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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12361067 views, last view: 10/07/2024 23:30

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#9134: Re: Sauerbraten fatal error.

by eihrul on 09/26/2007 19:17, refers to #9131

Remove those empty -w and -h command-line flags.

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#9135: Slowwwww fps

by Xplosion on 09/26/2007 21:48

Hey guys. I have a question.. I know it can be fixed but my FPS is very slow. It is less than 10 constantly.

AMD Turion64 ~1.8Ghz
ATI Radeon Xpress 200m

now the thing is, I posted this a while ago.. and someone gave me a command line to turn off the special effects or some sort of jazz in the game.. I do not know the command though. I had to reinstall it and its running slow again lol.

I have latest drivers, etc. I know for a fact it is a command that is keeping me from playing, I fixed the problem before.

Thanks in advance.

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#9136: Re: Slowwwww fps

by Xplosion on 09/26/2007 22:00, refers to #9135

Guys... Fixed that problem. Twas the shaders.... but one more question...

In editing mode, the white box that appears around a selection looks just plain crappy. It isn't thick and white like it is on my desktop. Its thin and glitched up. Any ideas?

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#9137: Changing map/server ingame

by Provosti on 09/27/2007 00:13

Is there a way to trigger joining server in multiplayer games without editing the actual source code?

So, that for an example the user walks into a teleport and then gets into another server.

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#9138: hmm

by ATIRULE on 09/27/2007 00:37

well if i where u id look into a half way decent gpu the AtiM200 is not for gaming by any school of thought. a cheap gpu that would be like x50 times better than what u have can be picked up online for less than 70.00Us
I have a gf6200 that i have over clocked and it runs most maps @60 fps max shaders I payed 64.98us on ebay the integrated gpu's are made for office use and it would most likey be worth the $$ even if u don't game a lot

sauer is best enjoyed cold and fully with shader

and ati have a history of issues with games go nvida if u can :P

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#9139: Re: hmm

by demosthenes on 09/27/2007 03:24, refers to #9138

It non-trivial to replace the GPU in a notebook. Check your facts first next time.

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#9140: Shuddering sound

by SheeEttin on 09/27/2007 03:36

Today, for some reason, sound started acting up on me. Every so often, the music will play about an eighth of a second, then an eighth of a second of silence, then another eighth of music for several seconds.

I searched like a good little user, and the only thing I found was a suggestion to tweak soundbufferlen (without an explanation of what it does or how I should tweak it). I tried several base-2 numbers, including the extremes (128 and 4096), but the effect was exactly the same.

The only change I can think of that I recently made to my system was that I updated my kernel (security update only, not a new kernel), but recompiling Sauer didn't make the problem go away...

Anyone have any suggestions?

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#9141: Re: Shuddering sound

by Acord on 09/27/2007 04:56, refers to #9140

I only notice that when I leave iTunes or Audacity active, so make sure you aren't running some sort of sound app in the background.

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#9142: Message censored by administrator

by Lex Luthor Alpha on 09/27/2007 08:55

#9143: Sauerbraten config for a macbook

by giogi on 09/27/2007 10:01

i've jsut bought a new macbook and i've tried to play sauerbraten on it but i didn't work really good so i thought maybe you can help me to set up a good config or maybe you have some tips to improve fluidity.

bye giogi

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#9144: Re: Sauerbraten config for a macbook

by absinth on 09/27/2007 13:29, refers to #9143

disable shaders in the mac launcher

btw why did you buy an macbook if you are interested in games?

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#9145: Slow FPS

by markg on 09/27/2007 14:52

I'm running the game on Vista and I'm getting 1-3 fps. The game starts up well, but I don't know why the FPS is like that. I've been reading previous posts and I think I've done all I've can to try solve the problem but I just can't figure out why.

Can anyone help me with this?

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#9146: Re: Slow FPS

by Acord on 09/27/2007 16:07, refers to #9145

We'll need to know your CPU/GPU/MEM before we can really help you.

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#9147: Re: Slow FPS

by eihrul on 09/27/2007 17:12, refers to #9145

You are using software rendering, i.e. you don't have an actual working OpenGL driver installed.

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#9148: Re: Changing map/server ingame

by apflstrudl on 09/27/2007 19:57, refers to #9137

well there is a way, but not for multiplayer yet. You've to use a trigger and when you walk on them you can execute any command you want. But it isn't possible in multiplayer (yet *hopes*).

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#9149: Re: Shuddering sound

by SheeEttin on 09/27/2007 21:16, refers to #9141

Well, it's gone away now, so if it occurs again I'll know what to try. Thanks.

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#9150: Wwise project

by modem on 09/28/2007 01:51

Audiokinetic's Wwise 2007.1 software was packaged with a sample project that was Cube + Wwise project files. I'm just wondering if there's any way I can get ahold of that again? (Audiokinetic no longer offers it)

Or, alternatively, any other audio project files B) I think I saw that you're using the FMOD engine in the releases that are up for download now.

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#9151: new files in CVS

by Q009 on 09/28/2007 19:33

i see new file in sauerbraten CVS data folder: lighting.png
what is that? i dont see it in game....

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#9152: Re: hmm

by Xplosion on 09/28/2007 19:52, refers to #9138

Yo.. FPS aint the problem anymore. On my 200m I'm running at 60 fps now. That isn't my issue.. my issue is that in edit mode the white boxes that appear around a object when you select it.. like the groudn to shape it... is all buggy looking.

My fps is perfectly fine lol

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#9153: Re: hmm

by SheeEttin on 09/28/2007 21:17, refers to #9152

Can you take a screenshot so we can tell what you're talking about? "Buggy looking" is not a very good description.

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