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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12352643 views, last view: 10/06/2024 19:32

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#9391: Message censored by administrator

by Deo Favente on 10/29/2007 01:47

#9392: ..

by Deo Favente on 10/29/2007 01:48

So i fiddled with some crap and i tired compiling again and it did stuff but at the end i got:

/bin/sh: sdl-config: not found
In file included from shared/tools.cpp:3:
shared/pch.h:31:17: error: SDL.h: No such file or directory
shared/pch.h:32:23: error: SDL_image.h: No such file or directory
shared/pch.h:37:24: error: SDL_opengl.h: No such file or directory
shared/pch.h:39:22: error: GL/glext.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [shared/tools.o] Error 1

Any ideas?

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#9393: Re: ..

by Deo Favente on 10/29/2007 01:58, refers to #9392

Sorry for douple post must have accidentally hit the button twice, any way i forgot to read the line "Ensure you have the DEVELOPMENT VERSIONS of the above libraries installed." Opps. So i tried compiling again and i got a long list of errors:

engine/sound.cpp:13:27: error: SDL_mixer.h: No such file or directory
engine/sound.cpp:15: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘*’ token
engine/sound.cpp:30: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Mix_Chunk’ with no type
engine/sound.cpp:30: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void setmusicvol(int)’:
engine/sound.cpp:53: error: ‘mod’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:53: error: ‘MIX_MAX_VOLUME’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:53: error: ‘Mix_VolumeMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void stopsound()’:
engine/sound.cpp:69: error: ‘mod’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:72: error: ‘Mix_HaltMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:73: error: ‘Mix_FreeMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: At global scope:
engine/sound.cpp:89: error: ‘MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void initsound()’:
engine/sound.cpp:95: error: ‘MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:95: error: ‘Mix_OpenAudio’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:97: error: ‘Mix_GetError’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:100: error: ‘Mix_AllocateChannels’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void musicdone()’:
engine/sound.cpp:116: error: ‘mod’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:116: error: ‘Mix_FreeMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:121: error: ‘mod’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void music(char*, char*)’:
engine/sound.cpp:139: error: ‘mod’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:139: error: ‘Mix_LoadMUS’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:141: error: ‘Mix_PlayMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:142: error: ‘MIX_MAX_VOLUME’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:142: error: ‘Mix_VolumeMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘int addsound(char*, int, int, vector<soundslot>&)’:
engine/sound.cpp:186: error: ‘struct sample’ has no member named ‘sound’
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void clear_sound()’:
engine/sound.cpp:210: error: ‘Mix_CloseAudio’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void clearmapsounds()’:
engine/sound.cpp:221: error: ‘Mix_Playing’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:221: error: ‘Mix_HaltChannel’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void updatechanvol(int, int, const vec*, extentity*)’:
engine/sound.cpp:273: error: ‘MIX_MAX_VOLUME’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:276: error: ‘Mix_Volume’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:277: error: ‘Mix_SetPanning’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void updatevol()’:
engine/sound.cpp:299: error: ‘Mix_Playing’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:318: error: ‘mod’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:318: error: ‘Mix_PlayingMusic’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: In function ‘void playsound(int, const vec*, extentity*)’:
engine/sound.cpp:340: error: ‘struct sample’ has no member named ‘sound’
engine/sound.cpp:349: error: ‘struct sample’ has no member named ‘sound’
engine/sound.cpp:349: error: ‘Mix_LoadWAV’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp:353: error: ‘struct sample’ has no member named ‘sound’
engine/sound.cpp:356: error: ‘struct sample’ has no member named ‘sound’
engine/sound.cpp:360: error: ‘struct sample’ has no member named ‘sound’
engine/sound.cpp:360: error: ‘Mix_PlayChannel’ was not declared in this scope
engine/sound.cpp: At global scope:
engine/sound.cpp:164: warning: ‘__dummy_music’ defined but not used
engine/sound.cpp:197: warning: ‘__dummy_registersound’ defined but not used
engine/sound.cpp:200: warning: ‘__dummy_mapsound’ defined but not used
engine/sound.cpp:388: warning: ‘__dummy_sound’ defined but not used
make: *** [engine/sound.o] Error 1

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#9394: ..

by Deo Favente on 10/29/2007 02:02

i am so sorry but i tried downloading all those dev packages at once and i had failed to notice that it had said it could not fetch sdl-mixer dev so i tried downloaading it again and it worked, compiled, worked. YAY! then i ran the game but same grey screen. BOO!

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#9395: Re: o_0

by tentus_ on 10/29/2007 02:42, refers to #9394

Wow, nine posts in a row. That's gotta be some kind of record. Give us a little time to read, neh?

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#9396: ..

by geartrooper2 on 10/29/2007 04:38

sudo apt-get install libsdl-image and libsdl-mixer.

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#9397: Re: settings save

by ATIRULE on 10/29/2007 07:37, refers to #9381

make sure that all the files in the sauerbraten directory are Unset as read only I had the same issue

5 added to 8 is? = the form system HERE SUX!!!!

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#9398: ..

by Deo Favente on 10/29/2007 22:45

"Wow, nine posts in a row. That's gotta be some kind of record."
Two were an accident, i mess with the computer 100 times faster than i can type

"sudo apt-get install libsdl-image and libsdl-mixer."
As i have said above i must not have given you time to read.

"make sure that all the files in the sauerbraten directory are Unset as read only I had the same issue"
Again sorry but i complied i dont have access to computer yet but does that have anything to do with running?

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#9399: ..

by Deo Favente on 10/29/2007 22:53

Ok so i got my computer and i set permissions to all the files and folders in the sauer directory to read and write but game still doesn't work. OpenGL has always fucked with me before but at least it ran. The last time i had checked was with the spring edition an it had worked and ran fine almost completly except edit mode was slow and super fucky. But did the summer edition change a whole lot that maybe it doesn't work any more on my computer?

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#9400: Re: ..

by Drakas__ on 10/30/2007 16:49, refers to #9399

Your drivers aren't working correctly.

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#9401: rockets

by gibs on 10/30/2007 17:58

Seriously, I love this game. I've been playing fps's for years now and Sauer is one of the best. But WHY do the rockets have to be so ridiculously overpowered?

One rocket hit not only takes a big chunk of health, but knocks your opponent back, disorienting him and throwing off his aim. It also creates a gigantic sphere of fire, blocking his view, and has a very large area of splash damage. On top of all this, it fires extremely fast, not giving your opponent a chance to react. And to add insult to injury, the rockets fly very fast through the air.

It's the ultimate spamming gun of insta-death and, in the hands of any semi-skilled player, will easily overpower any other weapon.

Quad rockets are just...I don't want to think about it.

Really, there are players who can't use any of the other weapons effectively, but still manage to rule the server just because of the god-forsaken rockets.

To keep the rockets effective, all that would need to be done is reduce the graphical explosion effect, cut back the knockback, take out the screen jerking, and reduce the splash damage. I think tweaking these things would make the rl perfect without sacrificing its firing speed or damage.

It's not so bad in larger maps like river, but in those tiny maps, it becomes ridiculous.

I'd like to know what people think about this.


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#9402: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/30/2007 18:09

What about in real life? Are rockets/missiles slow? Do they have tiny little spheres of fire? Do they have a five foot explosion radius?

Not to flame or anything. I do agree on one point though: you can empty 15 rockets in about 15 seconds. It would be nice to make the wait time longer. They could possibly travel a little bit slower, too.

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#9403: ..

by gibs on 10/30/2007 18:31

"What about in real life? Are rockets/missiles slow? Do they have tiny little spheres of fire? Do they have a five foot explosion radius?"

Yeah, but do ogros run around shooting each other in real life? This game isn't exactly aiming for realism...:P

I'm coming from a gameplay/balance perspective here.

1 + 1 = 2?

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#9404: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/30/2007 19:00, refers to #9403

Haha, nice comeback! I can understand where you're coming from.

8 x 5 = 40?

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#9405: Rockets

by Morosoph on 10/30/2007 19:06, refers to #9402

I can dodge then when I'm feeling sharp; if they're going to be less frequent, they should be more powerful.

Maybe when you pick up rockets, you pick up /one/ rocket to a maximum of five that can inflict 250/120/80/40 damage (say).

Nah, that's not 1 + 1; it's 1 plus 1; a /much/ harder problem!

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#9406: Re: ..

by gibs_ on 10/30/2007 20:26, refers to #9404

Hehe, thanks. ;)

I don\'t mean to say that rockets should be gimped to the point where they\'re useless, just not so extremely effective as they are now.

Spamming them is fun, but just feels cheap imo.

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#9407: ..

by SanHolo on 10/30/2007 23:14

Rockets can be dodged - if you see them coming, that is. They are good for mid-range combat, and there they are _really_ good, but you can avoid those situations. A combination of rifle and shotgun kicks rocketlaunchers' ass.

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#9408: Re: ..

by yoopers on 10/31/2007 01:05, refers to #9407

The next time someone comes at you with a launcher, try getting up-close-and-personal with the shotgun. Nothin' says lovin' like a shotgun to the face. ;] And most folks pinning all their hopes (and frags) on a launcher won't know what to do.

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#9409: ..

by Acord on 10/31/2007 07:20

In real life, rocket launchers are intended to knock out vehicles and armor. They don't really have a huge splash - it's more like a shaped charge.

Mortars and grenades however...

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#9410: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/31/2007 15:03, refers to #9409

Good point. But then again, in real life, a lot of rockets home in on their targets....

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