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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12357291 views, last view: 10/07/2024 15:37

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#9238: Default Ammo

by CrazyChao on 10/09/2007 00:40

How do I change the initial amount of ammunition a weapon has, like the pistol?

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#9239: Re: Default Ammo

by SheeEttin on 10/09/2007 00:54, refers to #9238

The starting weapons are set in fpsgame/game.h, specifically lines 279 to 317, dependent on game mode.

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#9240: ..

by Acord on 10/09/2007 01:25

I can do some freelance work - price per item for SFX, textures, models, maps etc, more expensive for exclusive rights. Check out Blood Frontier if you want to see what I'm capable of with this engine.

Right now, I'd have to balance it into my workload, however, which includes Blood Frontier, going to school, and teaching school among other things, so if you need a lot of work done in a short period of time, I'm not your man.

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by CrazyChao on 10/09/2007 06:03

I don't get it. When I place lighting, it doesn't show. The brightness of places is not modified whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong?

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by eihrul on 10/09/2007 06:30, refers to #9241

You must do a /calclight

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#9243: Models

by CrazyChao on 10/10/2007 01:44

Thanks. I have another question (suprise, suprise.) I have imported a model which I think is configured correctly:

md3load tris.md3
md3skin mesh skin.jpg mask.jpg
mdlspec 20
mdlambient 5
mdlspin -3

I do not know how to put it into the game, however. Could someone help? (I know I ask a lot of questions. I read as many documents as I can to find the answers before I do.)

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#9244: ..

by Acord on 10/10/2007 01:47

Which model is it for? A mapmodel?

The easiest thing to do is to simply replace a model. If you want to *add* a model, then it really depends on what type: Mapmodel, vwep, hudgun, character, etc.

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#9245: Model

by CrazyChao on 10/10/2007 01:49

I am trying to *add* a model.

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#9246: Re: Model

by tentus_ on 10/10/2007 01:59, refers to #9245

As Acord asked, what kind? If we're talking about adding a player model, then we'll have to edit the engine. If we're adding a mapmodel, then it's negligibly easy.

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#9247: Re: Model

by eihrul on 10/10/2007 02:01, refers to #9245

You must add it to the model list in your map's cfg.

First use the command "mapmodelreset" to reset the map model list back to empty, then use "mmodel relative/path/to/your/model/here/".

So if you put your model in "packages/models/mystuff/some_model" then your map.cfg would include:

mmodel "mystuff/some_model"

Note that if you don't do the mapmodelreset, it will take the model onto the end of the model list that is specified in data/default_map_models.cfg

However, if you do that, you run the risk that if we change that list, or add models to it in the future, the number you use to reference your map model with entities won't match anymore.

So if you must use those definitions too, you are best to either copy the contents of default_map_models.cfg, or just include the models you need to use manually via use of a few individual "mmodel whatever" commands for stuff you specifically need. Just resetting the map model list and specifying exactly the models you need is usually the better option anyway.

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#9248: Re: Model

by CrazyChao on 10/10/2007 02:08, refers to #9247

Thank you so much. And, why is it... when I ask a question... right before someone posts the answer, I find it on my own? Thank you, everyone.

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#9249: Re: Model

by tentus_ on 10/10/2007 02:50, refers to #9248

I find that by figuring out how to word my question to get an answer, i figure out the answer itself. That's why it's a good idea to write down a list of questions- a large number that you write down will get answered before you even get close to filling a page of paper or a single screen of text.

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#9250: Colors

by CrazyChao on 10/10/2007 04:44

Okay, this is my last question for a while. I have seen maps where the "Title by Autor" is colored, such as Lost in Space. How do I do this?

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#9251: Re: Colors

by MeatROme on 10/10/2007 06:06, refers to #9250

you need to enter the vertical-line feed character \f and the color-number : 0:green, 1:blue, 2:yellow, 3:red, 4:grey, 5:magenta, 6:orange ... on linux I just press Ctrl + L
If all fails - use this snippet of CubeScript to help you along:

_CC = [^L]
COL = [result (concatword $_CC $arg1 $arg2)]
test_txt = (concat (COL 3 red) (COL 1 blue))

like e.g. so

msg = (concat (COL 0 this) is (COL 3 my) (COL 0 first) map); mapmsg $msg

HTH :)

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#9252: Re: Colors

by eihrul on 10/10/2007 06:24, refers to #9251

Note that literally writing ^L will not work, and as such that is misleading. You must press control-L to generate the character, and that is how SOME text editors will display it (as the two characters ^L, but not always).

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#9253: Re: Colors

by MeatROme on 10/10/2007 08:16, refers to #9252

oh, right ... last time I sent the CubeScript as email attachment in answer ...
@ CrazyChao:
copy-n-paste from packages/base/4b1.cfg if in doubt how to create this control-character yourself.
e.g. from line 30 - lot's there ;-)

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#9254: smaller grid size?

by daves on 10/10/2007 08:17

I was trying to make a map with railings and smaller things, but the grid size didn't seem to go that small, is there a way to change the grid size so that it allows me to make it smaller so i can make rails?

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#9255: Re: smaller grid size?

by MeatROme on 10/10/2007 08:20, refers to #9254

you can push in the faces of smallest grid-size cubes (F + MW) .. not every structure can be built that way easily though - mapmodels might be in order, depending on your goal.

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#9256: Import external levels in and MP A.I?

by Dean Avanti on 10/11/2007 01:51

Hi Im new to this engine, I have 2 questions that will help me decide if this is an engine I can use for a project I have in mind.

Can I export models in to make the level with, I dont mean an item, like a health pack, I mean a model to make the BSP, Im presuming this is a BSP engine, I have full maps id like to import in, so Id like to know if this is possible?

Also does this engine has AI for a multiplayer game, Id like to make a Quake 3 type game, so Id like the MP game to have enemy characters to shoot for the player, is that possible, or do I have to code that myself?

Dean Avanti
Avanti Vita Studios.
Video games and game tools.

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#9257: Message censored by administrator

by thenewrandomcivilian [new desktop!] on 10/11/2007 02:28, refers to #9256

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