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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12352585 views, last view: 10/06/2024 19:21

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#9351: Re: geartrooper2

by Aardappel_ on 10/25/2007 20:36, refers to #9345

that looks excellent.. I shot one em a while ago.

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#9352: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by ATIRULE on 10/25/2007 21:03, refers to #9349

its called skillz give your self some time to get better And U do know where the spint/run key is right :p

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#9353: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by GreyMario on 10/25/2007 21:16, refers to #9352

grammer plz <_<

nobodey liks ppl who talk liek dis either

just figured i'd lay down some grammarpolicing

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#9354: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by SheeEttin on 10/25/2007 21:34, refers to #9353

Says the person who didn't use a single capital letter...

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#9355: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by killthemessenger on 10/25/2007 23:52, refers to #9350

Thanks for the reply Atirule and Shadow,516...

Yeah, I'm sure I've got a lot to learn, and I'll bow to the experts on this, but I think a lot more are cheating than you give credit for. Maybe I'm just hitting the wrong servers????

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind getting shredded as long as I can take someone out with me. Anyone that nails me when I do a stupid move or just does a cool strategic kill, I'll tip my hat. I have fun even in dyeing... well to a point.

It's not that I'm playing that bad, I'm usually in the middle of the pack score wise, but there are several that are playing way too good to be not cheating (without taking away from those who are truly skilled).

And no I don't know where the sprint/run key is - or was that a joke that went over my head? I checked the docs again. nada...

I'll keep playing, and I'll keep getting my lunch served to me. I can only get better...


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#9356: out of date sauerbraten

by mrtn400 on 10/26/2007 00:31

It seems my version is out of date, or atleast the mp protocol is. where can I download a patch to make it up to date?
also I believe my mp protocol is this version -1

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#9357: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by eihrul on 10/26/2007 00:47, refers to #9349

Cheating is an epidemic problem in AssaultCube. Although this has mostly been rectified in the CVS version, drian has kinda gone AWOL so no idea when a new release will be.

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#9358: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by killthemessenger on 10/26/2007 03:10, refers to #9357

Well that was my feeling too. It'd be nice if the server stripped all the cheats back to default so everyone is playing on an even field... Then maybe I could kick some ass!

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#9359: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by eihrul on 10/26/2007 03:29, refers to #9358

Like I sez, the problem has already been rectified, but drian needs to show up so a release can be organized.

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#9360: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by ATIRULE on 10/26/2007 04:47, refers to #9355

A joke =/ :p

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#9361: ..

by Julius on 10/26/2007 14:15

Dunno about assault cube, but in sauerbraten a good player can dominate the powerups by good strategic map control, which basicly gives him a 200 healh cap and almost permanent yellow armor and quad damage, which in turn will probably look like cheating to a less experienced player.

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#9362: ..

by SanHolo on 10/26/2007 18:42

Sauerbraten does not have a big cheater-problem. Cheaters are easily spotted and kicked IF someone grabbed master. (BTW, this "approvemaster #" does not work when no hardcore sauerbraten player is around...)

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#9363: OS X 10.5

by SanHolo on 10/26/2007 18:49

I just tried sauerbraten (latest official release) on Mac OS X 10.5. Runs fine except that the armor/ammo/health indicators are - well, positioned weird:


I don't yet have the DevTools installed so I can't check out CVS, sorry if that's already fixed.

MacBook Pro
2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo
ATI X1600 Mobile

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#9364: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by killthemessenger on 10/26/2007 19:05, refers to #9360

Thanks, I thought so but I never know when I might have missed something important.

As for the cheater thing... Last night was the worst! Some guy got on as team PooF and a handle of '.'. First he would hide in a corner of a teams respawn area and as soon as you would respawn you were dead. He then did the same with grenades - you were dead before you could take a step. Once he got bored with that, he'd grab the flag and would run around the respawn area and stand next to an opponent, just to watch teammates shoot each other trying to kill him. I finally left... WHAT A DICK! and PooF, if your reading this GO SIT ON A GRENADE!

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#9365: Re: OS X 10.5

by a baby rabbit on 10/26/2007 20:21, refers to #9363

^%&* Apple - okay, the devs are on to it...

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#9366: Re: OS X 10.5

by killthemessenger on 10/26/2007 23:14, refers to #9365

That looks like an Apple independent resolution issue. Leopard is supposed to be 100% resolution independent and each window can have it's own resolution. That's supposed to be a good thing... looks like you guys are skirting Apples preferred method for displaying or Apple is not supporting backwards compatibility on this.

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#9367: Re: OS X 10.5

by a_baby_rabbit on 10/27/2007 00:16, refers to #9366

Not really related to resolution independence (dear god, don't enable that!) But as an apple developer - yes, backward compatibilty is causing me some grief at the moment...

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#9368: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by killthemessenger on 10/27/2007 02:20, refers to #9364

Ok, I guess I do have a lot of learning to do...

The more servers I go on the more I'm seeing cheating. Maybe some would call it skill and finesse, but if you can't do it in real life, it's cheating.

So can someone clue me into exactly what is going on. I'm seeing opponents jump into salute mode (I'm guessing this is what happens when paused???) when I shoot them, then either disappear or jump through a wall only to come up behind me and kill me.

Are all the servers full of pussies that can't do battle one on one, without putting on a dress and cheat their way to their delusionary victories. Come on girls... play nice.

The world is full of douches - Don't add to the number. And I don't appreciate getting kicked when I start doing well. Please put up some server for those who just want to play!

And I want to apologize to all my teammates I shot/fragged - I've got a new mouse and I just can't seem to get use to it, I've had my old one for far to long...

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#9369: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by SheeEttin on 10/27/2007 05:24, refers to #9368

Those players going into edit mode (that's what it's called) are doing that because you're not playing on a coopedit server, for making maps.
You're probably getting kicked because you're annoying the people busy mapping.

Try joining servers in mode ffa/default. It's the standard free-for-all deathmatch. Once you get everything figured out, move on to the other modes (but not before).

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#9370: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by SheeEttin on 10/27/2007 05:24, refers to #9369

> because you're not playing on a coopedit server

I mean you are playing on a coopedit server. Oops.

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