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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12361071 views, last view: 10/07/2024 23:30

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#9071: ..

by randomcivilian [just found linux] on 09/17/2007 00:41

Your graphics card is really not good for playing Sauerbraten. Intel cards=NOT GOOD. sorry.

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#9072: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 09/17/2007 03:13, refers to #9068

Then what would be the point of the two different libraries? It'd simply be two different ways to say the same exact thing, and if that were true, we'd already see DX functionality on other platforms. It wouldn't be that hard to write a library that allowed you to use DirectX nomenclature and command structure if it ended up being the same as the equivalent OGL.

Were there a common instruction set (or two equivalent), why would you want two different rendering libraries, especially when one could be developed faster.

Anyway, we ought to drop this now. Agree to disagree?

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#9073: Re: ..

by ctate on 09/17/2007 06:25, refers to #9071

I know the Intel onboard graphics chipsets are low-performing, but that doesn't explain outright application crashes. Is there a bug tracker for Sauerbraten yet?

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#9074: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/17/2007 06:34, refers to #9073

Your OpenGL driver is buggy.

Go into your sauerbraten directory, edit the init.cfg file, and where it says:

shaders 1

change it to:

shaders 0

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#9075: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/17/2007 06:36, refers to #9074

Alternatively, if there is no init.cfg yet, edit sauerbraten.bat and add the -f command-line switch, then run that bat file.

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#9076: Re: ..

by djGentoo on 09/17/2007 20:06, refers to #9071

Funny... Sauer runs fine with Debian Etch, a Core Duo @1.73GHz, 512MB RAM (128MB set aside for X), KDE 3.5 (with a lot of effects turned on), and a GMA950. Hmmm...

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#9077: Re: ..

by randomcivilian [just found linux] on 09/18/2007 01:32, refers to #9076


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#9078: Server help

by tailsfanatic on 09/18/2007 02:32

I was running a server fine, but I was continually updating it. It worked fine before, now all of a sudden when I try to make one the command line displays the message 'your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings.' I never changed my firewall settings before this happened. The only thing I changed was that I was using -lneonpanic at startup. But I stopped using that command and it still won't work.

Please Help

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#9079: Message censored by administrator

by jonn1 on 09/18/2007 04:38

#9080: ..

by eihrul on 09/18/2007 04:41

Okay, time to to bring out the statistics and calculus questions for the captcha. The spambots are getting too smart. :(

Though, think if we could harvest this trend for the common good: make them take the most difficult Turing test conceived, in hopes they catapult AI research centuries ahead.

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#9081: Re: ..

by Drakas on 09/18/2007 08:43, refers to #9080

How about (x+y)^2 = ?

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#9082: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 09/18/2007 10:07, refers to #9080

Yes, AI research would really benefit. This board however would become deserted like sand around the Sarlacc. =D =D

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#9083: On the Plus Side

by Morosoph on 09/18/2007 12:54, refers to #9080

Better AI could mean better bots.

One of the hard problems in chess is to make computers make human-like mistakes, after all!

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#9084: ..

by Acord on 09/18/2007 17:23

Honestly, even if the bots are dropping in a random number, they're bound to get in eventually.

Hey! Here's an idea: Instead of using a bot readable font for the math puzzle, why not use a non-bot readable series of images instead? Seems to work for almost everyone else.

Just not the wavy unreadable stuff. please.

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#9085: Halp

by Pazuzu on 09/19/2007 03:14

It says "Please move the directory containing Sauerbraten to a path that doesn't contain weird characters or start Sauerbraten manually."

But no matter where I move it, the message pops up. What do I do?

Sorry for the noobish question.

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#9086: ..

by Acord on 09/19/2007 04:39

Change the name of the directory. Don't use anything but letters and numbers. If you've just gotta have a space, use the underscore instead.

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#9087: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 09/19/2007 04:53, refers to #9084

Or we could have a set of simple questions: "Name the author of Cube." The odds of a bot getting that are astronomically low (and it may save us some time too).

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#9088: for ze germans:

by Aardappel_ on 09/19/2007 11:05


sauerbraten gets a recommendation in this episode (at 2:55)

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#9089: Re: Halp

by a baby rabbit on 09/19/2007 11:07, refers to #9085

So you're on a mac. You may have changed the directory structure - and the sauerbraten application requires that the sauerbaten folder is alongside it.

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#9090: Spam

by Morosoph on 09/19/2007 12:18, refers to #9084

Recaptcha? http://recaptcha.net/

Decyphering old books has got to be worthwhile...

Ps. I was referring to game bots earlier. Make sure that any inteligence required to crack the captcha will be useful to the game!

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