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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12352175 views, last view: 10/06/2024 17:21

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#9424: Re: rockets

by _gibs_ on 11/02/2007 03:22, refers to #9422

Thanks, Morosoph. I agree, they should be devastating in their power. I'm fine with a direct hit = one-hit-kill. But it feels like toooo much when you can empty a full 15 one-hit-kills in 15 seconds. With sight obstructing effects and kickback. ;)

Drakas, what? Are those really the only counterarguments you can produce? "Mmm, fun" and "BOOOOORING?"

"And whose fault is that?"
I suppose you mean I'm unskilled by that? Sorry, I've been playing fps's for a long-ass time. You can't deny that the rl is the most powerful weapon in sauer b/c of its ease of use.

How exactly is reducing splash damage or increasing reload time boring? It would reduce the spam, letting the skilled players continue to own while the newbs aren't slaughtered by other newbs.

"How else do they fly?"
Maybe a tad slower? Not much, mind you. a TAD.

Again, I repeat: I don't think they need to be rendered useless, just tweaked a >>> little <<<. As in "small amount." A combination of little tweaks would be superb. :)

Drakas, I urge you to please go play quake 3 or warsow or something and see why I think the rockets are too powerful.

*moment of reflection*

I'm only going on this little rant b/c I like this game. I'm really not trying to be a pain in the ass. :P

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#9425: Re: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [using safari for windoze!] on 11/02/2007 03:25, refers to #9423

Wouldn't recommend playing Sauer on a Intel graphics card.... I asked a while ago why I'm only getting 20FPS on my nVidia Geforce 6150LE. Turns out the 6150 isn't as good as the nVidia name says (plus its integrated so that lowers performance) . My recommendation is if you are planning on doing some hard-core gaming is to buy a new graphics card.

And zomg is the sarcastic way of saying omg

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#9426: Re: rockets

by Drakas__ on 11/02/2007 08:44, refers to #9424

I actually got bored of Warsow's weak weaponry ;)

Rockets in Sauer are fun. Just have a game against a really fast player on efficienti @ vootdm3 and you'll feel the love!

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#9427: SKY

by Juliz on 11/02/2007 12:28

Hi, I would like to know how I save my sky in my own map, because I load it, I save the map, and then, when I want to re-load it it\'s appears with the same sky as the original


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#9428: Re: rockets

by SanHolo on 11/02/2007 12:31, refers to #9424

Rockets are not overpowered, and I've rarely seen someone dominating a game because he uses the RL all the time. Skilled players use the weapons depending on the situation, the RL is seldom the smartest choice.
Given the speed of sauerbraten, the rockets are even slow. If you see them coming it's not a big of a problem to dodge them, really.

And don't challenge Drakas. Noone does. =D =D :-P

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#9429: Re: SKY

by SanHolo on 11/02/2007 12:33, refers to #9427

Juliz, this is the wrong thread (1), this is answered in the docs (2) and the wiki (3) plus it has been answered here several times (4). ;)


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#9430: Cube very slow

by zaraki on 11/02/2007 14:31

I downloaded cube and installed it but when i launch the game it is very slow and i can't do anything.
I tried to install Sauerbraten but i've got the same problem.

my configuration is :
OS: w2k3 server
ram: 2go
grafic: intel 82865g

Please help me.

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#9431: Re: Cube very slow

by SheeEttin on 11/02/2007 15:20, refers to #9430

See post #9456.

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#9432: ..

by zheddo on 11/02/2007 15:58

A little Question: Personally i really like some of the AC weaponary, however I tried switching the smg hudgun model with the one of the ac, using the .md2 model file and its skin. However when i then choose the smg in sauerbraten it doesnt appear, what woud i have to change to make it appear? I tried playing around with the mdlscale however also that didnt help it :(

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#9433: Re: Cube very slow

by zaraki on 11/02/2007 15:59, refers to #9431

so i have to buy another grafic card :(
is there any another solution?

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#9434: Re: Cube very slow

by MeatROme on 11/02/2007 16:16, refers to #9433

Probably not ... you might try stuff from

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#9435: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 11/02/2007 16:22, refers to #9432

I'm no modeller ... but looking at the code it looks like cube/sauer hudgun animations are completely different than those of AssaultCube.
Try comparing the frames of the original hudgun you're trying to replace with those of the replacement model - or wait till a modeller gives us more insight into this aspect.

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#9436: Re: Midi problem?

by tentus_ on 11/04/2007 02:23, refers to #9415

In response to my own question: yes, apparently there is some version of MIDI we don't support. I opened and re-exported the MIDI file and the new version now works.

Eihrul, do you have any ideas as to what's up with the discrepancy?

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#9437: Re: Midi problem?

by Passa on 11/04/2007 04:02, refers to #9436

Tentus, even if it does work I've found Sauerbraten crashes randomly while playing the midi.

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#9438: Re: Midi problem?

by tentus_ on 11/04/2007 08:51, refers to #9437

Really? I haven't run across that bug yet, and I've spent some quality time with this song now, and playing around in Eisenstern. Maybe it's a hardware thing, seeing as I've put in so much time without a crash or even an error report- all I got with the unplayable midi was silence.

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#9439: Re: Midi problem?

by Quin on 11/04/2007 18:15, refers to #9436


"Mixer supports playing MIDI format files using software wavetable via an old version of timidity. This requires you to have a GUS compatible set of sound patches on your system."

Doesn't sound very up to date though, I somehow remember that being alot more of a pain in the ass. But yeah, it'd be and SDL Mixer thing.

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#9440: The Forums

by TheStorey on 11/05/2007 04:47

What are they? I am a major fan of minimalism. Are they a custom script? may i use it? or are they off an open source project?

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#9441: Slowing speed

by Puff on 11/05/2007 18:16

is there any way to slow the speed the player runs like as default? Its too fast for the mood I want.

Anyway is this possible?


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#9442: Re: Slowing speed

by SanHolo on 11/05/2007 20:03, refers to #9441

Yes: /gamespeed 75

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#9443: Re: Slowing speed

by Puff on 11/05/2007 21:05, refers to #9442

Is there anyway of keeping it as default?

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