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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351701 views, last view: 10/06/2024 13:25

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#9498: Re: Laptop + Vista = crapola for sauerbraten!

by demosthenes on 11/12/2007 09:42, refers to #9497

I wonder if you're using the software rendering or something so that it's not using your GPU properly? I really don't know, though.

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#9499: ..

by Julius on 11/12/2007 10:49

Installed the drivers for your video card? The ones that come with vista have really bad OpenGL support (I was told).

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#9500: Re: Source code mods, what to do what to do

by SheeEttin on 11/12/2007 16:46, refers to #9484

Oh yes please. I would love to see this.

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#9501: Compiling the CVS

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/12/2007 18:44

This question probably has a really obvious answer and someone'll get angry at me, but here goes.

I'm trying to compile the cvs on Vista using mingw. I put mingw32-make.exe into sauer's root, and I copy the batch file from src/mingw to sauer's root, and then run that. It returns:

C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten_CVS\sauerbraten>cd src

C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten_CVS\sauerbraten\src>mingw32-make all -fMakefile.mingw
g++ -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fsigned-char -Ienet/include -Iinclude -Ishared -Iengine -Ifpsgame -c -o shared/tools.o shared/tools.cpp
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, g++ -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fsigned-char -Ienet/include -Iinclude -Ishared -Iengine -Ifpsgame -c -o shared/
tools.o shared/tools.cpp, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
mingw32-make: *** [shared/tools.o] Error 2

C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten_CVS\sauerbraten\src>PAUSE
Press any key to continue . . .

Saying that it can't find tools.o, which isn't there. What am I doing wrong?

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#9502: Re: Compiling the CVS

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/12/2007 18:56, refers to #9501

Oh, and I also put the makefile.mingw from src/mingw into src.

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#9503: Re: Compiling the CVS

by MovingTarget on 11/12/2007 19:16, refers to #9502

All the .o files are in the src/mingw/.objs directory. Other than that I can't figure out what may have gone wrong. I'll think about it...

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#9504: Re: Compiling the CVS

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/12/2007 19:58, refers to #9503

Hmmm I don't have that dir. CVS update methinks.

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#9505: Re: Compiling the CVS

by MovingTarget on 11/13/2007 00:17, refers to #9504

Oh crap don't listen to me. I got all the .o files by opening the src/mingw/sauerbraten.cbp in code::blocks and compiling. Do you have code::blocks?

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#9506: Re: Compiling the CVS

by asd1 on 11/13/2007 11:27

did you try to invert tools.cpp and tools.o in the makefile ?

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#9507: Re: Compiling the CVS

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/13/2007 17:24, refers to #9506

My makefile doesn't have tools.cpp in it, and I tried opening the codeblocks project and returned the same error when I tried to build it form there.

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#9508: Re: Compiling the CVS

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/13/2007 17:30, refers to #9507

Ooh, messed around with where cb is looking for mingw, and it now reports:

-------------- Build: default in sauerbraten ---------------
Compiling: ..\enet\callbacks.c
mingw32-gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings

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#9509: Re: Compiling the CVS

by MovingTarget on 11/13/2007 17:51, refers to #9508

Are you using the cb 1.0-rc2 build, or a nightly snapshot?

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#9510: Re: Compiling the CVS

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/13/2007 19:12, refers to #9509

Latest nightly (10th Nov possibly)

8+1=81? 18? 8? A window with one curtain?

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#9511: Rendering Type

by Steven on 11/14/2007 12:38

Hi, im steven, im a student of game development, i want to ask you guys how does Cube Engine Rendering works ?

Thx for the asking..
n Sorry for my stupid question.. ^^

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#9512: RE:

by Dan on 11/14/2007 15:40

Meatloaf, it means what the engine spits out. You're graphics card is the problem.

A) Download the patch for the summer edition.

B) Your graphics card may need updated drivers, make sure you get drivers for VISTA.

C) If all else fails then it seems that the ATI card you have failed. And you should upgrade to Nvidia :)

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#9513: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/15/2007 01:43

/gamespeed is framerate dependent, it seems?

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#9514: Re: Compiling the CVS

by Quin on 11/15/2007 02:04, refers to #9510

You want the the stable (1.0-rc2) build that is *bundled with mingw*, which is what I use to generate the project.

You do not want the standalone version unless you already have mingw installed, in which case you need to point CB toward it (consult their docs/support for that then).

The reason for choosing the stable version was both that it was, in fact, stable, and has bundled versions which stop these kind of questions (it makes it easy for anyone), because it "just works".

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#9515: Re: Compiling the CVS

by MovingTarget on 11/15/2007 02:19, refers to #9514

You're right, actually. The only reason I use the nightly builds is that the 1.0-rc2 build was released about a year ago! I like stuff that's up-to-date!

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#9516: Re: Rendering Type

by Acord on 11/15/2007 05:37, refers to #9511

Not entirely sure - I think Aard, Eirhul or Quin might be able to answer your question. I just make pretty things with it :)

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#9517: Re: Rendering Type

by demosthenes on 11/15/2007 07:43, refers to #9511

Uses OGL, renders polys, models. Pretty simple. Then the rendered objects are moved through renderspace and re-rendered at however fast your computer can do so, movement dependent on input. Just like almost every other FPS.

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