tho that for example "newerchars.png" and "crosshair.png" are also in .png format and it is possible to create transparent and semi-transparent areas. Im really no programmer, but rather a grafic designer, so I wanted to ask if there's any way to be able to create transparent areas on the "items.png" file? Perhaps by changing some of the hard coding? (since its possible with other files too...)

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#9568: ..

by Passa on 11/22/2007 13:00

Strange tentus, with Nvidia cards the restricted driver manager has always worked for me (and so has Envy).

Tried simply installing the nvidia-glx package through Synaptic and then reconfiguring the xserver as SheeEttin suggested?

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#9569: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 11/22/2007 16:43, refers to #9568

Oh, I've tried every damn thing. Rather than doing anything productive yesterday, I had to format and reinstall the whole system.

I would think I had found a way to make it work, and then something strange would happen that was totally crippling (ie, it would just stop sending an image to the monitor). I dunno what the problem is, but it's frustrating as hell.

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#9570: Message censored by administrator

by biabia on 11/23/2007 09:32

#9571: Load new maps

by Dandee on 11/23/2007 15:31

I just dl some maps, but what is the right way to get them into AC?
I\'m no programmer, but just want to extend the amount of maps.

Thx in advance

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#9572: Re: Load new maps

by MovingTarget on 11/23/2007 15:33, refers to #9571

Move them into packages/base, which is in your AC home directory.

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#9573: Re: Load new maps

by Dandee on 11/23/2007 15:44, refers to #9572

OK, i'll sound like a NOOB, and in this case i am ;-) but then what? E.g.

folder names drenched:
folder packages
inside here:

Do i have to place the entire folder drenched into the packages/base?
Btw... that folder didn't excist in my packages folder in the AC folder???

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