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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 520829 views, last view: 09/30/2024 14:14

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#95: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 05/25/2005 09:16, refers to #94

yup memory usage is an issue, and we need to work on that. I don't think its the lighting though, as 5-6 lightmaps (way above average) takes up only 1 meg of memory. The bulk of memory is temporary physics datastructures, as far as I can tell, and is relative to the amount of octa nodes.

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#96: ..

by staffy2005 on 05/25/2005 10:08

oops I should have said that it was at 260 mb when compiling the new lighting, sorry....

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#97: segmentation fault

by mikshaw on 05/25/2005 17:55

What: Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

How: startup

When: Suse Linux 9.0, 1.8ghz/256mb, nvidia gforce4, SDL 1.2, sauerbraten_2005_05_24 + linux_binaries

Details: ldd shows all necessary libs, Cube_2004_05_22 works perfectly on same machine

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#98: Re: segmentation fault

by eihrul on 05/25/2005 19:04, refers to #97

Build your own binaries. Go into the enet directory and type "./configure".

Go into the src directory and type "make" then "cp sauer_client ../sauerbraten/bin_unix/linux_client".

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#99: ..

by pushplay on 05/26/2005 02:05

There are a few HOMs in nmp3. Are these known issues or should I point out where they are?

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#100: ..

by makkE on 05/26/2005 02:17

The textures are upside down.

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#101: Rocket collisions

by Emmental on 05/26/2005 08:38

When firing a rocket straight at the floor the collision doesn't happen immediately.

EXE build 1.44.

Pick up some rockets, point straight down, and fire. It's almost as if the rocket is setting off from too far in front. When a collision finally does happen (the limits of the map?) the actual explosion occurs at ground level and catapults the player a huge distance into the air.

The more shallow the angle to the floor, the less likely it is to happen.

This can also be done on walls, but by stepping back a bit from the wall. The same huge catapulting results.

Here's a couple of screenshots...

Smoke trail of the rocket flying away through the ground... http://emmental.port5.com/sauer1.jpg

Player catapulted into the air (rocket jumps anyone?)...

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#102: RE; HOMs

by nieb on 05/26/2005 14:00

I think it has something to do with the way the newer version handles stuff, because that map was made on an older version. (I've seen it in a couple other older maps too)

I've also noticed that you cant go as small on the grid. Notice the top circle on the church in "nmp3". I thought it just needed redone, so I tried coping, from the larger one, and scalling down, and it just did the same as what was there.

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#103: Crashing sauer binary

by >driAn<. on 05/26/2005 21:49

When: cvs linux_client 1.9

What: sauer crashs when I do a /newmap 6, select a cube and touch the scrollwheel.

Debian Sarge, p4 2800mhz, nvidia gt 6600

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#104: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/26/2005 22:40

Valgrind tell me this:

==6570== Invalid read of size 4
==6570== at 0x806E8E0: tris2cube(cube&, plane*, ivec&, int, bool) (in /home/drian/projects/sauerbraten/stable/sauerbraten/sauerbraten/bin_unix/sauer_client)
==6570== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

I hope that helps...

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#105: Re: ..

by eihrul on 05/26/2005 22:50, refers to #104

Okay, I found that one. The problem was that the cube gets subdivided if you push it in, and the subdividecube() function was reading the clip planes of the big cube. The only problem was, the clip planes didn't exist yet. :)

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#106: ..

by makkE on 05/27/2005 00:28

I got some weird z-fights on simple corners, but only on some of those in my map.

They were just appearing at one side of the corner, so I figured it might have to do with the adjactant cubes on that side, so I found out this (a small demonstration.


Either that´s some kind of bug, or maybe I was building in a way I wasn´t supposed to?
The cubes "behind" the corner were big grid size (one "blue cube" like it´s in cube).
the cubes I formed the corner from were just that corner´s size. I pushed the upper and lower left corners on all of them at a time using the q key.

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#107: entity placement

by makkE on 05/27/2005 00:42

Sorry for double post. I have another question. It seems that entity placement depends on where exactly you hover above the place you want the entity to lay (ammo and stuff, but also lights).
They seem to be independent from grid? the "active corner" doesn´t have anything to do with it?

This is weird in my opinion. How could I nicely place entitys this way (like exactly in the midle of a square room for example)?

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#108: crash bug

by pushplay on 05/27/2005 01:49

sauerbraten.exe v1.45

Start the game, pull a fresh cube out of the ground, shrink the grid size a couple times, point to one of the inside cubes from the top, try to rotate.

So in other words: scroll down once looking somewhere close, g+scroll down twice, point in the middle of the fresh block, r+scroll a bunch.

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#109: Sauerbraten freezes when selecting cubes in the map editor

by Marotte on 05/27/2005 14:51


I tested the last cvs linux sauerbraten client. The bug was in the previous version too.

When editing a map, often, when i select cubes, sauerbraten freezes. I've got to come back to a console using Ctrl+Alt+F1, kill sauerbraten. Then i can come back to X but the screen definition is 800x600 (as i ran cube) in place of my usual 1280x1024. I've got to re-startx to go back to 1280x1024.

Snipped starce out :

select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 1 (in [3], left {0, 0})
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [64]) = 0
read(3, "\6\0\210\0\0245\4\0\216\0\0\0\17\0\340\1\0\0\0\0\2\0\377"..., 64) = 64
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 1 (in [3], left {0, 0})
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [64]) = 0
read(3, "\6\0\210\0\0365\4\0\216\0\0\0\17\0\340\1\0\0\0\0\2\0\377"..., 64) = 64
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 1 (in [3], left {0, 0})
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [64]) = 0
read(3, "\6\0\210\0(5\4\0\216\0\0\0\17\0\340\1\0\0\0\0\1\0\377\377"..., 64) = 64
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 1 (in [3], left {0, 0})
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [64]) = 0
read(3, "\6\0\210\00025\4\0\216\0\0\0\17\0\340\1\0\0\0\0\2\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1117195634, 609441}, NULL) = 0
time(NULL) = 1117195634
sched_yield() = 0
getpid() = 3559
sched_yield() = 0
getpid() = 3559
getpid() = 3559
+++ killed by SIGKILL +++

I'm using Debian GNU/Linux "unstable"
A Nvidia card (MX440)
My uP is an athlon
My kernel is the debian package 2.6.8-2-k7
The Nvidia driver is the official one :

I hope this help.


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#110: Re: Sauerbraten freezes when selecting cubes in the map edit

by Marotte on 05/27/2005 14:57, refers to #109

Sorry, i didn't see the recommended What,How,When format. I'll do it next time.
The full strace out is 90Mo. In my previous message it is just the end, i think you guessed it.

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#111: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/27/2005 15:00

@Sauer dev's
If you fix a bug you should also mention the revision of the bin, since the anonymous cvs gets synced only every 5-12h, so the testers can be sure they got the latest revision.

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#112: Re: Version of the bin

by Marotte on 05/27/2005 15:14, refers to #111

Probably a silly question but where can i find the version, it's not in the about menu. I tried to strings the bin but i found nothing.

I also tried to build sauerbraten myself, the configure script is OK but i've got the following make error :

/usr/lib/libGL.a(glapi_x86.o)(Gltext+0x1760): In function `glActiveTextureARB':
: définitions multiples de « glActiveTextureARB »
rendergl.o(.bss+0x18): défini pour la première fois ici
/usr/bin/ld: AVERTISSEMENT: type de symbole « glActiveTextureARB » a changé de 1 à 2 dans /usr/lib/libGL.a(glapi_x86.o)
/usr/lib/libGL.a(glapi_x86.o)(Gltext+0x1770): In function `glClientActiveTextureARB':
: définitions multiples de « glClientActiveTextureARB »
rendergl.o(.bss+0x1c): défini pour la première fois ici
/usr/bin/ld: AVERTISSEMENT: type de symbole « glClientActiveTextureARB » a changé de 1 à 2 dans /usr/lib/libGL.a(glapi_x86.o)
collect2: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution
make: *** [client] Erreur 1

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#113: sdl parachute and building own binaries

by a pay-boy on 05/28/2005 00:24

hi, i have nearly the same error like it is posted on this page, the thing with the sdl parachute error.

so i tried to build own bins, configure is OK but compilation looks like that:

make -C ../enet all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet'
Making all in include
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet/include'
Making all in enet
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet/include/enet'
make[3]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet/include/enet'
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet/include'
make[3]: Für das Ziel »all-am« ist nichts zu tun.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet/include'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet/include'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet'
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c host.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c list.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c callbacks.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c packet.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c peer.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c protocol.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c unix.c
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libenet\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"libenet\ 11-3-2003\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"libenet.a\" -DVERSION=\"11-3-2003\" -DHAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R=1 -DHAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R=1 -DHAS_POLL=1 -DHAS_FCNTL=1 -DHAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS=1 -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T=1 -I. -I. -Iinclude/ -g -O2 -c win32.c
rm -f libenet.a
ar cru libenet.a host.o list.o callbacks.o packet.o peer.o protocol.o unix.o win32.o
ranlib libenet.a
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dieter/cube/sauerbraten/enet'
make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »client.o«,
benötigt von »client«, zu erstellen. Schluss.

and there are no binaries, how should they, no? so how can i get this to work. its mandrake 10.0 official


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#114: Sauerbraten

by Marotte on 05/28/2005 13:25, refers to #112

No problem to build from the last CVS, the program doesn't freeze anymore, great work.

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