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Idea for next update

by lulz234561 on 04/27/2007 23:59, 93 messages, last message: 07/08/2007 04:06, 46999 views, last view: 05/18/2024 06:03

I thought it would be a good idea to add a new gametype, Instagib CTF. DM and CTF is always dominated by people who get machineguns alot, because think- 30 damage a hit and like 5 hits a second, thats 150 damage. A rifle is one hit kill WIHTOUT armor. With armor, its one or two hits, and it has a wait time of a second or two. You cant kill groups with a rifle unless they all have rifles, and machinegun can always kill anyone, no matter what they have. Its just too powerful.

So, the next update should balance the machinegun and add Instagib CTF, so cheap n00bs who cant kill without 150 damage a second actually get some skill.

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#1: ..

by SanHolo on 04/28/2007 01:08

IMHO the machinegun is not very powerful, just dodge the fire and place one/two good shotgun-shots at the shooter. ;)

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#2: ..

by tentus_ on 04/28/2007 02:25

The weapons in Sauer are very well balanced in that they ar5e intended to be asymmetrical. The chaingun is, in the hands of most players, the best weapon. But in my experience a rifle in the hands of a smart player can outperform any other gun (remember that zooming in is as simple as G + Scrollwheel).

Though I agree that insta CTF is fun.

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#3: ..

by lulz234561 on 04/28/2007 07:49

Yeah but with the aim you have on a rifle you can do 3 times more damage with a machinegun in that time

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#4: Re: ..

by Lex-Luthor on 04/28/2007 08:03, refers to #2

Actually I think most experienced players use rocket launcher,Not just in Sauer but any deathmatch FPS Game I know,Quake 3/4,Nexuiz,Warsow and all other.

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#5: ..

by mrbigglesworth on 04/28/2007 08:45

Yes, ctf/insta ctf would be superb...much needed teamplay in addition to capture.

i agree with sanholo I think the machinegun is okay

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#6: ..

by Drakas on 04/28/2007 09:33

I requested instagib capture ages ago!
Just the rifle, no respawn timing, and capturing :)
We want something pretty fast :D

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#7: ..

by SanHolo on 04/28/2007 14:21

The Shotgun gives 200 damage if you're close to the enemy and place a full hit. I love it. =D

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#8: Re: ..

by lulz234561 on 04/28/2007 17:53, refers to #7

Yeah, and you have a better chance of doing at least some damage at a range.
And with quad-damage, even if they have full armor, you can kill in one hit.

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#9: ..

by Destroyer] on 04/28/2007 23:01

I think just add a instagib capture and a capture the flag/instagib capture the flag ( real CTF like actioncube ) is a good thing

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#10: ..

by abortionpunch on 04/28/2007 23:05

The weapon set for sauer is nearly perfect. Of course you can mow down groups of people with the chain gun. That's the point. It's a great medium range weapon. But it's incredibly limited, especially for noobs, by its own rate of fire. Most people I see using the chain gun empty their clip like idiots by holding the mouse button down and attempting to track the target.

And there are no "cheap" kills in an FPS. It's open season. If you're getting punked by a noob with a chain gun, maybe you're the one that needs to up the skill level.

InstaCTF would be good but you might have to adjust the spawn time to avoid everyone being dead all the time.

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#11: ..

by Destroyer] on 04/29/2007 00:08

Play single player maps with the monster on multi can be cool you do single player maps at more than 1 player ^^

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#12: ..

by lulz234561 on 04/29/2007 06:50

Yeah, those are all pimp ideas. CO-OP would be pimp as snoop dogg.

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#13: ..

by trashmaster5000 on 05/02/2007 10:45

sounds like someone doesn't know how to play sauer.

machine gun fire is easily avoided, use the environment to your advantage.

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#14: Re: ..

by Passa on 05/02/2007 12:01, refers to #13

The trick is to keep moving and jumping in a completely random as possible pattern. Machine gun ammo is used up fast - you moving around means that your enemy will miss more, and before they know it, they'll run out of ammo (unless you're godly with your aim, you will not be able to kill a fast moving target with 20 rounds).

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#15: Re: ..

by sinsky on 05/02/2007 13:22, refers to #14

The machine gun is best suited for crazy people. It doesn't matter if you're good, how far your target is, etc. - you just have to be crazy & use it all the time. Unless you get grenades of course - as it's second in crazyness to the grenade launcher! The other guns in Sauer are boring and too few to mention anyway ;)

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#16: new idea: spray tags

by trash_master5000 on 05/12/2007 05:36


spray tags for tagging your kills for that extra oomph of satisfaction, to rub it in your opponents face.

similar to what cs had, last time i played was 7 years ago, not sure if its changed since then, but it seemed fairly basic, you could design your own fixed size bitmap.

even if they're a fixed set to avoid having to transfer the bitmap to each client it would still be really neat.

1 * 4, what's that?

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#17: Re: new idea: spray tags

by randomcivilian [just found linux] on 05/13/2007 00:17, refers to #16

the problem with that is that the corpses from player kills usually fade away after a few (maybe 10) seconds. maybe if they don't fade away, until maybe 2 minutes later that would work, but because of how fast Sauer's DM is, the player would be stapping over bodies every 2 seconds :)

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#18: Re: new idea: spray tags

by Acord on 05/13/2007 06:36, refers to #17

I hate that they drop through the floor. Looks really bad when you see a corpse come down from the second/third floor of a map.

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#19: Re: new idea: spray tags

by Quin on 05/13/2007 10:22, refers to #18

Worked well in Cube because there was only one level :P

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#20: suggestion

by }TC{obi_de on 05/15/2007 20:58

i have a suggestion to make sauerbraten better...
you must make the spectator mode better. (firstperson is the best idea i think^^)

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