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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12359016 views, last view: 10/07/2024 19:29

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9165: Re: Perhaps if we move the forums

by tentus_ on 09/30/2007 18:19, refers to #9164

Who the hell are you? And why are you trying to steal my name?

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#9166: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 09/30/2007 21:23

This is sort of interesting if anyone wants to try to put it in.


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#9167: Vista crash

by screenmutt on 10/01/2007 01:06

Hey, when I try to open cube2 on vista it doesn't do anything. At all. Is there something I can do to fix this?

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#9168: Re: Vista crash

by SheeEttin on 10/01/2007 01:29, refers to #9167

How are you trying to open it? The .bat in the the main folder (probably C:\Program Files\Sauerbaten\)?

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#9169: Re: Vista crash

by Acord on 10/01/2007 02:21, refers to #9167

Try upgrading to windows 3.1 or MSDOS 6.0

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#9170: Re: Vista crash

by SheeEttin on 10/01/2007 02:58, refers to #9169

C'mon, Acord, nobody's got the money for such high-end OSes! Only big corporations can afford that.

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#9171: Re: Vista crash

by eihrul on 10/01/2007 03:01, refers to #9167

Read this thread and do what it says, except use the 32 bit processor link (ignore the 64 bit ones):

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#9172: ..

by makkE on 10/01/2007 09:31

Tentusa = Lavaball.

You are still too stupid to fake properly, Jean Pierre.

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#9173: Message censored by administrator

by Tentusa. on 10/01/2007 12:15, refers to #9172

#9174: Re: abuse

by MeatROme on 10/01/2007 12:31, refers to #9173

You know what I'd like to be?
I mean if I had my goddam choice?

I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all.

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#9175: Scripting help wanted

by N1NJ4 on 10/01/2007 13:20

Hello peeps, as usual I have questions about scripting in Sauerbraten. Firstly, can someone tell me what "bindvar" does? Secondly, I can't work out why the following code doesn't work. It creates a menu with a list of servers to connect to, but for some reason all the buttons connect to the last server... o_O:

favourite_servers = "action.us.to ga.wemew.com aus.wemew.com"
action.us.to_password = "apassword"
gen_serveritems = [
n = (listlen $arg1)
loop i $n [
sv = (at $arg1 $i)
aliasname = (concatword $sv _password)
password = (getalias $aliasname)
if (strcmp $password "") [
guibutton $sv (concat connect $sv)
guibutton $sv [echo concat $sv passwordis $password; serverpass = $password; connect $sv $password] "sauer"
newgui fave_servers [
guititle "Favourite servers"
gen_serveritems $favourite_servers
guibutton "Show master list.." "showgui servers"

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#9176: Re: Scripting help wanted

by MeatROme on 10/01/2007 13:35, refers to #9175

bindvar is explained in the docs, it's for toggling 0|1 variables via a keypress, like "9" (number key) is for toggling thirdperson.

You need to "@"-ify your aliases inside a CubeScript block ... sometimes you can get away w/o doing it, since it's not overwritten inside the block .. this version should work as intended (although the servers didn't work for me at all)

_favsrv = "action.us.to ga.wemew.com aus.wemew.com"
_favsrv_action.us.to_password = "apassword"
gen_serveritems = [
loop i (listlen $arg1) [
sv = (at $arg1 $i)
password = (getalias (concatword _favsrv_ $sv _password))
if (strcmp $password "") [
guibutton @sv (concat connect @sv)

guibutton @sv [echo @@sv password is @password; serverpass = @@password; connect @@sv @password] "sauer"
newgui "Favourite Servers" [
guititle "Favourite servers"
gen_serveritems $favourite_servers
guibutton "Show master list.." "showgui servers"

favsrv = [showgui [Favourite Servers]]

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#9177: Re: Scripting help wanted

by Drakas on 10/01/2007 13:55, refers to #9176

Ah, I seem to have forgotten to update the nameservers :P

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#9178: Re: Scripting help wanted

by MeatROme on 10/01/2007 14:05, refers to #9177

heh :-P

BTW - whatever is the 2nd argument to "connect" supposed to do - anyway, missed an @ there myself!

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#9179: Re: Scripting help wanted

by MeatROme on 10/01/2007 14:06, refers to #9178

guibutton (concat @sv "[" @password "]") [serverpass = @@password; connect @@sv] "server"

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#9180: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 10/01/2007 23:39, refers to #9172

OMG, JP's back?

Damn, I thought he would have grown up by now. I guess some things NEVER change (including his IP, apparently).

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#9181: Scripting help

by Roomon1 on 10/02/2007 05:18

Hey all!
I've been working with the Cube engine for a couple months now, and I recently got some friends interested in it too. Now they want me to set up a server that we can play on. This isn't too hard, but I'm trying to find a way to set up a script that'll act based on their nicknames. Like if one person claims master but another more responsible player comes on then the new player could take master w/o the admin password. Long story short, I can look at all the connections the server has (0, 1, 2, 3, etc. like w/ master status) but I don't know how to get the player's nicknames or IP addresses or anything like that in the script. Can anyone help me out a bit? Thanks!

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#9182: Help with Cube 2 on early imac

by Jotokun on 10/02/2007 07:22

I'm asking for help with Cube 2 on the original Rev.A imac(233mhz, 160mb ram). I can start cube 2, and it seems to completly load. I can hear the background music, and a tiny bit of the rendered enviornment(althogh it doesnt change when I move the mouse), and right as it finishes loading a level, it crashes. I dont know how to get this running. Can anyone help?

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#9183: Re: Help with Cube 2 on early imac

by Drakas on 10/02/2007 08:53, refers to #9182

Your Mac is kind of old...
Check http://cube.wikispaces.com/Beginners+Guide

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#9184: Re: Help with Cube 2 on early imac

by a baby rabbit on 10/02/2007 11:52, refers to #9182

If you're on a mac and it crashes, i.e. generates a crash report, then please send or provide a link to the report.

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