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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12365560 views, last view: 10/08/2024 08:43

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#9016: Message censored by administrator

by jonn3 on 09/08/2007 23:17

#9017: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/09/2007 05:38, refers to #9015

Perhaps it should.


I've tried doing the following:

Connecting to a (local, lan, internet) server.
/setmaster 1
/recorddemo 1
/map cmap16
<recreate it>
/map (metl4, nmp4)

The demo isn't there. The first two are empty, the last listed woop clan's other five demos, but not mine! :(

Only time I set the next map to nmp4 was on woop clan's server to put it back the way I found it. :)

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#9018: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by eihrul on 09/09/2007 06:36, refers to #9017

You must be admin on the server, not just master.

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#9019: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 09/09/2007 07:25, refers to #9018

Got it. Will try again next time I'm at home. Guess I didn't quite read the docs carefully enough. Saw setmaster was required, missed completely the need to be admin.

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#9020: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Quin on 09/09/2007 07:25, refers to #9018

So how about making it (and the other such commands) a teeny bit more verbose and actually tell you that? :P

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#9021: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Q009 on 09/09/2007 11:06, refers to #9020

I can't record the demo...
I'm created the server and i'm claimed the admin...
I did "/recorddemo 1" and i see:
"demo recording is enabled for next match"
So i'm changing map and i see:
"recording demo"
Later i'm typing "/stopdemo" and "/listdemos" and i !!!see!!!:
"listing demos..."
"no demos available"!!!!!!!!!!!

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#9022: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Drakas on 09/09/2007 12:39, refers to #9021

You have to change the map before that.

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#9023: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Q009 on 09/09/2007 14:33, refers to #9022

Don't works... =(

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#9024: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 09/10/2007 06:45, refers to #9022

Okay, so what do you actually have to do. Here's what I've done - tell me what you would have done, please. What would you type to make this work?

I make a server with an admin password (both locally and through Hamachi in different trials)

/setmaster <pass>
- Tells me I took admin
/recorddemo 1
- Tells me demo recording is enabled next round
/map cmap16
- Tells me a demo is recording
<recreate the glitch>
- No output; it doesn't say anything in the console out in-game or outside of the game.
/map metl4
- Tells me there are no available demos
(also tells me that before I change maps, stopdemo or not)

I'm now confused. I really would like to get this working, as demos are a cool feature regardless.

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#9025: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Drakas on 09/10/2007 09:13, refers to #9024


stopdemo is for when playing back a demo, by the way.

I am not sure, but I think that you may need to wait to finish a whole game before you can actually play it back. Let's see what the ones who kno have to say about this.

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#9026: WTF????

by Q009 on 09/10/2007 15:07


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#9027: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/10/2007 19:36, refers to #9025

Okay, I'll try letting the game end.

But the docs say this about stopdemo:


If in multiplayer, this command will finish recording a demo prematurely instead of waiting till the end of a match. Requires admin privileges.

Anyway, trying it again soon.

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#9028: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/10/2007 21:04, refers to #9027

Got it to work in Kubuntu. Turns out, it's a windows problem.


Map and demo file. Watch the bridge near the middle of the map and look away from the low cliffs on one side of the bridge.

I go flying! Repeatedly.

Eventually, I get stuck on the bridge, try to blow myself up, and just stop the demo.

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#9029: Re: How can I help

by 90sman on 09/11/2007 17:14, refers to #9009

i have a pentium 233MHz processor and a Matrox 8MB video card why is my framerate low?

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#9030: Re: How can I help

by demosthenes on 09/11/2007 20:25, refers to #9029

Because you'd want at least 120 MB more on your video card and a processor 5 times faster to play Sauer in pretty mode?

You can, of course, try turning everything down:

bin\sauerbraten.exe -w640 -h480 -f0 -a0

Turning off waterrefract, reflect, etc. may also help.

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#9031: allocate texture random bug

by LeOuf5 on 09/12/2007 15:04

on my ubuntu, intel 945 config, allocate texture 636 bug happens on face-capture (eg) randomly : sometimes no errors, sometimes everytime, with very low fps as a consequence.

Thanks for a solution !

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#9032: CVS... THE NEW AND LAST QUESTION - maybe...

by Q009 on 09/12/2007 16:10

How to get acces to the Sauerbraten CVS repository? I want add some maps...

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#9033: Re: How can I help

by Drakas on 09/12/2007 17:37, refers to #9029

Well, because your specification is about at least 15 times poorer than it is for a recommended system.

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#9034: Re: CVS... THE NEW AND LAST QUESTION - maybe...

by Quin on 09/12/2007 17:57, refers to #9032


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#9035: ARGH!!!!!

by Q009 on 09/12/2007 19:28

I speaking ONLY SOME english...

I want add only one map and i dont have acces to the repository... =(

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