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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12363609 views, last view: 10/08/2024 04:25

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9118: CVS

by Q009 on 09/24/2007 15:18

Hmmmm... Why CVS has no changes???
I'm every day updating my CVS and notching...

BTW Sorry for simple speakin english...
I'm while learning... =/

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#9119: adding animations/changing the players speed

by mathisjr98 on 09/25/2007 06:48, refers to #9118

1st, how do I add animations to saurbraten? What do I have to change in the code?

And 2nd how do I change the speed of the player running?


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#9120: Re: adding animations/changing the players speed

by demosthenes on 09/25/2007 07:30, refers to #9119

The code is well commented. You need to know the barest of C++ to figure out at least one of your questions. We (the community in general) do not have time to guide everyone who asks these sorts of questions through every change they want to implement to the code.

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#9121: Re: adding animations/changing the players speed

by Drakas on 09/25/2007 08:55, refers to #9119


and read the code.

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#9122: Sauerbraten on 64bit machines

by dancer on 09/26/2007 00:08

HI there,
as I haven't found it on the net:
does Sauerbraten work on a 64bit processor and if yes, what do I have to change?


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#9123: Re: Sauerbraten on 64bit machines

by SheeEttin on 09/26/2007 00:19, refers to #9122

Yes, nothing.
Most, if not all, 32-bit programs will work in a 64-bit environment.

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#9124: Re: Sauerbraten on 64bit machines

by dancer on 09/26/2007 00:28, refers to #9123

well then I need technical support.
Cause it does not work on my machine.
This application has failed to start because the apllication configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I upgraded to an 64bit machine. After installing it here it does not work anymore.
Or is there a known problem with Matrox Parhelia APVe?


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#9125: Re: adding animations/changing the players speed

by mathisjr98 on 09/26/2007 00:29, refers to #9120

can you at least tell me for what question i need C++ for? And for the other I can just change it in the .cfg?

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#9126: Re: Sauerbraten on 64bit machines

by SheeEttin on 09/26/2007 00:54, refers to #9124

Is this Linux or Windows?

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#9127: Re: Sauerbraten on 64bit machines

by noerrorsfound!!! on 09/26/2007 02:45, refers to #9124

Did you compile Sauerbraten for your platform? In Linux I had to compile 64-bit binaries, so I think you'll need to do that in Windows, too.

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#9128: Re: adding animations/changing the players speed

by demosthenes on 09/26/2007 04:16, refers to #9125

Depending on what sort of animation you mean, both questions will require C++. Check physics.cpp for your speed question, it may hold the answer.

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#9129: Re: Sauerbraten on 64bit machines

by eihrul on 09/26/2007 04:42, refers to #9124

Go to this thread:


Follows the direction, but download from the link labeled "If on a *32* bit ..."

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#9130: ..

by vista is the OWN on 09/26/2007 05:10

how do you make normal maps?

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#9131: Sauerbraten fatal error.

by TwoDogsDead on 09/26/2007 07:14

immediately upon starting the summer version, it errors out like this:


and closes itself.

i've never had problems with sauer before. help?

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#9132: eisenstern : menus & thirdperson

by gabdab000 on 09/26/2007 11:06

There is a prob with eisenstern (rpg) and menus in thirdperson mode.
It is hard to reach options in actions menu.
Is there a way to switch to firstperson mode keeping thirdperson model visible ?

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#9133: Sometimes the lava material doesn't kill

by Lex Luthor Alpha on 09/26/2007 14:53

To go in the lava without dying go in the lava and immediately switch to edit mode and you can swim in the lava just like water and also when you type /kill you don't die once you did this bug, So a little bugfix for this would help.

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#9134: Re: Sauerbraten fatal error.

by eihrul on 09/26/2007 19:17, refers to #9131

Remove those empty -w and -h command-line flags.

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#9135: Slowwwww fps

by Xplosion on 09/26/2007 21:48

Hey guys. I have a question.. I know it can be fixed but my FPS is very slow. It is less than 10 constantly.

AMD Turion64 ~1.8Ghz
ATI Radeon Xpress 200m

now the thing is, I posted this a while ago.. and someone gave me a command line to turn off the special effects or some sort of jazz in the game.. I do not know the command though. I had to reinstall it and its running slow again lol.

I have latest drivers, etc. I know for a fact it is a command that is keeping me from playing, I fixed the problem before.

Thanks in advance.

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#9136: Re: Slowwwww fps

by Xplosion on 09/26/2007 22:00, refers to #9135

Guys... Fixed that problem. Twas the shaders.... but one more question...

In editing mode, the white box that appears around a selection looks just plain crappy. It isn't thick and white like it is on my desktop. Its thin and glitched up. Any ideas?

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#9137: Changing map/server ingame

by Provosti on 09/27/2007 00:13

Is there a way to trigger joining server in multiplayer games without editing the actual source code?

So, that for an example the user walks into a teleport and then gets into another server.

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