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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12362044 views, last view: 10/08/2024 01:25

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#9084: ..

by Acord on 09/18/2007 17:23

Honestly, even if the bots are dropping in a random number, they're bound to get in eventually.

Hey! Here's an idea: Instead of using a bot readable font for the math puzzle, why not use a non-bot readable series of images instead? Seems to work for almost everyone else.

Just not the wavy unreadable stuff. please.

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#9085: Halp

by Pazuzu on 09/19/2007 03:14

It says "Please move the directory containing Sauerbraten to a path that doesn't contain weird characters or start Sauerbraten manually."

But no matter where I move it, the message pops up. What do I do?

Sorry for the noobish question.

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#9086: ..

by Acord on 09/19/2007 04:39

Change the name of the directory. Don't use anything but letters and numbers. If you've just gotta have a space, use the underscore instead.

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#9087: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 09/19/2007 04:53, refers to #9084

Or we could have a set of simple questions: "Name the author of Cube." The odds of a bot getting that are astronomically low (and it may save us some time too).

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#9088: for ze germans:

by Aardappel_ on 09/19/2007 11:05


sauerbraten gets a recommendation in this episode (at 2:55)

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#9089: Re: Halp

by a baby rabbit on 09/19/2007 11:07, refers to #9085

So you're on a mac. You may have changed the directory structure - and the sauerbraten application requires that the sauerbaten folder is alongside it.

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#9090: Spam

by Morosoph on 09/19/2007 12:18, refers to #9084

Recaptcha? http://recaptcha.net/

Decyphering old books has got to be worthwhile...

Ps. I was referring to game bots earlier. Make sure that any inteligence required to crack the captcha will be useful to the game!

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#9091: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by ancestral666 on 09/19/2007 16:47

Hi, I get a library loading error when I try to launch sauerbraten.

I am on a system where I can not access as root so I installed library I missed in ~/usr/lib.
In particular I put libSDL_image in that directory and then added the path to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.

"It should work" I thought but it didn't...

What can I do guys?

thx a lot

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#9092: Re: for ze germans:

by Drakas on 09/19/2007 17:44, refers to #9088

screenshots are like from a version that's one year old now :P

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#9093: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by ancestral666 on 09/19/2007 17:47, refers to #9091

I solved first problem (stupid mistake by me typing path)

But now I get an error really I don't understand and that many people reported:

could not load texture data/crosshair.png
could not find core textures

But I have libpng installed!

I must play this game

what can I do?

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#9094: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by eihrul on 09/19/2007 20:33, refers to #9093

Go into the main sauerbraten directory and type ./sauerbraten_unix

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#9095: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by ancestral666 on 09/19/2007 20:49, refers to #9094


It's what I ve done. I ran the bash script from the main directory.

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#9096: ..

by eihrul on 09/19/2007 22:20

Then you are, as it says, missing the Sauerbraten data files.

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#9097: Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Sauerbraten

by ancestral666 on 09/20/2007 17:19, refers to #9096

Building again libSDL_image from source solved the problem : ))

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#9098: /loadcrosshair

by SheeEttin on 09/20/2007 23:06

So I got annoyed not having a method of loading a crosshair in-game, so I hacked together a /loadcrosshair.

I know next to nothing about C++, so if anyone would be willing to check it out (and I'm none too sure about the syntax of textureload(), either), that'd be great.

Patch here: http://paste.biz/paste-2779.html
(Don't copy-paste, hit "download".)

I'd provide binaries, but my source is too customized already (and I don't know how to compile a Windows binary).

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#9099: Re: /loadcrosshair

by eihrul on 09/20/2007 23:20, refers to #9098

Er... why? This is already in CVS since weeks ago.

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#9100: Re: /loadcrosshair

by SheeEttin on 09/20/2007 23:27, refers to #9099

It is? Really?

This is the second time that I've written something, only to find out that someone's already done it...

Well, at least I gained a little experience in coding. (Very little.)

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#9101: help!

by JohnLudbridge on 09/21/2007 23:06

what command do I type in to set up a lan server that doesn\'t connect to the master server? Please make it too detailed, i\'m a noob

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#9102: Re: help!

by Drakas on 09/21/2007 23:12, refers to #9101

Read the fine manual.

Or.... "-mlocalhost" is an option to add :P

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#9103: Re: help!

by JohnLudbridge on 09/21/2007 23:14, refers to #9102

I know, but what\'s the step by step?

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