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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12353052 views, last view: 10/06/2024 21:21

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#9331: Re: probleme menus

by Drakas__ on 10/22/2007 21:31, refers to #9314


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#9332: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by SheeEttin on 10/22/2007 21:52, refers to #9329

You mean lock the FOV?
Just set the max and min to the same number.

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#9333: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by MeatROme on 10/22/2007 22:02, refers to #9332

Ha! LOL ... yeah,
but that's a /little/ hack-y, mmh!?!
This way the user'd still get fov TAB-autocompleted, for example.

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#9334: Re: mutable map

by yoopers on 10/22/2007 22:35, refers to #9323

Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm (XCOM remains in my Top 5 Games of all time :), but UFO: Alien Invasion already exists to provide an Open Source recreation of XCOM. I highly recommend checking it out:


They need more "arty" people to help create new maps and scenarios.

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#9335: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by Quin on 10/23/2007 03:54, refers to #9329

Change to:

VARP(fov, 1, 105, 0);

When min is more than max, the variable is marked read only. You'll find a few of these around the Sauerbraten source.

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#9336: Re: mutable map

by kerno on 10/23/2007 17:54, refers to #9334

Yes, I've already seen and played UFO:AI for quite some time. However, in my opinion the gameplay loses something important when you cannot interact with environment (eg. demolish map). That's why I'm asking about 3d engine that could support mutable map. Afaik UFO:AI is based on Quake 2 engine, with all it's strengths and limitations...
Any suggestions?

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#9337: Odd texturing...

by Memphetic on 10/23/2007 22:07

For one reason or another, my custom made models have an odd texturing problem where it somewhat turns the model into a paper model, or makes the left side transparent or something... when I load the md3 and textures into an md3 viewer, though, it looks just fine. Any ideas? Screenshots: http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd15/memphetic/screenshot_28459.jpg and http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd15/memphetic/screenshot1.jpg

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#9338: Re: Odd texturing...

by eihrul on 10/23/2007 22:13, refers to #9337

The winding of the faces is backwards. You need to invert the winding.

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#9339: Re: Odd texturing...

by GreyMario on 10/24/2007 01:24, refers to #9337

Are parts of your models inside out?

If so, backface culling kicks in and actually hides those textures that don't get hidden in the modeling program.

Try remodeling them without making them inside out.

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#9340: Re: Odd texturing...

by GreyMario on 10/24/2007 01:24, refers to #9339

Bah, you're too fast, eihrul

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#9341: Re: Odd texturing...

by GreyMario on 10/24/2007 01:27, refers to #9340

Lol triple post just to say I'm totally frikken blind, ignore my last posts xD

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#9342: Re: Odd texturing...

by SheeEttin on 10/24/2007 03:18, refers to #9337

Ooh, that's a really nicely done M16/M4/whatever. (I can't tell from this angle.)

I'm sure someone would love to use that in a mod.

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#9343: Re: Odd texturing...

by Memphetic on 10/24/2007 04:09, refers to #9342

Sorry, it's already being used in my "total conversion"... I'm making a tactical shooter (like counter-strike). I got mad that I couldn't play CS on linux. Anyway, what do you mean "invert the winding"? How would I do that in blender?

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#9344: ..

by geartrooper2 on 10/24/2007 10:17

select all faces in edit mode and hit ctrl-n. this will recalculate the normals to face outwards.

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#9345: geartrooper2

by Memphetic on 10/24/2007 18:39

Woot! Thanks a lot, my friend!! http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd15/memphetic/screenshot_38991.jpg

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#9346: How do I uninstall sauerbraten?

by acl123 on 10/25/2007 01:21

I know this is an obvious question but I can't find the answer.

I installed sauerbraten using the instructions off the website - probably by downloading the tar off sourceforge.

How do I uninstall it cleanly?

Running Ubuntu 7.10

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#9347: Re: How do I uninstall sauerbraten?

by Quin on 10/25/2007 03:39, refers to #9346

rm -rf /path/to/where/you/extracted/sauerbraten

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#9348: Re: How do I uninstall sauerbraten?

by SheeEttin on 10/25/2007 04:42, refers to #9347

And ~/.sauerbraten .

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#9349: noobie assault cube questions...

by killthemessenger on 10/25/2007 18:37

I just discovered assault cube a few days ago. I've enjoyed the single player mode. Last night I accidentally hit the Multiplayer mode by accident. A whole new lever of fun!

Here's the deal... I'm getting my ass handed to me. I realize this is open source but is everyone cheating in these games. Everyone runs faster, shoots better, kills easier and dies harder. In one game last night an opponent came running up to me, I unloaded a whole clip right into his head and he killed me! So what's up with the cheats? Are there games where cheating is not allowed? How do I ramp up myself to compete with the cheaters? Yeah, I'm not great, but I'm not a spaz either...

And don't get me started on the a-holes that frag their teammates! It is unavoidable once in a while and I'm guilt of this too, but come on! And stop trying to do the grenade leap thing when you have teammates behind you!

Any help to stay alive for two more seconds would help.

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#9350: Re: noobie assault cube questions...

by shadow,516 on 10/25/2007 20:35, refers to #9349

90% chance says they aren't cheating, and they are just plain old better than you. In the event that they ARE cheating, find another server.

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