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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12351965 views, last view: 10/06/2024 15:23

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#9466: Server, Client communication

by phoenixsux on 11/08/2007 21:06

I am trying to understand how to add new client to server commands.

I created SV_ROUNDCHANGE for a client with admin pass to change the round times. First i used 'ri' in the message string and was getting kicked from the server mod when i was trying the command ("end of packet" or some such.)

So i changed to sending a string and on the server side converting that to the integer and used 'rs' when sending the command. but now the server crashes when it gets the command.

How do i properly construct new SV_ commands for communication from server to client and vice versa?

pointing me to a tutorial i may of missed in the docs would be greatly apperciated.


PS: i'm normaly a VB guy so speaking to me like a 2yr old when you reply wouldn't be out of line. :p

UGH! Lag! i hope it's not double posted

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#9467: ..

by zheddo on 11/09/2007 16:54

Really stupid question, but where does the autoexec.cfg file go exactly?

Ive tried several directories, but it didn't seem to work :/ Do I have to put it in a different directory by any chance, as I am a mac user?

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#9468: Re: ..

by A-Baby_Rabbit on 11/09/2007 17:07, refers to #9467

Lets see if I can make this format sensibly..
--- launcher.app
--- sauerbraten/
--- ---- sauerbraten.app
--- ---- data/
--- ---- packages/
--- ---- servers.cfg
--- ---- config.cfg
--- ---- init.cfg
--- ---- autoexec.cfg **here**

However, if you've checked the 'keep personal files separate' checkbox in the launcher, then push the 'open folder...' button and put it in that folder.

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#9469: Message censored by administrator

by Myes on 11/10/2007 00:39

#9470: Message censored by administrator

by Myes on 11/10/2007 00:40

#9471: Could not load textures

by strider on 11/10/2007 03:07

Hey all,
I've been trying to get sauerbraten working on my machine all night now and can't pin down what the problem is.

i686 Gentoo Linux
AMD64 cpu
nVidia 6800GT

Basically the program starts, but no textures will load. I've tried unmerging the portage package and installing manually with the same symptoms. Other openGL games are working without a problem including quake4, etqw, legends and others.
All files in the sauerbraten directory have root.games owner/group and I tried changing to myUser.games without any affect. Here's a snip of output to the console:
/usr/share/games/sauerbraten $ ./sauerbraten_unix > loadText

init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: GeForce 6800 GT/AGP/SSE2/3DNOW! (NVIDIA Corporation)
Driver: 2.1.1 NVIDIA 100.14.19
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 GLSL shader path.
init: console
could not load texture data/flare.jpg
could not load texture data/explosion.jpg
init: world
could not load sky texture packages/ik2k/env/iklake_ft
could not load sky texture packages/ik2k/env/iklake_bk
could not load sky texture packages/ik2k/env/iklake_lf
could not load sky texture packages/ik2k/env/iklake_rt
could not load sky texture packages/ik2k/env/iklake_dn
could not load sky texture packages/ik2k/env/iklake_up
init: sound
init: cfg
init: localconnect
init: mainloop
read map packages/base/metl4.ogz (0.1 seconds)
Mining Station by metlslime
could not load sky texture packages/staffy/staffy_ft
could not load sky texture packages/staffy/staffy_bk
could not load sky texture packages/staffy/staffy_lf
could not load sky texture packages/staffy/staffy_rt
could not load sky texture packages/staffy/staffy_dn
could not load sky texture packages/staffy/staffy_up
could not load texture packages/lunaran/light_fifty_d.jpg

etc etc. Basically it looks like no textures r loading. Everything seems to work in game except that I can't see squat cause nothing has any textures applied;) Any ideas what might be causing this?

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#9472: Re: Could not load textures

by strider on 11/10/2007 03:11, refers to #9471

Oh one other note. The texture files exist
in /packages/blahblah and i can open them in a image editor.

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#9473: Moving models

by Q009 on 11/10/2007 20:04

Wow! Elevators, boxes, barrels and platforms is really cool! BUT: I can't change direction... D= Why?

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#9474: ATI x800

by ignignokt on 11/11/2007 02:59

I\'m using an ATI Radeon x800 and I can\'t control gamma, fx, et cetera (neither in game nor in scripts). It says my card doesn\'t support it. Any way to fix this at all?

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#9475: Re: ATI x800

by MovingTarget on 11/11/2007 04:23, refers to #9474

What's your OS?

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#9476: Unbind Keys?

by PugSchnizzle on 11/11/2007 05:52

How do I unbind a key??!?!? I can\\\\\\\'t figure it out :(

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#9477: Re: Could not load textures

by strider on 11/11/2007 05:54, refers to #9472

Heh, I figured it out. I figured I'd post here in case anyone else has a similar problem. Because I didn't have jpeg, tiff or gif in my use flags sdl-image was compiling without support for those file formats. Added the use flags and reemerged and it's all working now:)
Just in case anyone else has this difficulty figured I'd post the solution.

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#9478: Source code mods, what to do what to do

by Anathema on 11/11/2007 05:55

Apologies in advance for longevity
So, I wrote a tiny (197 line) modification to sauerbraten; first cvs, then backported (aka c&p'd) to current (summer) edition; that lets one import m3u playlists into sauerbraten.
Because it shows the song title for EXTM#U playlists, lets me turn random mode on/off, lets me pick a particular song, string playlists together, delete songs, and hacking default_map_settings.cfg every time I wanna mix my songs up, plus rename the files 1.ogg, 2.ogg ... n-1.ogg, n.ogg was annoying. so here we are, 200 lines later, and I'm happy with it. also, it makes putting music into custom map cfg's simpler (from my perspective).

So, having this little mod that I'm happy with, and I was wondering how to share it. I'm not familiar with cvs (I use git, and even then just on rare occasion), so I'm not sure if there is some simple .diff like file I could make. I went to quadropolis, and they don't (at least, to my searching) have a guide for packaging such a thing, and none of the mods on the first five pages seem to set any examples, which leaves me lost. I would like to be able to share this with other people (don't give a **** about the license), but really don't know how. Which is my question: how/where is the easiest/best way to upload a tiny mod to sauerbraten source code for those who may (or may not) be interested?

If the answer seems obvious to you, please share so it may be obvious to me as well.

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#9479: Hosting

by CrazyChao on 11/11/2007 05:59

Help! I do not know how to host a public server. Could someone please guide me through it? Thanks!

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#9480: Re: Hosting

by demosthenes on 11/11/2007 08:30, refers to #9479

I'm sure it's posted someplace already. Have you checked the wiki?

The jist of it is that you open the ports in any NAT you have, forward them to the hosting computer, and start up the server. It's probably slightly more complicated than that, though.

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#9481: game engine

by rahul7star on 11/11/2007 14:52

well i wanaa use game engine . how can i procced to use game engine .

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#9482: Re: Hosting

by CrazyChao on 11/11/2007 16:03, refers to #9480

Yes, it's posted, but it does not explain it fully. I don't understand it.

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#9483: Re: game engine

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/11/2007 17:35, refers to #9481

Elaborate for us a bit?

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#9484: Re: Source code mods, what to do what to do

by Acord on 11/11/2007 21:08, refers to #9478

Quadropolis :)

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#9485: Re: Source code mods, what to do what to do

by MeatROme on 11/11/2007 21:30, refers to #9478

Well, it all depends on the scope of the mod so much ;)

If I read your posting correctly you'd probably best package a ZIP with
and wherever a MacOS client goes.
datafiles should prolly best reside in packages/mp3sauer/

add launcher-scripts to preset the binary to use and - if required - run a init-script.

add some documentation on how to use your mod!


In any case, just package away and comments will surely crop up if the PAK can be improved on ;)

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