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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12354760 views, last view: 10/07/2024 05:26

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#9270: ..

by absinth on 10/11/2007 21:52

i think mentioning a firewall in this sentence is quite confusing since most users are just behind a router/NAT box and have the very same problem...

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#9271: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 10/12/2007 02:56, refers to #9270

You'd think they never ever googled port forwarding/pinholing.

Most of us don't use alcatel routers so it should be easy enough to do it via your router's web interface.

to get to the web interface you just need to type in your IP (not network), or the router's network IP. To my knowledge, windows (I'm just assuming your running windows. uses DHCP so it should already be hiding the IP addresses you need to access the web configuration screen.

Linux users on the other hand can just use apt-get/emerge/yast2 to install telnet, and use that to configure the nat (remember to do a 'nat save' afterwards)

When you do that remember, server ports are currently fixed at UDP 28785 and UDP 28786

That should cover it
~Hirato Kirata

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#9272: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/12/2007 04:52, refers to #9271

I think that the most common router address is

Just type that in in your browser's address bar, and if it asks you for a password, you in luck. Just enter that in and you can forward ports.

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#9273: Question zoom

by zheddo on 10/12/2007 12:09

Yes I actually am proud user of a zooming script, but my question is if theres any way so that the zoom will only work wile having the rifle selected... Until now i can zoom with every gun...

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#9274: ..

by Acord on 10/12/2007 16:22

Scripts apply to everything, so no...

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#9275: ..

by zheddo on 10/12/2007 17:18

*sob* ;)

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#9276: Re: ..

by Xannin on 10/12/2007 19:27, refers to #9274

Would it be possible for the script to have some sort of if/then statement the tests to see what weapon you have, and then only continues if you are using a certain weapon?

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#9277: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/12/2007 20:54, refers to #9276

There are no variables or functions yet to determine what kind of weapon you have. It shouldn't be that hard to make, though, if you know a little c++.

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by huntter32 on 10/12/2007 20:57

Everytime i try to connect on multiplayer it says i can't and i've read everything on the site related to this problem and nothing helps, can someone please help and tell me what to do

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by huntter32 on 10/12/2007 20:57

Everytime i try to connect on multiplayer it says i can't and i've read everything on the site related to this problem and nothing helps, can someone please help and tell me what to do

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#9280: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/12/2007 21:16, refers to #9277

Quin did it in Blood Frontier. The sniper rifle has a specific sight, appropriately enough. (All the other weapons share sights.)

huntter32: Post the error, and don17't double-post.

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#9281: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/12/2007 21:17, refers to #9280

Oops. That's what happens when the math puzzle loses focus.

Ignore the 17 in "don17't".

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#9282: Demo Fuction

by IhaveNoName on 10/12/2007 22:05

After so many patches for the Servers my client can\'t play a recorded demo :( I get the message, that I have a different verion to play the demo :(
Please Help me out....

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#9283: Re: Question zoom

by hampus_ on 10/13/2007 00:58, refers to #9273

Just don't use it with the other weapons. Problem solved ;)

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#9284: SpaceNavigator Integration

by Ben Garney on 10/13/2007 12:34

I had a little bit of time so I made a crude integration with the 3d connexion SpaceNavigator. It's simple but it makes editing a lot nicer!

You can get source & read about it at:


(win32 only)

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#9285: AC doc reference

by >driAn<. on 10/13/2007 13:28

a short explanation on how the ac doc reference works..


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#9286: Re: ..

by Xannin on 10/13/2007 19:37, refers to #9277

I know it sounds a little ridiculous but, couldn't you bind a script to the zooming weapon key that brings out the weapon and binds a key for zooming. Then bind scripts for the other weapons that would unbind the zoom key as it brings out the weapon?

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#9287: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 10/13/2007 20:40, refers to #9286

your question is oddly put ... but I think you want some form of zooming-script ... scourge http://quadropolis.us/flexinode/table/2?sort=asc&order=title

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#9288: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/13/2007 21:37, refers to #9287

I think he's mistaken about the definition of "bind"...

The manual doesn't explain it and Wikipedia doesn't have an entry, so I'll define it.

To "bind" a key means to assign an action to that key, so when it's pressed, the action is made.

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#9289: Coop remip

by SheeEttin on 10/14/2007 00:36

So a new feature was introduced recently, the one that causes everyone to remip if everyone remips (in coop).
Problem is, I do a lot of remipping, so it's very annoying to other people.
Does anyone know how I might go about disabling this (or better yet, creating another /remip that doesn't make everyone do it)? I've been reading the source, but I can't figure out where it actually does the network remipping. Closest I found was line 458 in engine/octa.cpp, but that's only if it's a local game...

Any help, if only a suggestion as to which file or function to look in, would be very much appreciated.

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