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Idea for next update

by lulz234561 on 04/27/2007 23:59, 93 messages, last message: 07/08/2007 04:06, 47168 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:24

I thought it would be a good idea to add a new gametype, Instagib CTF. DM and CTF is always dominated by people who get machineguns alot, because think- 30 damage a hit and like 5 hits a second, thats 150 damage. A rifle is one hit kill WIHTOUT armor. With armor, its one or two hits, and it has a wait time of a second or two. You cant kill groups with a rifle unless they all have rifles, and machinegun can always kill anyone, no matter what they have. Its just too powerful.

So, the next update should balance the machinegun and add Instagib CTF, so cheap n00bs who cant kill without 150 damage a second actually get some skill.

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#93: Re: Sauerbraten is sick

by demosthenes on 07/08/2007 03:42, refers to #91

Sauerbraten is what it is, and it is what it was meant to be.

You create something that is on par with Sauerbraten and then come back and see about trying to tell Aard what he ought to do with his own engine.

Sauer isn't a modification of something else like Torvald's kernel was. It's original code, and Aard can do as he pleases with it. It's open source and well-commented, so you can take it and run with it at any point you like. But the design philosophy set out in the beginning by Aardappel is something he's going to continue to follow despite your complaints or essays.

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#94: Re: Sauerbraten is sick

by robam on 07/08/2007 04:06, refers to #92

Hey, I just wanted everyone who was going to write about this that I moved it into a new thread "called Sauerbraten is sick". The thread we're in is, after all, about ideas for the next update to Sauerbraten, and not "gameplay inhibited", which seems to be the current title for what I'm told is an eternal debate.

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