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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12363606 views, last view: 10/08/2024 04:25

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#9094: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by eihrul on 09/19/2007 20:33, refers to #9093

Go into the main sauerbraten directory and type ./sauerbraten_unix

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#9095: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by ancestral666 on 09/19/2007 20:49, refers to #9094


It's what I ve done. I ran the bash script from the main directory.

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#9096: ..

by eihrul on 09/19/2007 22:20

Then you are, as it says, missing the Sauerbraten data files.

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#9097: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by ancestral666 on 09/20/2007 17:19, refers to #9096

Building again libSDL_image from source solved the problem : ))

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#9098: /loadcrosshair

by SheeEttin on 09/20/2007 23:06

So I got annoyed not having a method of loading a crosshair in-game, so I hacked together a /loadcrosshair.

I know next to nothing about C++, so if anyone would be willing to check it out (and I'm none too sure about the syntax of textureload(), either), that'd be great.

Patch here: http://paste.biz/paste-2779.html
(Don't copy-paste, hit "download".)

I'd provide binaries, but my source is too customized already (and I don't know how to compile a Windows binary).

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#9099: Re: /loadcrosshair

by eihrul on 09/20/2007 23:20, refers to #9098

Er... why? This is already in CVS since weeks ago.

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#9100: Re: /loadcrosshair

by SheeEttin on 09/20/2007 23:27, refers to #9099

It is? Really?

This is the second time that I've written something, only to find out that someone's already done it...

Well, at least I gained a little experience in coding. (Very little.)

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#9101: help!

by JohnLudbridge on 09/21/2007 23:06

what command do I type in to set up a lan server that doesn\'t connect to the master server? Please make it too detailed, i\'m a noob

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#9102: Re: help!

by Drakas on 09/21/2007 23:12, refers to #9101

Read the fine manual.

Or.... "-mlocalhost" is an option to add :P

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#9103: Re: help!

by JohnLudbridge on 09/21/2007 23:14, refers to #9102

I know, but what\'s the step by step?

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#9104: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/22/2007 00:01

1. Add -mlocalhost to the command line (or batch file if on Windows).
2. Run server.

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#9105: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 09/22/2007 02:22

anyone else use Modo or is that pretty much just me?

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#9106: ..

by geartrooper^2 on 09/22/2007 03:28

I use mojo.

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#9107: Multiplayer not working (Cube1/AssaultCube)

by Verdugo on 09/22/2007 18:46

I dunno why, but every time i click update from master server, my game crashes. Help! Thanks.

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#9108: Re: Multiplayer not working (Cube1/AssaultCube)

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 09/22/2007 19:29, refers to #9107

does it have granted internet acess, like do you have a firewall or some other virus program enabled?

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#9109: Invert Mouse Look

by Coppertop on 09/22/2007 21:58


Can anybody tell me how to invert the look up/down mouse settings? Which file to edit and what commands?


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#9110: Re: Invert Mouse Look

by Drakas on 09/22/2007 22:08, refers to #9109

Heard of the manual?
Or of the concept 'RTFM'?


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#9111: Re: Invert Mouse Look

by SheeEttin on 09/22/2007 23:08, refers to #9110

It's also in the settings GUI.

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#9112: Message censored by administrator

by Coppertop on 09/23/2007 09:03, refers to #9110

#9113: Re: Invert Mouse Look

by Coppertop on 09/23/2007 09:05, refers to #9111


Sorry I wasn't more clear... I was referring to Assualt Cube for the Mac. I don't see this GUI setting in this game anywhere.

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