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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by C_olin on 03/11/2004 00:47, 101 messages, last message: 04/04/2006 20:25, 58375 views, last view: 09/29/2024 08:23

I'm no noob to VC++ 6.0... but I have not gotten Cube to compile correctly!

I put all of the includes and libs where they are supposed to be in the vc++ folder.

And added the right linking stuff... but I still get unresolved externals.

And why doesn't it include a VC++ workspace?

Does anyone have project/workspace project files they are wiling to send to me?

This would help out me, and a lot of other poeple... thanks!

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#93: Re: mingw

by me1.0 on 05/26/2004 09:36, refers to #92

Tried setting the path with the above command. Received the following message.

sh: c:mysysbin: command not found
sh: fg: %path%: no such job

I guess I am just a tard and need someone to spoon feed me through this.

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#94: Re: mingw

by Thalion on 05/26/2004 10:58, refers to #93

You are not supposed to do it in sh. You are supposed to do it in Windows command prompt.

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#95: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/29/2004 05:39, refers to #53

This is exactly the problem. Cube gets _statically_ linked to libGL. On my SUSE, the problem was that there was libGL.a and libGL.so.1 in /usr/lib, but no libGL.so. So, when you do -lGL, it links to libGL.a rather than libGL.so.1.

What you need to do is create a symbolic link in /usr/lib, libGL.so -> libGL.so.1, and recompile (I'd suggest doing "make clean" first, just in case). Works for me.

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#96: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/29/2004 21:27

thx! I just installed a newer version of suse and there is now the libGL.so correctly symbolic linked.

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#97: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/30/2004 06:17, refers to #96

It wasn't for me, for some reason, and I have the latest version (9.1). Oh well =)

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#98: ..

by driAn@familyMachine on 05/30/2004 11:56

You'r right, its not made by suse. It was the xorg that did the symbolic link.

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#99: where is the patch?

by loki1985 on 12/29/2004 15:21

hi folks!

can someone re-post a link to the patch? i am trying to get the 2004 source working in mingw since 2 days :(

thanx in advance....

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#100: Re: ..

by Sparr on 05/06/2005 13:26, refers to #46

same problem here. had to rename the sleep function and re-type socklen_t to get it to compile. now it compiles fine but then segfaults at the same place as yours (after init:gl)

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#101: Already solved?

by tanelius on 04/04/2006 20:25

Have someone solved that weird error already?

tanelius@tanelius1:~/sauerbraten$ ./sauerbraten_unix
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: console
init: gl
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

That appears when compiled from source code.

Original binary executables work fine.

I'll be happy if someone got idea to solve that problem!

SDL version: 1.2.8
GCC version 3.3.5
Automake version: 1.9

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