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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12361051 views, last view: 10/07/2024 23:29

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#9147: Re: Slow FPS

by eihrul on 09/27/2007 17:12, refers to #9145

You are using software rendering, i.e. you don't have an actual working OpenGL driver installed.

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#9148: Re: Changing map/server ingame

by apflstrudl on 09/27/2007 19:57, refers to #9137

well there is a way, but not for multiplayer yet. You've to use a trigger and when you walk on them you can execute any command you want. But it isn't possible in multiplayer (yet *hopes*).

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#9149: Re: Shuddering sound

by SheeEttin on 09/27/2007 21:16, refers to #9141

Well, it's gone away now, so if it occurs again I'll know what to try. Thanks.

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#9150: Wwise project

by modem on 09/28/2007 01:51

Audiokinetic's Wwise 2007.1 software was packaged with a sample project that was Cube + Wwise project files. I'm just wondering if there's any way I can get ahold of that again? (Audiokinetic no longer offers it)

Or, alternatively, any other audio project files B) I think I saw that you're using the FMOD engine in the releases that are up for download now.

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#9151: new files in CVS

by Q009 on 09/28/2007 19:33

i see new file in sauerbraten CVS data folder: lighting.png
what is that? i dont see it in game....

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#9152: Re: hmm

by Xplosion on 09/28/2007 19:52, refers to #9138

Yo.. FPS aint the problem anymore. On my 200m I'm running at 60 fps now. That isn't my issue.. my issue is that in edit mode the white boxes that appear around a object when you select it.. like the groudn to shape it... is all buggy looking.

My fps is perfectly fine lol

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#9153: Re: hmm

by SheeEttin on 09/28/2007 21:17, refers to #9152

Can you take a screenshot so we can tell what you're talking about? "Buggy looking" is not a very good description.

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#9154: My First Impressions

by bengreenwood on 09/29/2007 06:31


I had a quick go on Sauerbraten, and I like it, but there a few things.

1. I found the 3D menu a bit disorienting. I found out you could change it but I think it would be better starting in 2D.
2. It would be easier if there was a key config menu where each action was listed and there was the assigned key next to it (that you could change), like in most FPS games.
3. I found the single player games a bit too chaotic, with loads of weird aliens running about etc. I'd prefer it if they were more like your standard DM games.
4. It's a bit too fast for my liking- maybe there could be an option to change this? Like Game Speed: Fast, Medium, Slow etc.?

Don't get me wrong, I like it, especially the Quake style maps and the weapons. And it looks brilliant.


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#9155: Playing Standalone mode, second level

by lowededwookie on 09/29/2007 07:10

Okay, not sure if this is the place to post this but the layout of these forums are a bit weird.

Nonetheless, I'm having trouble on Level 2 of the standalone version of Sauerbraten.

I only seem to succeed in going around in circles. I figure I'm supposed to find all the switches but I can only seem to find two and there only seems to be two devil creatures that I can see of.

I also find this kind of pit with a door in it but I can't open the door thus I can't get out of the pit.

Am I missing something or has this level not actually been completed?

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#9156: Re: My First Impressions

by Drakas on 09/29/2007 08:34, refers to #9154

1) /gui2d 1
2) /bind "KEY" "ACTION"
3) SP is outdated, you'll have to wait
4) How can it be too fast? :P Sauer is sloooooow. If you play Warsow you'll know why

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#9157: ..

by Q009 on 09/29/2007 11:42

i see new file in sauerbraten CVS data folder: lighting.png
what is that? i dont see it in game....

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#9158: ..

by bengreenwood on 09/29/2007 12:57

Drakas, thanks for your reply. But why can't the game come with that stuff ready when you download it? I don't mean to be rude or anything here but a lot of people don't have time to mess around with settings etc. They'd rather it just worked like that 'out of the box', I think..

And about 3), well what's the harm in having the speed as an option? That way everyone's happy. I'm just used to slower DM games, that's all.


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#9159: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 09/29/2007 14:14, refers to #9158

Well the issue of working "out of the box" is something that's a little different for everyone - the decision lies with the developers and Aardappel has a very specific vision for sauerbraten.

There /is/ a menu for setting actions to keys already ... with the rather new (not that new though) text-field gui-elements maybe somebody will write up a GUI the way you described ... if you really want it - do it yourself and I bet it'd be gladly accepted ...

I've never seen a game that would vary it's overall speed .. and really .. most of us enjoy the fast-paced action a lot more than crawling through the game ;-)

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#9160: ..

by bengreenwood on 09/29/2007 15:00

Sure, ultimately, it's up to the developers, can't argue with that, can only give my 2 cents.

As for making a GUI myself, well, I'm learning to program now actually. Only started a couple of weeks ago, though. I just mentioned it like that because that's how pretty much all FPS games I've played do the control options thing, and it works well.

And Street Fighter 2 is one game where you could change the speed. It made sense because beginners used the lower settings and as you got better, you increased it, obviously.


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#9161: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/29/2007 15:55, refers to #9160

You can set the gamespeed variable in single player.

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#9162: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 09/29/2007 18:29, refers to #9160

As eihrul said, just type "/gamespeed 80" for 80% of the game-speed (after pressing T to talk).

And for your other points: The 3D-menu takes a while to get used to, but you'll love it, it will feel really natural if you give it a shot.
The game is not "ready out-of-the-box" because it is not finished. It is under active development and what we get here are just snapshots of the current status. The monsters look weird because they are old and there are not much people out there who take their time and produce some under a creative commons license. ;)

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#9163: Keep on getting disconnected

by add4390 on 09/30/2007 05:53

everytime I go to a server, I manage to stay on for a little bit then I get disconnected. It says it is (Normal) and such. I don\'t know what the problem is. Firewall doesn\'t have a problem with the game.

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#9164: Message censored by administrator

by Tentusa on 09/30/2007 18:03

#9165: Re: Perhaps if we move the forums

by tentus_ on 09/30/2007 18:19, refers to #9164

Who the hell are you? And why are you trying to steal my name?

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#9166: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 09/30/2007 21:23

This is sort of interesting if anyone wants to try to put it in.


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