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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12358006 views, last view: 10/07/2024 17:17

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9218: ..

by Acord on 10/07/2007 19:03

They're getting better - keep practicing!

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#9219: Re: New Level

by eihrul on 10/07/2007 19:05, refers to #9216

No, they made it too easy for spam bots to parse.

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#9220: Re: Command Line

by MeatROme on 10/07/2007 19:15, refers to #9217

umm. have you read
?? if not - do it! :)

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#9221: Re: New Level

by SheeEttin on 10/07/2007 20:05, refers to #9216

The captcha got changed due to linkspam.

There's an ongoing discussion in the topic about the spring release (because that's where the spam is appearing).

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#9222: Message censored by administrator

by X versus Sigma... Sigma wins on 10/07/2007 20:19

#9223: ..

by djGentoo on 10/07/2007 20:41

| I still can hack into it.

Ha ha. Very funny. Are you sure you didn't go after by mistake?

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#9224: Re: Haha idiot proof? Fuck you

by Drakas on 10/07/2007 21:17, refers to #9222

Hey, it's that loser again :)
Just banning would do the job partially, at least :-)

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#9225: Engine Usage

by GuardianArbiter on 10/07/2007 21:32

Okay stupid question, but I was wondering about using the engine for a entirely different (new) game. I know I can but I want to know which of the source files are considered Engine Files and not game files. Is it just the stuff in the Engine Folder, or is there more files than that?

Again, I'm talking Engine, not game files here.

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#9226: Re: Engine Usage

by eihrul on 10/07/2007 22:19, refers to #9225

The src/ directory, and the .cfg files in data/ are what would be considered the engine.

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#9227: ..

by Acord on 10/07/2007 23:40

Just replace *everything*. You don't have to replace it all right away, but you will definitely have to eventually.

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#9228: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/07/2007 23:42, refers to #9227

He doesn't need to replace data/*.cfg or src/, though, which is the point.

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#9229: ..

by GuardianArbiter on 10/08/2007 03:27

So if I'm reading you correctly, everything in the Src folder and the data cfgs are under zlib and can be used in my game, without question.

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#9230: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/08/2007 09:32, refers to #9229

Well, not everything in src/ is zlib, i.e. enet is MIT-licensed, the GL/SDL/etc. stuff is under whatever license they are under, but basically you can reuse all that stuff so long as you don't change the licensing terms on it at all.

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#9231: Re: ..

by absinth on 10/08/2007 14:21, refers to #9230


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#9232: Problems with demo recording... agin

by Q009 on 10/08/2007 19:05

Hi! I have new problems with opening demo:
I did:
/setmaster **************
And i see: 'Q009 claimed admin' ok
/recorddemo 1
And i see: 'demo recording is enabled for next math' ok
/ffa metl4
Now changing map and i see: 'recording demo' ok
And i see: 'recorded demo' ok
And i see one demo, ok
And i see: 'received 151207.dmo' ok
/demo 151207
And i see: '151207.dmo is not a demo file' WTF?!?
And i see: 'no demos available' WTF?!?

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#9233: Cube Developer Needed

by sprfrkr on 10/08/2007 20:32

I am looking for one or more cube developers/artists to work on a project part-time for us. I am looking to create what the \"Quake Zero\" (currently vaporware) experience aims to be using the Cube engine. A monthly stipend will be provided if we can come to a working agreement of what we are after and if it is possible to accomplish.

Thank you for your time.


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#9234: Re: Cube Developer Needed

by SheeEttin on 10/08/2007 20:59, refers to #9233


I'm not sure what you mean by "create what the "Quake Zero" experience aims to be", but I'll stick a hand (or foot) in if needed. (I'm not much of a coder, but I can do other stuff.)

You may want to read the "how not to start a mod" (http://cube.wikispaces.com/How+not+to+start+a+mod), but I did a few Google searches on you, and we may actually see a mod come out of this. (Hint: search for "superfreaker", "superfreaker studios", and "shannon sofield" (that's his name).)

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#9235: Re: Cube Developer Needed

by sprfrkr on 10/08/2007 21:13, refers to #9234

Thank you for your response. I will explain further my goals and intentions. I am fairly familiar with the realities of starting mods and how they often die, so that I why I decided to add some monetary value to the proposition.

Some goals/thoughts:
- quick/small download package
- single step installation (for pc anyway)
- 3 basic maps (think slipgate q1, cthon q1, etc.)
- simple in game config.cfg editing

Basically, a really dumbed down version of Cube for the fairly inexperienced pc gamer making it possible to get from "Yeah, I want to play" to "Yay! I'm playing" in 5 minutes or less.

The goal is to create a community around the project not limited to core gamers. If anyone remembers MPlayer.com (bought by gamespy years ago), then you will understand the concept. A web interface or Adobe Flex application would manage the game/server finder/launching system.

I can imagine that a lot of this work is already done or is at least in the realm of possibilities. I am a developer myself and have extensive experience in managing projects like this. This is a side project for me so I personally cannot undertake the dev on it so that is why I am reaching out here.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns.


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#9236: Re: Cube Developer Needed

by eihrul on 10/08/2007 21:26, refers to #9235

Depending on how much you're willing to spend, there is dot3 labs, LLC - Wouter and I's company. But again, that is contingent on price range.

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#9237: Re: Cube Developer Needed

by sprfrkr on 10/08/2007 21:36, refers to #9236

Thank you again for the reply. Let me write up a formal document detailing the requirements and mapping out the concept in better terms. I'll submit it to you for review once completed.

Thank you.


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